
The Queen is a D-listed actress

" Dear, I created a mess again, Will you blame me.", She asked coquettishly. He destroyed the evidence without saying a word. "Dear, I slapped that woman. She said she will ban me from the industry. Will my career be really over this time?", She asked worriedly. He established an entertainment company exclusively for her. "You know what, Someone called you an old man... Hahaha, Are you? You can't perform well?", She ranted and mocked him. But ended up not being able to move from bed. "I don't feel like going out, Don't go to work. Accompany me. ", As soon as she said this, a poor soul who has the designation of his special assistant and his team got the entire work burden. She is aloof, furious, and ruthless outside the home. At home, she is a lost kitten who doesn't know anything. After all, she is a D-listed Actress. At a national banquet, she was humiliated and was about to retaliate. A voice ran from behind," Looks like the little fox of the Zhan family had a lot of fun these days." "So it's time to take it home.", Another voice came, as two similar faces come into the vicinity of all the people gathered. Upon seeing them, She ran and hide behind him like a child and began to cry, "Darling, Don't let them come near me. They are here to kidnap me. If you don't protect me, You will lose your wife." He only smirked and let the two men take her with them ------------------------------------------------------------------- she, Zhan Lu, a well know as Zhan Wei Feng, a D-listed actress who was full of rumors and scandals. She never give in to the rules of the Entertainment Industry. After all, She just came to experience different things behind the Zhan Family, The Royal families of the Dongwei Country. All she wanted was to explore the world just as how her mother Xiu Xi Feng, The queen of Nan Xiang, wanted. In her journey, She established herself with different Identities, which are big names, which cannot be truffled with. This is my own book. I may not update with a steady phase. So be patient with my updates... I am rewriting and proof reading the book right now.

kate_23 · Urban
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47 Chs

One Day Wife

"Huh", was Wan Qing's reaction.

"I will take the role. You said you want me to do something in return right? I will do it as long as it's not inappropriate. But I want to give a proper audition in front of the director and production team. I hope that it is okay with Mr. Wei.", Wei Feng elaborated.

The morning at Jade Ville Mansion unfolded with the unexpected convergence of Wei Feng and Wei Wan Qing, their encounter a dance of misunderstandings and revelations.

"Miss Zhan, please have a seat.", After a pass, he continued, "I think we have a big misunderstanding in our communication. I agree it's my fault. I shouldn't have said both things at the same time. I am not casting a couch or I am forcing you to do something for the role. Both talks were different. Initially, I was going to meet you in your office to talk about the role and intended to invite you to lunch to talk about other things. when I met you here, I just blabbered both at the same time causing this huge misunderstanding. The thing I wanna ask you for a favor has nothing to do with the casting. And you don't need to give an audition. I cast you for the role because of your appearance, your behavior, and how you avoided me on the red carpet. I think you have read the book and you might know What Rui ya Hui's character in the book is like- A lively, nonchalant, Carefree, free-spirited, innocently looking cunning lady. I have watched your previous works too. That's why, I know that by asking you to take this role, I made the right decision. ", He gave a pass as she was listening carefully.

How can she not know what Rui Ya Hui is like, Her mother often told her she is the prototype for this character.

"So, You are saying, you did a spot casting** in the Golden Curtain awards.", Wei Feng's heart felt at ease when she heard that she was cast for a genuine reason.

"Yes. So, You didn't use any other means. You can be relaxed about that since my company is the largest investor and the producer. Shall we talk about the other thing if that's settled?" Wan Qing waited till he got approval from Wei Feng.

Wei Feng's initial hesitation dissolved as Wan Qing clarified the confusion, his words painting a picture of genuine admiration for her work and character. The role he offered was not a transaction but a recognition of her talent, a casting choice made with deliberation and insight. The character of Rui Ya Hui, a figure of vivacity and cunning innocence, seemed to mirror aspects of Wei Feng herself, a realization that brought a sense of ease to her heart.

"So, Miss Zhan, I don't know if it's okay to ask. I want you to be patient and I want you to know I mean no harm.", The way he started gave Wei Feng the feeling of something is amiss. But she kept quiet as she already said she would do whatever 'Favor' he asked her.

"I want you to act as my wife tonight. I can't find any suitable and compatible person except you. I am not someone who does it often to your clarity. It was never been necessary for the past. But tonight, I wish to bring you there to....", Before he could finish, his face died in sadness.

The discussion took a turn as Wan Qing broached a personal request, one that caught Wei Feng off guard. He sought not just a colleague but a companion for the evening, someone to stand by his side as his wife. 

Seeing the change in his face, Wei Feng kept still. After seeing the frown on his forehead disappear, " I don't get why you are saying, I am suitable? It's not like you can't hire anyone else. Why me?", Wei Feng asked.

"Miss Zhan, you treat me as Wei Wan Qing, not some top actor or Movie King. If I am not wrong to you I am just a human who does acting to earn money. Second, I believe you will not take advantage of the position to create hype for yourself. Third, I have faith that you will not spread the word about what you will witness, which is my dark past. Apart from these three reasons, You are interesting and I wanna know you better."

His reasons were layered, a mix of professional necessity and a personal past shrouded in shadows. Wei Feng, known for her discernment and discretion, was his chosen confidante. As Wan Qing's earnest plea hung in the air, Wei Feng considered his words. The sincerity in his eyes, the earnestness of his request, resonated with her. After a moment of contemplation, she agreed, and a silent pact formed between them.

When Wan Qing saw that she agreed, he was excited and happy inside while trying his best to hide his feelings.

"Ahem", He cleared his throat and continued," Ms. Zhan, My stylist will be here by 1 pm. After getting ready, we will leave for Bei Jian*. You said you didn't have breakfast, would you mind having your breakfast here?"

"Sorry, I don't want to..."

" Is breakfast ready at your place? I guess, You have to go and make which may take another 20-30 minutes at the least. Are you sure with your stomach rumbling you can take that much time? Instead, have your breakfast and lunch here. In this way, We can get to know each other in order to put in a good act later, what say?", Wan Qing said in one go interrupting her.

After a deep thought, Wei Feng nodded her head. " Just get me two glasses of juice and some fruit. I don't need much. And I am sorry to trouble you." " she asked

" There is no trouble at all. By the way, Can you give me your measurements? I am not sure whether the dress I chose will fit you.", Wan Qing asked as he stood to bring her the food.

" I have a few dresses at my place. You don't have to take the trouble."

" That won't do. I invited you. Thus, I should show this much sincerity. Take this as a thank-you gift."

Their exchange was interrupted by a sudden commotion outside, a "thump" that drew their attention to the lotus pond. There, amidst the tranquil waters, a boy and a girl struggled, their movements desperate against the pond's depth.

Without hesitation, Wei Feng and Wan Qing rushed to the pond's edge. The urgency of the moment stripped away any remnants of formality between them, their focus solely on the safety of the children. Wan Qing, with a swift assessment of the situation, plunged into the water, his movements sure and swift as he reached the floundering pair.

**I am not sure if the word I used is right. If it's wrong, let me know and I will correct it later.

* The places mentioned are fictional.