
The princess is stalked

Mika was a young girl Born into royalty she was nineteen but still her parents never let her explore the world outside the castle would she be forever stalked in there????

Henry_Manfred · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Princess Mika

" how is everything coming up Sara"

" Coming up fine"

" When is my dad gonna go out "

" At least this evening "

" Tell me when he goes out "

" Yes your highness " she said walking away, Mika was the only daughter of king robin despite being a princess her father never let her explore the world she stayed in the castle area for nineteen years and she was planning to go out and meet new people. She thought her father was just a wicked nefarious and tyrant man . There was a place named flower valley just fifty kilometers from the royal palace, it was the property of the palace and it is a restricted area. A young woman was standing in front of a hole she looked down the hole as a wicked smile curved up in her lip.

" How are you doing down there Sasha" she asked

" You evil queen I will expose you soon enough "

" And how are you gonna do that i mean you can't free yourself and you are talking about exposing me mymy Sasha you are so dramatic, how are you comfortable doing thesame thing over and over again only just to fulfill your worthless plan "

" You wicked soul i swear one day you will be exposed "

" My goodness Sasha, you know what i seriously didn't want to harm you but your pride and ego has made you vulnerable so you just have to live with it " she said turning to face the dump truck man," cover him " she ordered

" Yes madam" he replied, the lady walked away with two soldiers accompanying her.

" Mr sasha she's gone"

" Excellent now get me out of here" sasha ordered


Mika has gone downstairs to have her lunch she sat on the king sized chair eating a king sized meal with her family, her brothers hasn't come downstairs yet to eat that was why everywhere around the dining area was calm.

" Dad are you gonna leave for Livingston today" Her father was a little bit surprised but he still answered her.

" Well no, I'm going to the nearest town to pay homage to it's king we need to join our heads together to stop the vampires invasion "

" Vampire invasion!!?? "

" Yes my dear and we will fight so that we all won't be vampires meal "

" Yes dad "

" My dear i don't want you outside the castle when the invaders arrive "

" So does that mean I can go outside the castle but stay indoors on that faithful day "

" You are not going anywhere not even the garden "

' my dad always being overprotective as usual '

" Darling i think you should listen to mika let her explore the world for a little while and make sure the security is tight so for her safety" Mika's mother defended her

" No my queen I don't want anything to happen to my daughter during this war period "

" But dear she has never gone outside the castle before so let her go this one time please " Mika's mother begged

" My queen I will still stand on my ground you are not going to deceive me anymore with your eyes

" Dad i beg you please send your strongest soldiers with me as i look around town" mika begged. After much pestering from both mother and daughter the king finally fell for them.

" Okay she can go out but she will not make any friends and the soldiers will keep a close eye on her"

' what!!?? He agreed ' mika said to herself ' i can't believe this ' mika was eager not to waste this opportunity in seeing the world for the first time.

" When i get back tell me your experience"

" Yes dad "

" And you are dressing casually okay "

" Casually!!??"

" Yes and don't tell anyone who you really are come up with a name and you are free to go " he said

As mika jubilated she imagined the life outside the castle but she didn't know what fate had for her.