
The princess is stalked

Mika was a young girl Born into royalty she was nineteen but still her parents never let her explore the world outside the castle would she be forever stalked in there????

Henry_Manfred · Fantasy
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3 Chs

life outside the castle

mika wore a long black cloak covering her head with a hood, it was hard for anyone to recognize her as a princess. her looks attracted a crowd of onlookers she, the guards and the cloak only a witch can cover their body with cloak. as the crowds were chit_ chatting about the girl in a cloak some group of men rather gang of men approached them the crowds were paving way for the men to pass, A tall handsome man was standing in front of them the crowds separated until only mika and the man stood in the middle.

" who are you and what are you doing in my future land" he said his deep voice echoed as the crowds fell silent

" This is never going to be your land" mika said, what the hell who was this girl to challenge him like this where did she come from. after thinking for a while something creeped up in him ' wait a second this voice very familiar ' he thought he wanted to know her name so he went ahead asking.

" what is your name ?"

" issabella" she lied ' if her voice is so familiar then why is her name not familiar ' he thought.

" well issabella are you a witch in disguise or you are a new citizen ?" he asked. The crowds were just starring in awe among all the creature in this world only this strange issabella could catch the princes attention.

" I'm not a witch and I'm a new citizen " mika said . the guards were pretty impressed with the way their princess behaved according to their plan.

" if you are a new citizen take of your hood and show us your face " he said rather rudely.

" how can I when you are speaking in a rude manner " mika said looking at the sandy floor. what the hell!!?? who is this young girl who dare challenge the prince of Bel aka Livingston the most powerful kingdom in the world .

" you dare challenge me" he said

" see what I mean if you just keep on being rude I might just run away because you scare me " mika said, she didn't know who this man was that was why she faced him bravely and even if she knew she will still face him because she had a strong spirit that no one else possess . ' this lady she is very familiar but where did i see her last ' he thought

" i will say it nice this time pl..lease e issabella take off your hood so we can see your face " he said, it took him a lot of effort to believe he said please for the first time and to a stranger. " I hope that would do " he said

" nope, i only did that for you to say please to me but guess what I'm not taking of my hood never " she defended. ' what the fuck!!!???, I just said please for no reason, what a fool you are Alexander' he yelled within him.

" so mister i believe you can let me go now i need to see the wor... I mean this village for the first time "

" no can't do, no strangers allowed, we need to verify if you are a witch or not " he said with a playful smirk. ' this naughty man he won't let me go argh ' mika thought.

" mister you can't force a stranger to do anything they don't want " mika managed to say she has totally ran out of ideas.

" of course I'm th... just as he was about speaking the wind carried a threatening sounds of chanting, it was the vampire invasion, they invaded before the invasion day . suddenly smoke started rising from the wall of the village everyone scrambled to their houses like dinosaur looking for it lost eggs . every single one of the citizen were all running like chickens the event that took place was titled The prince and the strange issabella. mika couldn't help but run as well she ran into a bungalow because that was the closest house she could find , she ran into the house putting the lock on heaving a heavy sigh after making sure she was safe ' but what of the guards ' a tiny voice said,' they can take care of themselves ' Mika thought.

" what are doing here miss issabella" a masculine deep and husky voice said from behind her. mika turned around using the door as support her back caressed the door as she was finding means to escape.

" you again" mika said

" if you are scared of showing every one your face can you show me personally" he said

" no, i can't"

" but i said please"

"but it didn't mean anything to me " mika lied

" I forgot to ask, how did you get in here??" mika said. Alex looked at her as he starred in awe.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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