
The Princess of Lucifer ( Highschool DXD)

How would a normal otaku survive in a world where she is trapped in a experiment tube and Infront of her is the hidden boss of her favorite novel dxd , will she able to live a fulfilling life or will she be at the top of it ,and why the hell did that Biblical God come to see her in her dreams and taking about some legacy ====================================== ( English isn't my best language so please do excuse the Grammer and spelling mistakes) I don't own highschool DXD or the other fanfics that are reference for some of characters in my novel Please support me : https://ko-fi.com/nauty_manu And if you want to read advance chapters go to: patreon.com/Nauty_Manu

Nauty_Manu · Anime & Comics
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82 Chs

Chapter 17

When koneko asked this question both Irina and xenovia blushed a little. While Irina was about to say something xenovia quickly asked a question,

" Why does it look like we are begging, we are obviously trying to spread our region in this county as our duties "

To this all three look at her in confusion . Issei and koneko was confused because they couldn't see how this is linked to their mission. While Irina is confused because they came here to make some money.

Xenovia seeing that her plan to shift their awareness from this problem has succeeded she further continues.

" since I can smell the faith people had for god I can tell that the faith here is very thin so by increasing that faith we can see the people who have the most faith since learning about Excalibur automatically increase your belief."

She also mumbled ' even though I hate to come to a country where smell of faith is missing '

Though issei found this believable he couldn't help but think it is totally bulshit. But then he thought ' well it's not like they would lie to us in a such situation '

If Roxanne was here saw his thought process she would say " well his instincts are really Sharp he just need to learn to lose his common sense and he can survive anything that's not instant death with his instincts guiding him "

While xenovia is still telling more lies they suddenly heard a stomach growling. All of them turned Irina who has a beet red face due to embarrassment. She quietly said " sorry I didn't eat anything till yesterday "

Seeing this a opportunity to arrange a meeting with them issei said " why don't we head to the diner next street to grab a bite "

Both of them looked at each other and then said " then we shall gratefully accept your offer "

================= ================

Issei had always thought he would never be able to invite a lady to eat dinner with him due to his nature . But now for the first time he regretted even thinking about such a dream . Why you ask well the two ladies who he invited to eat dinner is currently emptying his wallet to the extream. The table is filled with empty plates. Majority of them is due to xenovia and Irina being two gluttons but what made him almost bleed is how kenoko order one sweet after another. He himself only ordered a burger but he even reconsidered canceling it . Just as he was trying to think a way to pay for  the bills . The waitress came to him and gave him the bill and a letter.

Puzzled he asked about but what the waitress said surprised  him  .

" The bill has been settled sir . The one who paid said to give you this letter to you "

Curious he oppened the letter and read it . While reading it his eyes almost bulged out of it shockets.


Hey issei ,

It's me Roxanne. While I was eating here I saw you coming to eat with a girl form our school and two nuns and seeing their appetite I figured you didn't have enough money to pay for all of them . So as a sweet childhood friend I paid it for you . Don't worry about debt . You can pay me by doing a favor when I need it . Also I think it is time you get your self a job. And if not you will eventually be broke if you want to support your future harem.

With love ,

Your lovely childhood friend,

Roxanne 😋


Issei don't know whether to laugh or cry . At one hand he doesn't need to go bankrupt by paying for the bill . On the other hand his dignity as a harem protagonist is completely ruined to his childhood friend.

While issei was in a dilemma others have finished  their meals. Seeing that issei is still distracted koneko started the conversation.

" So have you found any leads for Excalibur or kokobiel."

Xenovia replied " we have not find any clues regarding Excalibur as we didn't feel any holy energy lately as for kokobiel we  only found a little base for his minions who are low-class fallen angels. "

Issei then cut in " so in short the investigation hasn't been very fruitful "

Xenovia didn't reply and just stayed silent which is a confirmation itself for issei.

Irina then asked " so issei-kun why did you want to meet us . Don't tell me you have found out that being a devil is wrong and came to be purified " and smiled.

To anyone that smiling face maybe a angel but for issei that was a devil itself.' Woman what the hell is wrong with your head  and didn't we have this conversation earlier '

It was not only issei who was questioning her behavior even her companion xenovia is facepalming at much of a airhead she is.

Seeing this conversation is not going to where he wants issei first spoke " let me ask you a question, what will you do when you find those swords "

Xenovia turned serious and replied " our orders were to find and return with all of them or destroy them before the enemy can make use of them "

To this issei smirked as this makes things easier for him " then why don't we help you find those swords and in return you let us destroy those swords "

Xenovia narrowed her eyes and asked " what's in it for you to help us "

Seeing that he is about to make trouble issei hurriedly explained " well you see kiba is hell bent on destroying those swords so as a friend I had to help him . What do you say , you are having a great deal from this , not only will you get our help from us we are only asking for the right to destroy the swords which are already decided to be destroyed "

He paused for a moment and continued " and I also have a map where you could find the swords "

To this both xenovia and Irina widened their eyes before Irina muttering " how "

Issei then replied " I got it from this Shaltier person "

To this not only the duo even koneko looks at issei with horror.

" y..o…u ..don..'t me ..an sha…lt .ier as ….in.. sh….adow….garden …..do you …..issei kun…." Irina asked  trembling almost crying .

Issei not understanding anything just nodded .