
The Queen is a D-listed actress

" Dear, I created a mess again, Will you blame me.", She asked coquettishly. He destroyed the evidence without saying a word. "Dear, I slapped that woman. She said she will ban me from the industry. Will my career be really over this time?", She asked worriedly. He established an entertainment company exclusively for her. "You know what, Someone called you an old man... Hahaha, Are you? You can't perform well?", She ranted and mocked him. But ended up not being able to move from bed. "I don't feel like going out, Don't go to work. Accompany me. ", As soon as she said this, a poor soul who has the designation of his special assistant and his team got the entire work burden. She is aloof, furious, and ruthless outside the home. At home, she is a lost kitten who doesn't know anything. After all, she is a D-listed Actress. At a national banquet, she was humiliated and was about to retaliate. A voice ran from behind," Looks like the little fox of the Zhan family had a lot of fun these days." "So it's time to take it home.", Another voice came, as two similar faces come into the vicinity of all the people gathered. Upon seeing them, She ran and hide behind him like a child and began to cry, "Darling, Don't let them come near me. They are here to kidnap me. If you don't protect me, You will lose your wife." He only smirked and let the two men take her with them ------------------------------------------------------------------- she, Zhan Lu, a well know as Zhan Wei Feng, a D-listed actress who was full of rumors and scandals. She never give in to the rules of the Entertainment Industry. After all, She just came to experience different things behind the Zhan Family, The Royal families of the Dongwei Country. All she wanted was to explore the world just as how her mother Xiu Xi Feng, The queen of Nan Xiang, wanted. In her journey, She established herself with different Identities, which are big names, which cannot be truffled with. This is my own book. I may not update with a steady phase. So be patient with my updates... I am rewriting and proof reading the book right now.

kate_23 · Urban
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47 Chs

Clearing the name

After being seated for a few more minutes, Zhan Wei Feng got up and left the venue with her awards in the hand. She bid her farewells to the staff accompanying her, Zhan Wei Feng left the venue, clutching her awards tightly in her hands. She navigated the lobby with purpose, her steps measured and resolute. As she reached a particular spot, she took a discreet turn and entered a single room strategically located in a blind spot within the venue.


Inside the room, a team of people awaited her arrival. They had been meticulously planning and coordinating their actions in anticipation of this moment. As soon as Zhan Wei Feng entered, they began to work swiftly and efficiently, putting their plan into action.

While Zhan Wei Feng was attending to her matters in the room, curious individuals in the public began to search for information about her. The limited information available about her was pushed into the hot search results. However, as they delved deeper into her background, they began to unravel the mystery of why she had remained a D-list actress despite winning international awards.

It became evident that Zhan Wei Feng had deliberately reduced her public presence from the beginning of her career. She had maintained a low profile, with minimal exposure to the public eye. In the past two years, she had worked on only three dramas, participated in endorsements for government products and schemes, and kept her social media accounts practically non-existent. There was no fan club, and the personal information available about her was sparse, limited to her name, a few pictures, and basic details.

As the public continued to dig deeper into her past, their attention turned to a recent post by "Disclosure" regarding the scandal involving Zhan Wei Feng. Clicking on the link, they were presented with a detailed account of the incident.

While some individuals remained convinced of Zhan Wei Feng's innocence, others questioned why she had been at the scene at the right time. The answer to this question came in the form of a link to a livestream hosted by a newly debuted actress named Fang Qing.

In the live stream, Fang Qing was interacting with her fans when someone raised a particular question: "Xiao Qing, I saw a video of someone who looks like you beating Director Han. 'Disclosure' was released as proof that Zhan Wei Feng is not in any ambiguous relationship. Was that you?"

Fang Qing, visibly surprised that her fans were aware of the incident, responded, "How do you guys know about what happened that night?"

Fans quickly explained the situation, mentioning Zhan Wei Feng's scandal and the video released by "Disclosure." Fang Qing was then asked again if she was the person in the video.

Fang Qing decided to address the matter candidly, "Yes, it was indeed me who is in that video. Thanks to Miss Zhan, I didn't get hurt. I know Miss Zhan had gotten a bad reputation. I am sorry for causing you trouble. Asking why I didn't say anything. I was afraid at first, and it was Miss Zhan who told me that I shouldn't say anything as nothing happened. I was offline for two days because I was traveling due to my schedule."

The fans continued to inquire about the circumstances, wanting to know why Fang Qing hadn't come forward earlier.

Fang Qing explained further, "Why was she there? Do you think that is a coincidence? It was not a coincidence. Miss Zhan was there for a meeting with her family members. We even exchanged pleasantries when I walked past her. She is my senior from the studio. She said she happened to hear the conversation between my agent and the assistant of Director Han when I was dragged away. Yes, I was drugged and dragged into his room to get a role. Fortunately, I woke up, and Miss Zhan came at the right time. And she was the one who gave strength to me to fight back. And what you saw in the video happened. And it was also she who said not to say anything. And she helped me change my agent. But I didn't think it would be trouble for her. I am here as your witness, saying that Miss Zhan was innocent and should not have been framed. I am sorry, Miss Zhan, for getting you into a scandal, and I am officially thanking you for all the help you gave me."

As Fang Qing spoke, some individuals with sharp eyes recognized her as one of the candidates who had been competing for the role of the first female lead in Director Han's upcoming drama. This revelation shed light on the true nature of the situation, and those with discerning minds began to connect the dots.

As one could predict, headlines and trends began to emerge:

  "The Shocking Low-Key D-Listed Actress Wins Best Actress Award"

  "The Real Inspirational Youth Icon: Zhan Wei Feng"

"As long as you stay true to yourself, no one will do anything to you-Wei Feng"

"Stand for yourself"

  "Fang Qing Clarifies Things"

  "Fang Qing's Benefactor: Zhan Wei Feng"

  "Wei Feng Jie, You Have the Backing of Xiao Qing's Little Cubs"

  "Director Han Gets Exposed"

"Boycott Director Han"

"Director Han is not someone who deserves respect"

"No bending to the unspoken rules"

#Women_are_not_toys #Power_of_women

These headlines and trends began to dominate the internet, shifting the public perception of Zhan Wei Feng from a mysterious figure to an actress of integrity and courage. The revelations and support from Fang Qing and her fans served as a turning point in the narrative surrounding Zhan Wei Feng, and her reputation was on the mend.

As Zhan Wei Feng continued her journey outside the venue, she remained unaware of the rapidly changing dynamics in the world of public opinion. The winds of change were blowing in her favor, and her future in the entertainment industry appeared to become more chaotic than ever before.