
The Protagonist's Plot

Amudo is a boy with a strange schooling and an even stranger name. He joins his RANK: FANTASY class in the middle of the year after being home schooled. Things take a turn when he becomes his class protagonist and the class loses its GENRE. Will he be able to steer his class to the end of the plot in his ever changing world? And really, the apocalypse?

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When Amudo stepped through the portal and emerged from the glowing mist, he found himself faced with chaos. [ SKILL : Flight Activated ] Amudo floated to the top of the wall and looked around. 7 sectors seemed to have been attacked, but the walls were protecting everybody else. He looked back down to the horse stable. That sector had been attacked. "Looks like nobody survived here." he thought, floating down and stepping over the remains of a mythology class girl. No monsters seemed to be left. Perhaps they had all gone back into the hole once they realized they killed everyone. He was just about to leave and go help fight in a new sector when he heard a cry of anguish.

"Agh! Help! Someone! They got everyone!" it was coming from around the corner of the stable. As he got closer, he could hear grunting and yelping. It only got louder. "AMUDO! Please, HELP ME!" yelled the familiar face as he rounded the corner. "It's ME! JACK!!" He was standing atop a manger beating the beasts with a tin bucket.

"I'M COMING! JUST HOLD ON!" Yelled back Amudo breaking into a sprint. He held out his hand. [ SKILL : Magic Bow activated SKILL : Perseus's Harpe activated ] Holding up the bow, he took aim and nailed one in the back. This one sunk in. It had hit a soft circle. All monsters had them. Amudo had read this in a book somewhere, the library. Not many were still open, this one had closed down. It was a remnant of the past the government wanted the people to forget. [ SKILL : Electric speed Activated ] he lurched forward and touched the beast, causing it to fly backwards into the side of a house. PING [ AGILITY : 137 –> 150 ] A swift kick was delivered and it was sent through the next 2 houses. They crumbled down. One left. He threw his sword, nailing it in the eye. Weak spot number 2. PING [ MAGIC : Level 95 –> 127 ] Only low levels had more than one. He jumped forward and sent electricity through the metal of Persuese's Sword. PING [ STRENGTH : 212 –> 232 ] He swung with all his might, and chopped its head off in one fell swoop. PING [ SKILL OBTAINED : Dancing Fire - Create and control blue flames. Gets more powerful the more lives taken. ]

"What was that?" asked Jack, not quite looking at Amudo. "I've never seen more than one skill activated at a time. What happened? What was that?" he repeated. Jack stepped down and picked up the sword. "Is this… a mythical skill? You said you were fantasy." he looked Amudo in the eye, regaining his strength. "Who are you?" Before Amudo could reply, a loud PING echoed between both of them. [ TIER 1 Cleared. Congratulations. TIER 2 in : 96 hours, 29 minutes, 40 seconds ]

"We have longer this time. That's good. We need to regroup. Follow me."

Back at the regroup point, their numbers had certainly dwindled. There were a good 100 or so before. Now they were down to about 40.

"All who are injured come here!" yelled a boy from the same fantasy class waving bandages and ice packs.

"And all available secondaries or higher, come here!" yelled a demigod from mythology from a large structure. It seemed to be a mix of medieval with some sci-fi elements for safety.

"I'm gonna go to the infirmary, I got hit pretty bad before you came." winced Jack rubbing the side of his neck.

"Okay, but you should come to the secondary meeting when you're done. I have a feeling it's going to take a while." Glanced backwards annoyed. "I wish I could skip."

"Oh, sorry. I'm going to have to sit this one out. I'm just an extra." Jack looked down. He gave a half hearted smile.

"Really? Check again. I mean, things can change right? There were never 2 protagonists before and yet here I am." He had a strong feeling that something was different about him from when they first met. He seemed, stronger.

"If I must…" Jack smiled and opened his profile. He took a step back. [ ROLE : Best Friend ] "Oh wow. ] he grinned, [ I'm your best friend? ]

"Okay, come on. It's the apocalypse! Haha." He started to walk backwards to the meeting when a PING came and startled him. [ NEW SKILL ACQUIRED : Statistician - Read people's statistics. ] He shut his profile immediately. Best to keep this one to himself. It's always good to have a backup plan. "Bye Jack!" he waved backwards in a salute.

"M'kay, bye bestie!!" called back Jack.

This one was fun to write. My writing is bad, so I'm hoping to get better as this series goes on!

Lots of love! Thx >o<

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