
The Quintessential Quintuplets : A Tale of Five Routes and a Harem

A fanfic about The Quintessential Quintuplets. With each Quint having their own route and a different girl Fuutarou meets when he's just a kid, how will the story turn out? Ichika Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Nino Route : Finished (Will be rewritten) Miku Route : Current Route Yotsuba Route : To Be Written Itsuki Route : To Be Written Harem Route : To Be Written - My first fanfic, go easy on me. I may not be the best storyteller, but I'd still like to share a story with you guys. - How do you all like the new title? Tell me in the comments. Formerly known as : 5 Cake Slices - Reposted because of reasons.

LoliConnoisseur · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

Chapter 03 - Studying with the Quints

After tutoring, Fuutarou went home. But Ichika wanted to come with him as he go home. Fuutarou didn't had any problems with it and let her come. He also exchange contacts with the Quints because Nino asked for his.

Fuutarou went home as Ichika tagged along. But as he was about to enter, the door suddenly opened and a silhouette of a little girl jumped and hugged Fuutarou.

"Welcome home Onii-chan!" The little girl said as she softly hug her big brother.

"I'm back, Raiha." Fuutarou replied while hugging his sister back.

"Ehem." Ichika cleared her throat and both siblings turned their head towards her.

"Ah Onii-chan! That girl is your student right!" Raiha asked as she looked over her brother's shoulder.

"Ufufu, that's right." Ichika continued, " My name is Nakano Ichika." She smiled and looked at Fuutarou's little sister.

"My name is Uesugi Raiha nice to meet you!" Raiha said with glee as she had a smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you too, Raiha-chan." Ichika replied.

"Hmm!" Raiha lets out a sound as she brought Ichika in their house and slammed the door shut.

Fuutarou, who was left outside shakes his as he too went in.


Inside the Uesugi residence, Ichika was telling Raiha about his brother when he teaches and Raiha had stars in her eyes.

Then Raiha told Ichika stories about Fuutarou. Fuutarou had no problems about it but Fuutarou quickly closed Raiha's mouth as she was about to reveal his childhood crush. Ichika tilted her head in confused but didn't pry any further.

When they're about to continue talking, the door suddenly opened. Fuutarou's father appeared as he walked in.

Ichika excused herself and was about to go home but Raiha invited her for dinner. Ichika was about to refuse but Raiha gave her the puppy eyes and begged her to stay. Ichika wasn't able to resist and eventually gave in and stayed to have dinner with the Uesugi family.


After dinner, Fuutarou joined Ichika on waiting for a cab. Both of them talked about random topics and laughed at each other's jokes. But all things must come to an end as a car arrive and Ichika waved goodbye to Fuutarou as she went in and closed the door. Fuutarou watched the car leave and went home.


It was September and the Midterm exams is on October giving Fuutarou plenty of time to teach the Quints. Though Fuutarou noticed a pattern in the Quints. The Quints has a preferred subject that they excel. Ichika for Math, Nino for English, Miku for History, Yotsuba for Japanese and Itsuki for Science. And as Fuutarou look at things, he won't be able to make them pass all subjects but he can make them pass at least one subject.

Fuutarou went to the library to get some books for the tutoring session. As he walked around looking for books, he saw one of his tutee who was reading a book, completely focused. He saw this and look at what type of book is it. He looked around the shelf and saw a sign near the books that says [History]. He tapped her shoulders and called out.

"Miku." Fuutarou said while he watched Miku's actions.

"Uwaaahh!" Miku let out a cute sound as the book flew out of her hands and fell on the ground.

Fuutarou chuckles and helped her get the book she dropped.

Miku who was surprised, looks at Fuutarou and pouts at him and turns her head away. But she quickly realizes who was with her and stares at him in horror and looks down.

"...it." Miku mumbled

Fuutarou didn't hear she said and came near her.

"What is it, Miku?" Fuutarou asked.

"You saw it didn't you?" Miku answered as an ominous aura wraps around her.

Fuutarou looks away.

"Don't you dare tell anyone..." Miku says as the ominous aura around her slowly disappears, "...that I like warriors of the Sengoku Period." Miku said and covers her face with her hands, embarrassed.

"Hmm, what made you like them?" Fuutarou asked.

"It's because of the game I borrowed from Yotsuba. I was attracted to the ambitions of the generals in there. Then I started reading about them. But my classmates usually like handsome movie actors or beautiful models. As for me, I like older guys with facial hair... I'm so weird."

"That's not weird! No matter what people says about what you like, their opinions shouldn't matter to you." Fuutarou replied as he smiles at Miku.

Miku sees this and blushes as she find his smile charming. But his next words made her smile.

"I may be the smartest in the grade but there's things that I don't know too, would you help me with that Miku?" Fuutarou asked.

"Hmm!" Miku replied.

Fuutarou found her cute like his little sister. He then looked at the time and saw that there's enough time for a short study session. He invited Miku which she gladly accepted and Fuutarou started their short study session.


After their short study session, Fuutarou and Miku met up with the other Quints as they went together to the Pentagon, where the Quints live.

They started the study session and the other Quints couldn't help but notice that Miku is engaging in the study session more than she did yesterday. The Quints thought that it may be because they're tackling history, the Sengoku Period to be exact.

"Good job, Miku." Fuutarou said as he patted Miku's head who was in bliss.

