
Chapter 13

"Well, look who decided to show up! The mighty San," the woman exclaimed when she saw him sitting on the bench, his leg bouncing rapidly.

San was looking around until he heard her voice.

It was the same woman he had crossed paths with when he first came to the East—the one who took his breath away with her captivating grey eyes.

Her eyes were unlike any he had ever seen, truly beautiful.

San turned and smiled at her, but his smile quickly faded as he remembered he was supposed to show up after just five days.

Instead, it had been a month and a half due to unforeseen circumstances.

The woman took the seat across from him and wiggled her brows playfully.

"I…I…I'm sorry." San stammered, feeling the weight of the apology he had rehearsed for a month slip away as he looked at the woman in front of him.

"Look, so much happened that day. I had to go back to the north. I'm really sorry for not showing up. I was looking forward to it, but I just couldn't." He started rambling, and the woman laughed.

"It's okay, relax. By the way, what's your purpose for visiting again?" she asked.

"The princess," San said.

The woman looked confused.

"I mean, the prince of the north assigned me to guard the princess because of recent attacks on her. I'm on duty until the prince and princess are ready for the marriage." The woman nodded.

"Did you meet the princess?" she asked, and San nodded. "What is she like?"

"She's…" San hesitated. He was there to guard the princess, and no matter how beautiful the woman in front of him was, he couldn't share details about the princess.

So he smiled and said, "Beautiful."

Hearing that, the woman scoffed. "By the way, you didn't tell me your name yet."

"Well, the deal was if you showed up in 5 days, but you didn't, so…" The woman got up and started to walk away.

"I don't think you deserve it," she said, turning on her heels.

San clicked his tongue. "Maybe if you show up this time after 5 days at Juvenile Hills, I might change my decision." With that, she left.

San returned to the East Castle, but his mind was still on her words. She had called him to meet her again in five days at the Juvenile Hills.

He wondered what excuse he could make; he was here to protect the princess, so how could he go to the Juvenile Hills?

Lost in his thoughts, he didn't notice the princess calling out to him.

"San," the princess spoke softly at first.

They were sitting in the royal garden, and she was looking at the flowers. "San," she said a bit more firmly, breaking his train of thought.

He quickly stood straight. "You seem lost," the princess murmured.

"Nothing, Princess. I... I'm just trying to settle in. Everything here is different from the North. It's warm and familiar," San replied.

"Everyone says that," the princess smiled. Despite half her face being covered by a veil, the crinkle in her eyes showed her smile. "By the way, do you know this flower?"

She plucked a beautiful purple flower and showed it to him. San shook his head.

"This is iridicia, a beautiful flower and my mom's favorite. I don't like it much, but I need it. Can you take me to the Lukea River in three days?" San was shocked.

In three days, he was supposed to meet that woman. What should he do? He started to contemplate.

"This flower blooms twice a year, and this is the last one. But at Lukea River, it's abundant, which is why the place is called Juvenile Hills. It's a mystery."

When he heard the name, his ears perked up. He had to go to Juvenile Hills in three days, but what about the princess?

Suddenly, an idea struck him.

"Princess, since you were recently attacked, I suggest you stay within the castle until I can ensure it's safe for you to travel. Meanwhile, I'll bring this flower for you on my next excursion," San said confidently.

The princess looked at him briefly before nodding.

"Alright, after all, these walls are my life," the princess said, looking at the castle.

"No, Princess, it's just a matter of a few days," San said, feeling bad.

But the princess just chuckled and went inside the castle with her maidens, giving the flower to San.

San looked at the flower. He felt bad for the princess, but he was genuinely worried about her safety.

Her protection was one of the reasons he asked her to stay in the castle, but the main reason was he had to meet that woman.

The interaction between the princess and San remained limited.

San accompanied her almost everywhere except her quarters, but talking to the princess was difficult for him.

He wanted to make their interactions less awkward, but it seemed the princess didn't feel the same. She kept her distance and spoke very little, if at all.

San wanted to ask why she had delayed the marriage.

The prince and princess had been best friends since childhood, and the prince liked her very much.

However, when the princess expressed her views at dinner before the northern king and everyone, they were shocked. She had said she wanted to talk to the prince herself about not being ready for the union.

The prince was devastated but wrote a letter stating the princess had time until he completed his training of court and field. Then he would come and talk to her himself.

The prince also tasked San with talking to the princess to find out what was bothering her, but this was more difficult than anticipated since the princess hardly spoke to him.

Finally, the day arrived for San to go to the juvenile hills. He was excited to meet the girl and finally learn her name.

Although he was thrilled inside, he showed no emotion and maintained his intimidating demeanor.

He waited for the princess's permission while pacing back and forth outside her quarters, causing the guards to look at him in bewilderment.

Eventually, the princess appeared. San bowed and followed her, struggling to tell her he was ready to leave.

