
Chapter 14

At the Queen's Diner, everything seemed quiet.

People were talking and laughing, but Summer and her group were surrounded by awkward silence.

There were two reasons for this: first, it was their last night in the north, and Summer had to say goodbye to her brother;

second, Warrin had been acting differently since the previous night.

Liam noticed Warrin sitting comfortably close to Summer despite the cold and snow.

He asked, "Warrin, you aren't feeling cold, are you?"

Warrin shook his head. "I'm perfectly fine."

Summer didn't think much of it at first since they had been childhood friends, and it seemed normal.

However, when she glanced at Caleb, her boyfriend, she felt a pang of guilt.

Caleb, understanding as always, didn't say anything and just sat across from Summer instead of beside her.

They hadn't had the chance to tell anyone about their relationship yet, except for Jake and Yohan.

"Summer, why aren't you eating?" Warrin asked, noticing her picking at her food. "Here, let me help you." He took a spoonful of rice and offered it to her, causing Summer to look at him with wide eyes.

"It's okay, Warrin. I'll feed myself," Summer chuckled nervously.

But Warrin was persistent, and soon enough, he noticed every eye on him.

Those who didn't know them cooed, thinking he was Summer's boyfriend, but her friends looked on in disbelief.

"What? You didn't look when Summer fed me on our first day here," Warrin joked.

Summer glanced at Caleb, who nodded understandingly, and then she opened her mouth.

Warrin fed her and smiled, satisfied.

After they finished eating, it was time to drop Jake off at his dorm and head back to pack for tomorrow.

Warrin walked beside Summer, who was with Caleb. Without thinking, Warrin took Summer's hand and put it inside his jacket pocket.

"Just returning the favor," he mumbled, acting as if nothing was strange.

"Warrin," Summer began.

"I'll check if they've prepared the snow vehicles," Caleb interrupted, gesturing for Summer not to say anything more.

He started walking with Jake while Liam was busy taking pictures.

To break the silence, Jake asked when they planned to tell Warrin and Liam.

"Probably after we get back. Warrin's been acting weird, maybe last night was traumatic for him, but he's not talking about it," Caleb replied.

Jake nodded understandingly and put a hand on Caleb's shoulder, telling him he was a nice guy.

Caleb smiled shyly, happy to have Summer's brother's approval.

There were two cars: Jason was driving one, and in the other, Yohan was driving with Daisy in the passenger seat.

"Let's go," Warrin said quickly, dragging Summer to the car Jason was driving. They sat in the backseat together.

Everyone looked at each other but didn't say a word.

"Jake, you should go with them. Liam and I will go with Yohan and Daisy," Caleb said. Jake nodded and followed along.

Once everyone was seated, the cars started. Yohan and Daisy looked sympathetically at Caleb, who sat quietly in the backseat with Liam.

"Liam," Yohan broke the silence. Liam hummed in response. "Where were you guys yesterday? We were scared."

"Even I was scared. I told Warrin we should go, but he wanted to explore some more. You should've seen him, his energy was on another level," Liam began, and everyone listened patiently.

"Hey, let's go. They must be waiting for us," Liam said as he finished taking pictures of the castle and the cliff.

"Wait, I want to see more," Warrin replied enthusiastically, paying attention to the tour guide giving an introduction about the North Castle.

Liam shouted that he was heading to the nearby food court, and Warrin just hummed in response, completely engrossed in the tour.

He went inside with other tourists, mesmerized by the castle's interior.

Liam quietly munched on his food, glancing up every now and then to see if Warrin had returned.

He chuckled, remembering how excited Warrin looked. It was Warrin's first time here, so Liam decided to give him some more time.

But it was getting late, and Liam noticed that snow had started falling and the skies were getting darker.

He quickly went outside and saw the tourists heading back. He overheard someone mentioning that a snowstorm might be coming.

That was enough to make him concerned, and he started looking for Warrin, but he couldn't find him among the other tourists.

Adrenaline pumping, Liam tried to enter the castle, but the guards refused.

"My friend is inside, let me go check," he pleaded, but the guards didn't listen and prevented him from going in.

Panic surging, Liam took out his phone, but there was no signal.

He paced back and forth for what felt like an hour before trying again, but the guards were still firm.

As he was arguing with them, Warrin slowly emerged from the castle, his expression unreadable.

"Look, that's my friend!" Liam shouted, pointing to Warrin.