The other Quints saw this started to do their best, hoping that Fuutarou will do the same for them. Though each Quint had a different thought from each other.

'Not fair, Onee-chan wants to get pats too.' Ichika said inwardly as she tried her gave her best.

'I will not lose to Miku! I will get my head patted by Fuu-kun!' Nino thought.

'Hehe, I love getting patted by Fuutarou' Miku thought as she smiled.

'If I do my best, I may get my head patted!' An Idea sprouted in Yotsuba's head.

'I wonder how it fee- what are you thinking Itsuki!' Itsuki who was red, tried to focus on their work but failed as she imagined herself in Miku's shoes.

Seeing them work their best, Fuutarou smiles as he went to each quint and patted their heads while he went near their ear and said, "Good job." This brought each Quint to turn red like a ripe tomato and smoke rised from their heads.

Fuutarou who saw them get red, laughed. This made the Quints mad at him and tackled him. It's a good thing that Fuutarou works out or he'd be crushed by the sheer weight of their chest.

(AN : Those breasts can suffocate you. I would like to die by those... My thoughts are leaking.)


{Sunday, September 30th. Today there will be Fireworks festivals in Higshicho} The radio declared.

Time went quickly as they enjoy their tutoring sessions. Two days has passed since he officially tutored the Quints. The day was now September 30, Sunday. Fuutarou noticed that his exams dropped a bit from teaching the Quints so used the day to study. But before he was about to start. The doorbell rang. Fuutarou went to check who it is and saw Ichika outside waiting. He quickly opened the door let Ichika in.

Fuutarou was about to tell Raiha to serve tea but he was beaten to it as Raiha already set the table. But he didn't mind it anymore as he need to entertain their guest.


On the table, there's an envelope with a word salary on it.

"This is the salary Dad wanted me to give you." Ichika said as she sipped her tea.

"Wow! Onii-chan worked hard!" Raiha said as she looked over her brother's shoulder.

"I just went there twice. Don't really expect too much." Fuutarou said as he opened the envelope. He was surprised as he saw what the envelope contained.

"5,000 yen multiplied by five people per day. So the total for two days 50,000 yen. This is much more that I received from that job..." Fuutarou said the last part silently.

"What was that Fuutarou-kun?" Ichika asked.

"Nothing." Fuutarou replied, "But is it fine?"

"It's fine. You changed something in all of us. Bit by bit." Ichika said, smiling at him.

"Even you, Ichika?" Fuutarou said as he smirks at her.

"Y-yes, even me." Ichika replied as she turns her red face away.

"Ah! Onii-chan is flirting!" Raiha exclaimed. Ichika who was red before turned redder than before and Fuutarou has a tinge of red on his face.

"Hehe." Raiha giggled seeing this.

After that whole banter, Fuutarou asked Raiha is she wants to go out. To which Raiha replied that she want to go to this arcade with her big brother and big sister in which the latter smiled as she received another little sister.


They spent their time playing games around the arcade. And one game, Ichika and Raiha teamed up to beat Fuutarou. Their scores tied and was on the final point for each other. Fuutarou tried to score and Ichika was about to block it and missed but something unexpected happened. Her breasts blocked the goal and it bounced back right at his goal. Which gave the girls score and won the game. Fuutarou who was shocked, stared at her breasts. He then excused himself and went to the bathroom.

"Onii-chan was staring at your breasts Ichika-san." Raiha said as he looked at where her brother went to

'He was looking!' Ichika thought, her face was red.

After Fuutarou came back, they went up a photo booth and took a picture.

"Thank you, Onii-chan! I will consider them my treasure for the rest of my life!"

Fuutarou smiles at this.

"Ichika, thank you for coming with us today."


"Sunday is finally over. Wait, I still have the night." Fuutarou said, " All of you remember to study tonight."

"Ah." Ichika remembered something, "Fuutarou-kun, I'll go home now. My sisters must be waiting for me." Ichika said as she hurriedly walked away.

"Fishy..." Fuutarou said as followed Ichika, "The assignments, have you done it?"

"O-Of course I have done it." Ichika said as she averted her eyes.

"Onii-chan, I see four Ichika." Raiha said.

"What?" Fuutarou turned his head towards the direction Raiha is looking and saw the other Quints.


"Fuutarou, let's go to the festival."


"Who is this? Are you Uesugi's little sister? Let's go to the festival, come with us!" Yotsuba invited Raiha.

"I guess today is a holiday. Raiha, do you want to go to the festival?" Fuutarou asked.

"We can? Yatta!" Raiha exclaimed.


Author Section :

1,784 words. Damn. It's good to be back. This chapter, we got Miku to open up! I also altered the one who will go to the Uesugi's residence because I can. The timeline of Quintessential Quintuplets is weird, I mean it says the early September is when Fuutarou started teaching the Quints but two days after that is September 30. Like how. I don't know if I captured the personalities of the characters in this chapter. I was tired from last week. Too much school stuff. Although I said that chapter 3 is Festival with the Quints, I needed to make this chapter first before diving in the Festival Arc.

I'm thinking of working on another fic. And I say working on because I haven't decided yet. The title would be "The Strongest Vampire In The Multiverse". The starting world is "Strike The Blood."

I also thought of writing filler chapters but I can just do that in the Harem Route Side Stories. You actually better thank someone you could that I don't know how to write cliffhanger.

Power stones please. Also if you like it, add it to your library.

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