
The Prodigy of the Elements

A boy born in a low branch of his family, showed an aptitude for magic and combat. He grew up till the age of 5 not knowing his father, only knowing the love of his mother. The nation he was born in was in the turmoil of war. Only to see it end as he was only a child.

Cody_Kuehner · Fantasy
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17 Chs

Prologue Part 2

The battle of this long war that the nation just joined was long and hard. Showing no signs of ending soon, the man made a brave decision that turned the tides of battle. He dove into the enemy lines, clashing his sword against enemies that flushed around him as he fought with all his might and heart.

Later that evening there was the usual truce that lasted from dusk till dawn, letting the the fallen bodies be collected to be sent back to their families for a proper burial.

The men in this time, spent their early hours of the night drinking and mourning. It was a daily tribute to their fallen friends and family that was by now ritualistic to them.

The next morning the horn of battle awoke the men. The man ate half a serving of bread, hastily as he donned his armor, readying himself for battle. As the battle started, he recieved an order to don his bow.

The battle raged more furiously than usual this day. Still he focused his aim and let his body count rise. He was told to kill 15 to 20 men before taking a short rest to steady his senses and let his body adjust to his new weapon.

Days passed as he got better with his new weapon. Suddenly, he unlocked a power within himself. His bow glowed white as the sun above him, flames riding the strings of it. He was scared at first, but noticed the flames didnt harm himself. He took a gander and fired an arrow deep into the enemy lines. As the arrow struck, it exploded with flames flying to the heavens. The enemies were disappearing as the blast grew substantially.