
The Queen is a D-listed actress

" Dear, I created a mess again, Will you blame me.", She asked coquettishly. He destroyed the evidence without saying a word. "Dear, I slapped that woman. She said she will ban me from the industry. Will my career be really over this time?", She asked worriedly. He established an entertainment company exclusively for her. "You know what, Someone called you an old man... Hahaha, Are you? You can't perform well?", She ranted and mocked him. But ended up not being able to move from bed. "I don't feel like going out, Don't go to work. Accompany me. ", As soon as she said this, a poor soul who has the designation of his special assistant and his team got the entire work burden. She is aloof, furious, and ruthless outside the home. At home, she is a lost kitten who doesn't know anything. After all, she is a D-listed Actress. At a national banquet, she was humiliated and was about to retaliate. A voice ran from behind," Looks like the little fox of the Zhan family had a lot of fun these days." "So it's time to take it home.", Another voice came, as two similar faces come into the vicinity of all the people gathered. Upon seeing them, She ran and hide behind him like a child and began to cry, "Darling, Don't let them come near me. They are here to kidnap me. If you don't protect me, You will lose your wife." He only smirked and let the two men take her with them ------------------------------------------------------------------- she, Zhan Lu, a well know as Zhan Wei Feng, a D-listed actress who was full of rumors and scandals. She never give in to the rules of the Entertainment Industry. After all, She just came to experience different things behind the Zhan Family, The Royal families of the Dongwei Country. All she wanted was to explore the world just as how her mother Xiu Xi Feng, The queen of Nan Xiang, wanted. In her journey, She established herself with different Identities, which are big names, which cannot be truffled with. This is my own book. I may not update with a steady phase. So be patient with my updates... I am rewriting and proof reading the book right now.

kate_23 · Urban
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She really deserve the awards


The announcement of Zhan Wei Feng winning the Best Actress and Inspirational Youth Icon awards left not only the public but also the hosts and guests for the night in a state of shock and bewilderment. Whispers and murmurs rippled through the audience as they tried to make sense of this unexpected turn of events.


"What's going on?"


"Isn't she the one who was reported to strike a deal with director Han? Is this the deal she struck with Director Han?"

"She really is shameless. How come she has the audacity to come before the public?


"But Director Han has no say in the Gold Curtain Awards. And the presenters on stage are Mr. An and Ms. Cao, the head of the juries. Then, did she win the awards?"


These questions swirled in the minds of the people, creating an atmosphere of uncertainty and intrigue.


Meanwhile, viewers who were watching the live stream openly shared their opinions in the comments section:


"What the hell is going on?? How does she deserve the award of Best Actress? And what about Inspirational Youth Icon? Is it given as glory to her as she inspired the youth to follow a morally derailed path?"


"I thought the Best Actress award would be given to Han Qiao Qiao. After all, she did an excellent job of depicting the old and young characters."


"I thought that Su Xing was the best actress this year. She did half of her stunts by herself. Where did this little fly come from and grab the award?"


"I've never heard of this actress before today, and I had never heard of this movie. What is its name again?"


"Did she bribe the committee to get herself an award?"


"But that won't be possible. The people who came on stage were Mr. An and Ms. Cao. Everyone knows they are the direct disciples who were taught in the special school founded by the former Queen of Nan Jiang. They are known for their moral grounds. Why don't we check the drama they talked about?"


The livestream chat room suddenly fell silent when the screen displayed clips of "Flying Colors."


Zhan Wei Feng had portrayed a dancer who had suffered from cerebral palsy from a young age. Her depiction was so on point that people couldn't match the girl on the screen with the actress they had seen on the red carpet. The last screen showed the film's features and the awards it had won on international stages. Among the fifteen awards won, five were awarded for Best Actress to Zhan Wei Feng.


Now, the audience was convinced that the awards were based on her exceptional talent and not obtained through any questionable means. The international film festivals wouldn't have awarded her the Best Actress accolades if it were otherwise. But why had they never heard anything about this movie and its achievements before tonight?


Even the hosts were stunned by the powerful performance shown in the clips and momentarily forgot that they needed to speak.


It was Ms. Cao who broke the silence, her voice commanding attention, "The drama 'Flying Colors' was produced by the Reve studio. The movie was released only on a digital platform, which is why many mainstream viewers didn't watch it. But the performance by Ms. Zhan was awe-striking that the jury unanimously selected her as this year's Best Actress."


Her words dispelled all doubts, and the host finally regained composure and called for Zhan Wei Feng to come on stage.


"Let's welcome Ms. Zhan to the stage."


However, when the spotlight and camera focused on Zhan's seat, it was empty. Confusion rippled through the audience as they wondered where she had gone. Then, a small head popped up from under the table, and all eyes turned to her.


Zhan Wei Feng had gone under the table to grab the spoon that she knocked down while she was playing with it absorbed in her world. She had accidentally hit her head on the table's brim when she noticed the camera focusing on her. She quickly sat upright in her seat, realizing that she had to go on stage.


The host tried to regain control of the situation, "Ms. Zhan Wei Feng, we invite you to the stage to receive the awards."


Zhan Wei Feng, now aware of what was happening, stood up and walked to the stage. After receiving the awards, she gestured if she could leave the stage. The host, realizing she was expected to say a few words, urged her to speak.


"With two awards in my hand, I don't know what to say," Zhan Wei Feng began with humility. "But I will speak. First, I must thank my mom, who always told me to live in the moment and do what I feel like doing. Thank you, Mom, for giving me the courage and wings to explore the world. It was your teaching that gave me the courage to follow my heart and stick to the decisions I took. I am not going to dedicate this award to anyone because, as my parents used to say, 'If someone gives you honor and praise, that means you did something that they think you deserve the praise.' So thank you for thinking that I am deserving of these awards. And lastly, to my friends from all walks of life, keep your dreams growing so that you can grow and walk towards them with your head held high. Thank you."


With that heartfelt speech, she bowed slightly and stepped back from the microphone implanted in the stage. The audience erupted in applause, touched by her sincerity and humility.


A few people in the audience began to realize why she had been given the Inspirational Youth Icon award, despite the odds and rumors circulating on social media. Zhan Wei Feng had not only demonstrated her exceptional acting talent but had also shown herself to be an inspiration in her own right.