
Precious Big Brother

Rushing in the corridor for the hospital while being afraid that other may notice that something was wrong in you.


I'm Rechie Yuu , the owner of the normal and average company of cosmetic product , wala akong halos kalaban because of the protection of my big brother Alex Tee Yuu na nag mamay-ari din sa isa sa mga malalakas na companyang meron dito sa pilipinas .. Dalawa làng kaming mag kapatid and my brother loves me so much the way i love him .. He always there in the times I need help , guidance and comfort .. We are in the Family of achievers and halos lahat ng kapamilya namin ay hanga sa aming mag kapatid but hindi mawawala ang mga plastic at may mga binabealak na masama sa amin kaya my brother always cautious in times of family matters ..

Start from the time that my brother inheirit the company , he always handle the things that is very dangerous , i dont know what is it but my gentle,loving and caring brother always treated me like a gem .So on the day i finish study and have also my own compony of my mother inheiret to me .. For that time, life is struggle, but with love and determination i learned many things that needed to survive ..

Until one day , when i saw my brother's lifeless body , almost everything that i have turn to ash .. All my dreams ,my faith, my self and my life turn apart that i feel breathless that i could die on the spot ..

My previous Big Brother is gone and now all that left me is rage and thirsty for revenge .. The revenge that i could almost murder everyone around me at that moment ..

The days past like a wind that i couldn't notice the days that my brother need to be buried that day .. almost everyone present there were crying while me staring him devoid with emotion and rationality .. i couldn't bring myself to cry anymore, because i feel dry and empty, while being hug by my mom and dad i couldn't bring my self to blink of being afraid that i forgot her face in the last moment then my head is spinning that i blackout...


When i opened my eyes ,here Im in the hospital, I dont know how long I've been pass out but all i could feel now is emptiness and thirty to torture the one who killed my brother but if i stay here in this shitty hospital i couldn't bring justice for the death of him .. so i need to work ,i need to plan , i need concrete information, evidence to avenge my kin.

its just that im about to rush out in the exit fire that someone grab me and push me to the ground..

"where do you think your going ? patient are not allowed to go out , please go back to your disignated room sir " .. its a boy wearing an all white gown that helping me now to stand

"are you a doctor ?" i ask while reaching out to her arm .. "not yet, im still off to become a doctor but i should be one pretty close " the boy is full of smile

"then what are you ? " ..

"im still a nurse here , so please sir go back to your room "

" (sigh) alright" then he guide me to the elevator

"Wich floor is your room? " he ask .."7th " i reply

... its just that i was about to go out in the elevator that someone has entering when i ask her for his name and reply me that its "Josh" and when i look back to him i didn't see him anymore so i ask the man that enter .." san sya pumunta ?" .. " sino po?"

sagot nya " yung kasama ko kanikanina lang " ..

" po ? e, wala naman po kayong kasama dito ? mag isa lang naman po kayo sir ?" .. then the door closed .. i couldn't move a single inch .. i was so shock to discover that the boy that been talking to me all this while is.... " F*CK, this is S*hit.. " is all i could say while walking returning to that room ...

when i return i saw my mom and dad .. hugging each other while Mom is crying .. when the two see me walking to the door ..they were surprised and rush to hug me .. " oh , Jesus thanks god that your alright my son " my mom said .. " where did you go .. we were just about to call for security to find you.. were so scared that something may happened to you " my dad said and hug me... i could fell in my skin there hug and worry for but at the same time i couldn't feel anything deep in my heart , i began to get scared of the thing that i didn't feel anything .. it start from the time i see my brother's body being lifeless... ' that's right I've been nothing from the day that brother is gone . im going to continue her legacy , i would crumple that shitty out of them then let them taste the wrath that they wish for a painless death (evil grin) ' ..

..while rechie is being engrossed of her own thoughts , her father see her evil grin and cold eyes .. it couldn't help but shed tears.. its painful for him to see what happens to his eldest son then now her youngest son where being driven of insanity because of the lost of its beloved brother ..


When Rechie Reach her room the first thing that broke her silence is her cellphone.. its from the company .. but then he didn't answer it .. he turn it off again then plan to discover who killed her brother ..

he know he can't trust anyone anymore even the cops .. Ider his parents because he dont want to drag them to his revenge ..

after wracking his head for the possibility killers that killed her brother,he took a bath and ready herself to rake rest .. he grasp air in her balcony in that time where already 9:45 of the night .. he smoke there while drinking some can beer .. mezmerizing herself for peacefulness of the night ... the waiving of her black hair is like a feathers .. while dripping some water droplets while her cold blue eyes where looking down to the busy city that could be seen in her room.. puffing her cigarettes , anyone who could see her topless figure and cold yet calm demeanor ,no one could said that he once become a cheerful and cute little brother with innocent eyes that full of love. Now one can see her as a Dominant person that could crush the confidence of the one who compared to him .. at the time that her cigarettes are done , he smirk before releasing the thread of smoke then "I'll bring the hell of you all ,then let you taste the most painfull death"..