
The Prodigy of the Elements

A boy born in a low branch of his family, showed an aptitude for magic and combat. He grew up till the age of 5 not knowing his father, only knowing the love of his mother. The nation he was born in was in the turmoil of war. Only to see it end as he was only a child.

Cody_Kuehner · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Prologue Part 3

The woman cried heavily as the man left, praying for his safety. She remembered a couple nights before, they gave eachother everthing, body and soul.

Weeks passed after he left. She was pregnant with their child. His side of the family brought her in to the main sector of the building as respect of her pregnancy.

The time passed slowly for her as the higher maidens helped her and made sure she was at ease. The time came for labor. She was excited to bring a new life into her family. After the child came, it was hidden in a medical room next to hers to be readied for her.

The doctors came with her newborn child, smiling as they anounced that it was a boy. She took the baby, eager to see his face as he cried. The boy stopped crying as his mother took him and looked at her with his hazel green eyes. She smiled widely and named him Axel Endervein.

Two guards of the family stepped in, and darkened the tone of the room. The doctors stated to the guards that no visitors outside of the immediate family were allowed. The higher ranking guard said, "This is of high importance. Where is Elane Endervein?" Elane raised her head to her name.

The guard stepped forward to the woman holding the baby. "Madam." The guard said as he held out two badges donned with ribbons. "It brings us great sorrow to inform you of the passing of Chris Endervein. His body will arrive within the week."

Elane sobbed and screamed in agony for her past husband. "No!!!! He can't be!!!!" The guards left her the badges and left the room. The Doctors and family in the room with her, bowed their heads in place as the guards left.

Elane broke her sorrows as time passed. She knew that her child would be what kept her together. She smiled as his eyes met hers. "You will grow strong my son. Be as great of a man as your father was and you will find blessings in your life."