
The Queen of Nevadie

Stacey Queen, the only female werewolf that possesses magical power that she has no control over has great ambitions to make peace among Vampires, Werewolves, Christians, and Pagans. On her journey to end the never-ending war, the entire story revolved around Stacey, every decision she made, every step she took, whether it was a good step or a bad step; it all felt like everything depended on her, which made her feel alone for a while, but as she grew, she realized that she had to make good decisions that have positive impacts on everyone around her, and this quickly built a very good character for Stacey, despite her bad name at the start.

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14 Chs

Chapter 2

Greetings to you all," said King Isaac. "Our scouts have just informed me that there is a small army of southside werewolves camped at the kingdom's border. I figured they came to pay us a surprise early attack on our animals because they didn't want us to be expecting them or ambushed, so they came earlier than usual. The good news is that tonight will go down in history as the night we captured the werewolf King of the Southside, "King Leonard Young," and we shall slay their strongest wolves as well. It will be a mission that they failed, and the wolves from the Southside won't survive the winter. But! The bad news is that since we have no other choice except to surprise them tonight, they have an advantage over us because they can see better in the dark than we can.

Sir Bryan and Sir Allan were given command after King Isaac addressed his troops. Sir Bryan is a very brave Christian warrior who has slain many vampires and wolves in the past, while Allan is renowned for his outstanding leadership abilities in combat. King Isaac's strategy was to flank the wolves from opposing directions. Because he did not want the southside wolf king to flee, he ordered his soldiers to gather with their forces on opposite sides so they could surround the wolves.

As soon as King Leonard had done telling the tale of his father, everyone retired to bed in preparation for the next hunt. Stacey decided to follow Raymond Ariel's "The Night Wolf" because she saw him leave the camp and wanted to know why he left the camp. Raymond sensed that someone was following him, so he shapeshifted and started running quickly, and without thinking, Stacey also shifted and followed him. Little did Mr. Night Wolf know that Stacey had seen him leave. They were simply racing north at this moment, not caring that they were approaching the northern Christian boundary. The inability to keep up with Raymond's running pace caused Stacey to eventually lose sight of him. She stopped at the top of a mountain where she could see the Christian farm but no farmers or guards were present around the animals. Stacey knew immediately that something was wrong and howled to alert the wolves. She soon realized that Raymond was in danger and sprinted to save him. To her greatest surprise, Raymond had already killed a sizable army of Christians in a short period of time, but he needed assistance. Raymond had two Christian men pinned down and were about to chop off their heads when an archer had his arrow ready to be released. Stacey could not get to the archer in time, so Raymond's life depended on her next move. Stacey shapeshifted back to a human so she could use her magical abilities to save Raymond. When Raymond turned around and saw Stacey's eyes, he recognized that she had just used magic to save his life. He then noticed the archer and became enraged and savage, ripping off the guard's head and biting off the archer's head. Together, Stacey and Raymond howled to show that they were still alive. In order to utilize the animals as a distraction as they fled, Stacey and Raymond chased the animals south.

Unfortunately, the situation on the other side of the conflict was not good. The Christians had attacked King Leonard and his troops before, killing the majority of them and wounding the king himself. When the Christians noticed a sizable herd of animals moving in the direction of the south, King Leonard and his final five true alphas were in grave peril. King Leonard was misplaced as a result of their diversion. Shortly after, Stacey and Raymond reached the camp and rescued the King and the other wolves. When the king witnessed the witch wolf and the night wolf slaughter an entire army of Christians, he could not believe what he was seeing. The Northside Christians had to flee after Stacey and Raymond slaughtered numerous Christians in the pitch black.

King Leonard thanked Stacey and Raymond for saving his life, but he soon realized that the silver object that had hurt him was slowly killing him. Black blood was oozing from every pore on his face, including his ear, eyes, nose, and mouth.

The King was dragged back to the southside by Stacey and the other wolves; nothing could be done to save him because he had already lost all of his blood. At Southside, where they had finally arrived, a large assembly was held there. Although there was an ambush, the wolves that survived congratulated Stacey and Raymond for helping to make the hunt successful. The residents of Southside were shocked to learn that the witch wolf was actually a wonderful person. King Leonard Young entered the public assembly to make an announcement. His final words to the people of Southside were quite concise and short for everyone to grasp. King Leonard Young's last words to his people were "All hail Queen Stacey," and he fell down and died a short time later. Everyone was speechless for a little while because they couldn't believe it, and Stacey was shocked that he chose this course of action while knowing little to nothing about her. Few people thought she cast a magical spell on him, but many believed she was fated to become queen.