"What kind of security do you have? You didn't even check who was left behind?"

Warrin's words were harsh, and his tone was even harsher. The guards quickly apologized and let him go.

Liam hugged him tightly and asked if he was okay and if he was feeling cold.

"I'm perfectly fine, the cold doesn't bother me anymore," Warrin replied.

Liam nodded. "Let's go, they must have returned to the hotel."

"But there's a storm coming," Liam said.

"The storm has passed, it's fine. Let's go," Warrin reassured him.

"Just like he said, the storm never came, and we made it back," Liam finished his story. "But I don't know what happened inside the castle; Warrin refused to talk about it." Caleb nodded, noticing the worried look on Yohan's face.

Cutting through the snow that filled the roads, they reached Jake's dorm in 30 minutes, which wasn't actually that far.

Summer was already getting emotional since it would just be her in that massive house now.

Jake and Summer's parents were always out of the country, rarely at home, and now Jake had moved north.

For the past four days, she had happily helped Jake move into his dorm, decorating his room with little touches so he would always remember her.

Not that Jake could ever forget his sister.

Now it was finally time to say goodbye, just for a few months until the holidays when Jake would come back home for a few days.

"Why are you crying, you silly girl?" Jake chuckled as Summer hugged him tightly, not planning to let go anytime soon as she cried her eyes out.

Living alone scared Summer, but what affected her most was that she and Jake had always been attached at the hip.

Now, her biggest support, her little brother, wouldn't be living with her. She sobbed, wetting Jake's jacket.

If it were any other day, Jake would have made fun of her. But he knew it would be hard for not only Summer but for himself too.

Jake tried to control his tears but gave in and hugged Summer even more tightly, a perfect sibling bond.

Everyone else looked at them, sharing their feelings.

"I'm going to miss you, Bear," Summer mumbled, her voice thick with emotion. Jake nodded, pulling back to look at her. "Me too," he replied softly.

Both their faces were streaked with tears, yet they managed to laugh as they took in each other's tear-stained faces. 

"Don't forget to call me," Summer said, trying to keep her voice steady. Jake patted her head affectionately.

"Hey, we want to say our goodbyes too!" Warrin interjected, breaking the somber moment and making everyone laugh.

Summer stepped back, allowing Warrin to hug Jake. "All the best in your new life," Warrin said sincerely.

Summer wiped her tears, moving to the side as Caleb approached. He hugged her from the side, rubbing her shoulders to reassure her. "It's okay," he murmured.

After Warrin, it was Liam's turn. He hugged Jake enthusiastically, wishing him all the luck in the world.

As Warrin turned back, he clenched his jaw slightly, noticing how close Summer was standing to Caleb.

"Good luck, Jake. And don't worry too much about the west," Caleb said, shaking Jake's hand firmly.

By "the west," he meant Summer. He was assuring Jake not to worry about his sister because Caleb would be there for her.

Jake understood and nodded, feeling a bit more at ease.

"We still have some time left; let's grab lunch in the canteen before you guys leave," Jake suggested, earning nods from everyone.

Jake led the way to the canteen, and Summer took a seat beside her brother, clinging to his arm with a pout on her lips.

"Summer, you can come to the North anytime. The Tulip Residency will always be open for you," Daisy said, noticing that Summer was on the verge of tears again.

Summer took a deep breath to control her emotions and sat up straight.

"Thank you, Daisy. Thank you, Yohan," Summer replied. "By the way, excuse me." She stood up and asked her brother where the washroom was.

Jake guided her, and Daisy offered to accompany her.

Summer happily agreed, and they walked to the washroom together.

"I think Warrin likes you," Daisy said as Summer was washing her hands. Summer's eyes widened in surprise.

"No, he's my best friend. We've been together since childhood. Trust me, he's really clingy to everyone," Summer said, trying to brush it off as a joke, but deep down, she had her doubts, especially after last night.

Something felt different in Warrin's behavior.

"I hope that's true," Daisy said. "But I think you can sense it too, that something has changed." Daisy was right, but Summer didn't want to believe it yet.

They walked out and saw Caleb standing nearby. He smiled when he saw Summer.

"Well, I'll take my leave now," Daisy teased, walking back towards the canteen. Summer slowly approached Caleb, taking his hand in hers.

"Caleb, why did you stop me back then?" Summer asked.

"Summer," Caleb said, cupping her cheek with his palm. "I could feel that something is different about Warrin now. Being stuck in the North Castle might have been traumatic for him. I think he needs his best friend to comfort him."

