

The day when alex are gone , Rechie become silent, he no longer smile nor talk to anyone whose he use to talk to .. He merge her own company and her brother's then run on her own .. he become strick , to the point like 'the deal is a deal , if you brake it then face the consequences' .. for him all people is greedy ..

By the time went by, 2 months have past , He made a name on his own .. without anyone bucking him .. Why is he doing it ?? ... that's because he want to bring out the one who assassinate her brother ... its the most basic way and more efficient.. while he made name for himself he take note of those who are the possible suspect ...

2 months have past and the killer that killed my brother has been killed inside that prison before the judgment so that can't reveal the mastermind of the case .. hmmm .. but then ... sino bang makakalagpas sa mga kamay ko? ..

I hired assassin's, i made connection in mafia , yakuza , underground arena .. i made a solid work just to root out the mastermind .. i control military and almost everything... just to be incase something goes not according to my plan ...

I have 3 family suspected that assassinate big brother .. its the "Yuu, Tong and Barron Family" ..

yes yuu family ... my parent was both achievers so its natural that so many shit in our family .. i dont care anymore .. all that they have, has nothing to do with me anymore so that i suspected them and same goes for those other bigger family ...


Rechie now is in the veranda of her own office while puffing a cigarette.. he was too focus that he didn't notice the young man coming in her office ...

"sir this is the file that Mr. degusman has send , I'll put it to desk now sir " the young man said ..

Rechie snap of what he was thinking and instinctively throw the knife towards the young man , however the young man when he saw that her boss hunt him with a knife he was stuck on what he was standing on ... then in a blink of an eye there a cut mark park on her shoulder..

" ah!?" Rechie said while rushing to assist the young man .. but to his surprise the young man has yet to understand what is going on .. he just standing there while blood dripping from her wounds , he is not blinking nor speaking until Rechie grab her to its chest and cover its eye... Rechie dont know why he did it but what concern her most was the fact that this young man see her holding a knife and what's more worst is that its get wound from it .

" im sorry are you alright ?! , " Rechie said ... acting like panicking... " ahh .. !! i.... i.... its... al.. alright ... its .... j... just ... " but Rechie cut her words " no ill bring you to hospital now " the young man left in daze


The young man is now being threated inside the clinic .. because its just a minor injury he just need rest ..' that young man sure is stiff .. he has eye bags and lack of weight ... he just like me when i.... sigh .. now now. it reminds me again of big brother ' ... he thought , now he could just shrug her shoulders and focus herself again on his objective then he went back to her home after instructing the young man to rest and have her escort to her home ..

inside the of her room Rechie instructed her some men to keep on watch of that young man .. then he went to rest ...

its just that when he was about to shut her eyes a new messege ring in her mobile phone,contended of .. " Result investigation"...