Suddenly, the princess stopped and looked over her shoulder.

"San, weren't you supposed to go collect the iridicia flowers for me?"

San nodded quickly. "Yes, Princess. But I can't leave without your permission. I'm bound to follow whatever you say."

The princess's eyes widened briefly, then she gave a slight nod. "You have my permission."

San ran as fast as he could, mumbling, "I'll bring the whole garden of iridicia flowers for you, princess." He dashed outside.

Over the past two days, San had asked the elders and workers about the location of the juvenile hills.

He made his way to the stables, freed his horse, Thunder, and rode out of the castle.

But unlike the previous days, the market was overcrowded, making it difficult to reach his destination. Frustration built up inside him; he wanted to get there as soon as possible.

After what felt like an eternity, San finally reached the foot of Juvenile Hills and wondered where he was supposed to find her.

Dismounting from his horse, he looked around and waited, but the woman didn't show up. Feeling devastated, he wondered if she had tricked him or was taking revenge for him not showing up when she called him a month ago.

With a click of his tongue, San remembered he still needed to collect the iridicia flowers near the river.

He tied his horse to the nearest tree and followed the sound of flowing water, walking with a heavy heart.

When he spotted the sole iridicia flower near the river, he mumbled, "There you are," but as he got closer, his eyes widened in amazement.

The riverbanks were filled with iridicia flowers, creating a majestic sight with some even growing on the water's surface, making it look like the river was decorated.

"At least something is going according to plan," he thought, and began collecting the flowers for the princess.

"I thought you wouldn't come," a voice said from behind. San recognized it but didn't turn around, continuing to pluck the flowers carefully.

The woman laughed, "Oh, you're angry that I came late? Well, at least I'm not a month late." San stopped, turned around slowly, and approached her with cold eyes, but she didn't waver.

Most people would have run from an angry San, but she stood her ground, even as he stared intensely into her eyes.

"I'm not afraid of you, San. You can stare all you want."

"So, you were taking revenge?" San asked.

"Oh, I wished, but no. I was up in the hills and saw you clueless at the foot. Even if I had screamed, you wouldn't have heard. Then I saw you walking towards the river, so I followed," she said, looking straight into his eyes.

Her grey eyes were beautiful, and San found himself lost in them again.

"Blaire," the woman said.

"My name is Blaire." San couldn't help but smile and silently repeated her name.

"What are you collecting iridicia flowers for?" Blaire asked, trying to divert the attention.

"Oh, these are for the princess. She needs them, and I promised to bring her a whole garden," he replied, glancing at the pouch holding the iridicia flowers.

"Oh, but why? Last I remember, these flowers are used to make poisons," Blaire said. San's eyes widened in surprise.

Why would the princess need something poisonous? he thought.

"I mean, there can be other uses too, but they're dangerous," she continued. "They kill people—from within." She said this with sadness. Confused, San looked at her, waiting for more details.

"Someone close to me died this way," she explained, and San's eyes mirrored her sadness.

He wondered, Someone close? Could she have loved someone who died because of this flower? His heart grew heavy again.

They both stayed silent, continuing to pluck the flowers.

Once San had gathered enough flowers, he thanked Blaire. "Okay, I should get going now; it's getting late."

"Wait, I can drop you off if you don't mind," San offered.

"That's so sweet, San, but I live just down the hill on the opposite side. I'll be fine. If you visit another day, I could show you my place," Blaire said.

San nodded quickly, making Blaire laugh. "Well then, get going. You shouldn't keep your princess waiting too long," she said and bid him goodbye before leaving for the other side of the hill.

San returned to the castle carrying a pouch much larger than usual, drawing surprised looks from everyone as he half-hugged it. He headed straight to the garden, knowing it was the princess's usual time to be there.

Just as he thought, the princess was sitting in the garden. San happily ran towards her, placed the pouch on the ground, and opened it.

A vast amount of flowers spilled out, and the princess laughed.

"San, you actually brought the whole garden!" she exclaimed, laughing for the first time in front of him.

San was sure it was the most beautiful laugh he'd ever heard. Determined to make her smile more, he vowed to do anything for the princess.

The princess picked one flower, then another, smiling at San. "Thank you, San."

"Anything for you, princess," he replied.

Maybe this could be the start of a friendship between them. Perhaps now he could reveal why the princess had postponed the union.

But those thoughts were for later.

For now, he just wanted to hear her laugh more and be the reason behind it, to be a shoulder for her.

 As these thoughts swirled in his mind, he quickly shook his head.

What was he thinking?

He liked Blaire, so why did he want to be there for the princess?

The sound of an alarm echoed through the room, waking Mars from his sleep and the beautiful dream he was having. Groaning, he sat up.

"The same man, his name is San. But why do I keep seeing him? What is this puzzle that's somehow connected to me?" Mars wondered, deciding that only the dean could help him.