Summer quickly hugged Caleb, burying her face in his shoulder. "Why are you so sweet?" she mumbled.

Caleb chuckled, wrapping his arms around her. "Because you're so cute," he replied, making Summer groan with playful annoyance. "Let's go back."

Summer spent a little more time with her brother, talking and having fun, temporarily forgetting that they had to leave in the morning, and it would be months before they'd see Jake again.

As the evening drew to a close, they snapped countless pictures, capturing the precious moments.

When it was finally time to go, Summer clung to Jake like a koala, trying hard to hold back her tears.

"Summer, not again," Jake whined, but he hugged her back warmly.

"I'm sorry, I can't help it," Summer mumbled. "This is the first time you're leaving me for so long."

Caleb started to move forward, but Warrin quickly stepped in, placing his hands on Summer's shoulders and gently breaking her hug with Jake.

"It's okay, Summer," Warrin whispered, hugging her from behind. "These months will fly by before you know it."

"Group hug!" Jake suggested with a grin. Warrin, Liam, and Summer embraced Jake, while Warrin's eyes lingered on Caleb for a brief moment.

"Take care," Jake told Summer. "And if anything happens, just call me."

The drive back to the hotel was heavy with silence. Warrin joined Summer in the back seat seat while Jason drove, and Liam, Caleb, Yohan, and Daisy were in the other car.

Caleb felt a strange unease; as Summer and Warrin were alone together.

Before, Jake had always been with them, but now it was different.

Warrin had been acting differently since yesterday, and it was hard to ignore.

"Did anyone else notice that Warrin seems different?" Liam finally broke the silence, his words like a trigger releasing the tension.

Yohan, Daisy, and Caleb all exhaled deeply and nodded in agreement.

"It's about time someone said it out loud," Daisy replied, her voice tinged with relief.

"Maybe he likes Summer," Liam stated bluntly. Caleb almost choked on his own saliva, earning a puzzled look from Liam. "What's wrong?" Liam asked, confused.

Caleb glanced at Daisy and Yohan, friends he had grown close to over the past few days in the north. "Actually, there's something you should know," Caleb began.

"Summer and I started dating yesterday."

Liam was silent for a moment, staring at Caleb as if trying to solve a complex equation. "Why didn't she say anything?" he finally asked.

"I asked her not to," Caleb explained. "We planned to tell everyone after we got back to the west. Yesterday, things got a bit chaotic, and we only told Jake, Yohan, and Daisy."

Liam nodded, understanding dawning on his face.

"Well, it seems we have a problem now because it looks like Warrin has feelings for her," he said, his voice dropping.

The air grew thick again, heavy with unspoken words and new tensions.

No one knew what to say next, and the silence settled back over them like a blanket, each lost in their thoughts.

On the other hand, Summer had dozed off, leaning against the car window, her cheeks stained with tears.

Warrin looked at her tenderly, carefully lifting her head and resting it on his shoulder.

He wrapped his arm around her waist and whispered,

"It's okay, princess. I'm here now. I'll take care of you."

Jason, who had been quietly observing, felt a wave of confusion wash over him.

Just yesterday, he had seen Caleb and Summer together, acting like a couple—shy smiles, holding hands, the kind of closeness that spoke volumes.

The scene before him now didn't add up. But who was he to question it?

With a slight shrug, he turned his attention back to the snow-covered road, letting the mystery linger in the air.

"Princess, didn't you miss me? I came back just for you."

Summer heard the voice, standing in a room so dark and endless that it seemed to swallow her whole.

She ran aimlessly, desperate to escape, but the room had no end. She was engulfed in darkness.

"No, this can't be happening," she murmured, looking around frantically. There was no one, nothing to hold on to, just the echo of those dreaded words.

The voice she detested, the one she had fought so hard to forget, echoed relentlessly in her mind.

She clutched her ears with trembling hands and crouched down, her body shaking with fear.

Then she heard it: the solid, unmistakable sound of footsteps.

They were getting closer, each step louder than the last. Her heart pounded as she recognized them.

She shook with terror, falling to the floor, her body covered in sweat.

There he was, standing before her. The man she had never imagined would invade her nightmares again.

The man—or the monster, as she preferred to think of him—grinned at her with a venomous smirk, his laughter echoing in the darkness.

Summer woke up abruptly, gasping for breath. Realizing she had fallen asleep in the car, she took a moment to collect herself.

Beside her, Warrin looked at her with concern.

"What's wrong? Did you have a bad dream?" he asked gently.

Summer nodded, leaning back against the headrest and closing her eyes, taking a few deep breaths to steady herself.

"It's okay, we made it," Warrin said, stroking her knuckles softly. They had arrived at the hotel. "Let's go inside. You need some rest, and tomorrow we head back to the west."

Summer nodded again and got out of the car, with Warrin following close behind.

Liam and Caleb were just behind them, and as soon as Summer saw Caleb, she felt a wave of calm wash over her.

There was something about Caleb that was incredibly soothing, and she liked having him around.

"Alright everyone, it's time to rest now. I'll see you all at dinner, and tomorrow morning, I've got a special breakfast planned for you," Yohan announced as he stepped out of the car, making everyone smile at his cheerful tone.

They all headed to their rooms—Warrin with Liam, and Summer and Caleb in their own separate rooms.

Summer lay down as soon as she entered her room but kept her eyes open, staring at the ceiling.

The dream she had a moment ago in the car was terrifying and felt incredibly real. As she recalled the details, goosebumps spread across her skin.

Suddenly, her phone rang, startling her. It was Jake, probably calling to check if she had arrived safely.

"Did you get there okay?" Jake asked. Summer hummed in response, her voice tinged with sadness.

"I shouldn't have called you. Come on, woman, get a grip and live your life!" Jake joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Yeah, yeah," Summer replied, trying to sound more upbeat.

"By the way, you could always invite Caleb over for a sleepover, just a thought," Jake teased.

"Shut up, Jake!" Summer shouted, half-laughing, half-annoyed.

"Alright, I see you seem a little better now. Rest up, and tomorrow you'll call me, okay?" Jake said, his tone firm but gentle.

He waited until Summer replied with an audible "yes" before he hung up the call.

He couldn't take her mumbling as an answer. Summer found it both cute and annoying—her "cute annoying bear brother."

Feeling the need to relax before dinner, Summer decided a warm bath would do her good.

She set up the bath, filled it with soapy bubbles, and immersed herself, closing her eyes as the warm water enveloped her.

She sighed in relief, the warmth making her comfortable and sleepy.

When she opened her eyes again, she was no longer in the comforting bath but in a confined, dark room.

The space was small and eerie, with just enough light to see a bed on one side and a broken window on the opposite wall.

Summer took a cautious step forward, her foot hitting something cold and metallic.

Looking down, she saw chains covered in blood.

Panic surged through her as a chilling voice echoed around her, "I promise to be with you. I'll stay with you forever. Not even death can part us." Summer's heart raced, and she frantically looked around for the source of the voice.

Spying a door, she ran towards it, desperate for escape.

But just as she reached it, the door slammed shut with a deafening thud.

She pounded on the door, her breaths coming in short, panicked gasps. Suddenly, it felt as if the air was being sucked from the room.

She struggled to breathe, her vision darkening as she fell to the floor, the darkness swallowing her whole.

A knock echoed through the darkness, followed by another. Summer's eyes snapped open as she abruptly emerged from the water, gasping for air.

She was back in the bathtub, her heart pounding.

"Summer, are you asleep? We're going for dinner," came Liam's voice through the bathroom door, followed by another knock.

Summer quickly got out of the tub, wrapping herself in a robe.

"I'll join you guys in a minute," she called out, trying to steady her voice. Liam acknowledged and left her to get ready.

Breathing heavily, Summer leaned against the sink, her reflection in the mirror showing the fear in her eyes.

Her nightmares and panic attacks were back.

She hurriedly dressed, forcing herself to look as composed as possible before joining the others for dinner.

Liam's voice broke the serene silence of the night, "You look like you had a deep sleep," he stated as he saw Summer, her face tired but relaxed.

Summer took a seat beside Liam across from Caleb, passing a small smile his way.

"Yeah, you can say that," she replied with a soft chuckle.

Yohan stood up, stretching his arms. "Alright, you guys enjoy your dinner, and I'll see you all tomorrow." With that, he left the eating area.

The dinner was quiet, everyone too exhausted to engage in much conversation, saving their energy for the drive back to the west.

The table was laden with a variety of dishes, and Summer couldn't help but wonder, if this was a normal dinner, what could a special breakfast be like?

"Good night, Summer," Warrin wished her as he headed to his room with Liam.

"Good night, Warrin," Summer replied, noticing that Caleb had been unusually silent during the meal.

He gave her a small smile before retreating to his own room.

An hour passed, but Summer couldn't find sleep. Every time she closed her eyes, nightmares plagued her mind.

Groaning in exhaustion, she sat up, pondering what to do.

Just then, she heard the door click open and close, and Caleb walked in, his phone in hand and concern etched on his face.

He took long strides to sit beside her.

"What's wrong? I came as soon as I got the message," Caleb asked, his voice laced with worry.

"I keep having nightmares," Summer admitted nervously. "Something really scary, something that I don't ever want to see again." She looked genuinely frightened, and Caleb listened intently.

"Will you stay here? There's something about your company that always relaxes me. You make me calm," Summer confessed, a light blush creeping over her cheeks as she tried to hide it.

Caleb smiled at her, his dimples deepening.

"Day two of being in a relationship and I'm already invited to sleep beside you. Hmm, quite a progress," Caleb remarked playfully, making Summer even more shy.

Her face turned a deeper shade of red in embarrassment.

"You know what, I change my mind," Summer said, burying her face in the pillow and turning away from him.

"Hey, I was just kidding," Caleb replied with a laugh as he lay down beside her, hesitating slightly before speaking again. "Can I hold you? You know, to help you feel calm."

Summer turned to face him, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Oh, day two in a relationship and already wanting to cuddle," she retorted with the same playful tone, making Caleb laugh.

She scooted closer to him, and Caleb, now feeling more at ease, wrapped his arms around her, patting her head gently to lull her to sleep.

As the minutes passed, Summer's breathing evened out, the warmth of Caleb's embrace driving away the remnants of her nightmares.

Caleb stayed awake a little longer, content in the quiet moment, before sleep claimed him too.

The next morning, Summer woke up feeling relaxed. She stretched her arms and legs, savoring the softness of the bed.

As her eyes adjusted to the morning light filtering through the curtains, she noticed that Caleb was gone.

She checked the time; it was already 7 AM. He must have left earlier to avoid being seen, a considerate gesture that made Summer smile.

Deep down, however, she wanted to shout to the world that they were dating.

With a mix of excitement and a bit of nervousness, Summer quickly got dressed and stepped out of her room.

At the same time, Caleb emerged from his room across the hall. A shy smile passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of their shared secret.

But the moment was interrupted by the sound of a door opening loudly.

Warrin and Liam came out of their room, talking animatedly. Liam spotted them and smiled knowingly, aware of their relationship.

Warrin, however, looked at them with a playful confusion.

"You're up early. I thought I'd have to wake you by knocking on your door," Warrin joked, slinging an arm around Summer's shoulders. "Hey, Caleb."

"Hey, Warrin," Caleb replied, both he and Summer noting that Warrin was back to his usual teasing self, which was a good sign.

Together, they headed to the Queen's Diner where Yohan had prepared a special breakfast.

As they entered, the aroma of freshly cooked dishes filled the air.

"Wow, look at all this food," Warrin exclaimed, eyes wide with delight.

"And it all looks so delicious," Liam added, his mouth already watering.

They took their seats, and this time Summer made sure to sit beside Caleb. Yohan greeted them with a warm smile.

"Welcome, welcome. I prepared all these just for you. One of my special people taught me these recipes," he said, a nostalgic look in his eyes. "Please, eat and tell me how it is."

Summer scanned the array of dishes before her, finally picking up a custard jello. Yohan watched her with a smile as she took her first bite.

The flavor was exquisite, and she couldn't help but praise Yohan.

"This is amazing, Yohan," she said, taking another bite.

"Thank you, but the credit goes to a very special person," Yohan replied, though he didn't reveal the person's identity.

They all enjoyed the meal, expressing their gratitude to Yohan after each dish.

The food was incredible, and Yohan's modesty about his mentor added a layer of mystery and charm to the experience.

Soon, it was time for Summer, Caleb, Warrin, and Liam to leave for the west.

Their belongings had already been loaded into a separate snow car, and they settled into the one driven by Jason.

As they were about to depart, Yohan came out to see them off.

"Please visit us again," Yohan shouted as the car started to move.

"Thank you, Yohan!" they shouted back, laughter echoing as they waved goodbye.

Summer relaxed in the passenger seat, leaning back and resting her head on the headrest with a contented sigh.

She was finally heading back home.