
The Princess Fall In Love With the Omega Queen

Wang Zheng is the powerful queen of the country of Wang, a beautiful and exuberant woman omega. After living almost 30 springs, much of the kingdom doubts her ability to marry and produce an heir. The council of elders of the realm obliges her to participate in the Bloody Spring: an event that forces the queen to choose a person to marry. Now she's being forced to find a good alpha... But what really catches her eye is a bold and beautiful omega with an eccentric mint scent. Fate had in store for them a challenging and exciting future. __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside __________________ *Isekai and Reincarnation are worked on directly from volume 005 second chance [extra]. _______________________________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

moonsside · Fantasy
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321 Chs


Liu Wei had woken up relatively early, old habits didn't change so easily. It was the first day of Bloody Spring, was the queen already on her first date? She sighed in her heart.

Despite having drunk a lot the night before she felt nothing but thirst, her resistance to alcohol was truly enviable.

For a few seconds she stared at the strange ceiling of the room and she was still so sleepy that it took her a few moments to recognize the place. She sighed. It was Wang Zheng's palace.

She turned to look at the glass left at dawn at the queen's behest, but it wasn't there anymore. She felt sad.

Anna must have probably already passed the room while Liu Wei was sleeping and must have taken the glass back.

She was curious if she would be lucky enough to go out to breakfast and accidentally run into the queen in the halls of the palace. Would it be possible to accidentally meet someone in such a big place?

Her house in Martana was really big, but the palace managed to be twice as big! Liu Wei had already realized that everything around the queen was on a grand scale: she had a big house, many employees... But she was the only person who lived there, did she ever feel lonely?

The rooms were clean and the floor was shiny. But did Wang Zheng ever get into a fight with her parents to not have to wash the dinner dishes?

With each passing day, Liu Wei worried more and more about the possibilities around the Queen, but she longed for the day when she would have her first certainty.

She wondered if Wang Zheng would ever see her as a person she could trust.

She stretched her arms and legs and rubbed her eyes.

Anna had left a thermos of warm water to cure any hangovers, she took it and filled the glass next to her.

She took out her cell phone and swiped the screen for a few seconds until she found the contact she needed.

Liu Wei desperately needed to think of something for her meeting with the Queen. It was embarrassing to accept that she really was so unprepared.

She placed her cell phone on the table and sat up subtly as he tried to straighten the tousled strands of her hair. The cell phone rang twice and the third time a woman appeared on the screen. "Mummy."

The young woman frowned upon seeing her daughter's disheveled state, it was on the face that she had just woken up.

"Hi sweetie. I can see you didn't even wash your face before calling me..."

Liu Wei's mother's name was Liu Hui, a woman in her early 40s with strong, lively features. Always in a good mood and with a good glass of wine in hand.

Liu Wei was the product of an arranged marriage.

Two countries would come together and the result would be a prosperous and happy family.

Despite the luck of a good marriage, Liu Hui couldn't very well control the anxiety of seeing her little child competing to marry Wang Zheng. Her biggest fear was that her daughter would be unhappy.

She sighed worriedly.

"I have more important things to do."

"What for example?"

"The queen said I came here unprepared..."

Liu Hui blinked a few times in a daze, but then let out a loud laugh.

Her cell phone rattled so exaggeratedly was the laughter, Liu Wei could feel a slight regret for having contacted her mother. Now she was being laughed at and soon all the rest of the family would know what the queen thought of her.

"Well, she's probably right."

Liu Wei knew that her mother had a good relationship with Wang Zheng, the two attended charity events together and were always chatting on the phone.

"What do you think she like to do?"

Liu Hui took a few seconds to answer, carefully thinking about what the young queen liked.

"Hmmm, Wang Zheng is a woman with simple taste... The more luxury, the less she likes it."

Mama Liu still remembered well when she tried to gift Wang Zheng with a beautiful gemstone necklace on her second birthday as queen... The young girl looked her up and down and humbly took the gift, but without the slightest trace of happiness.

It took a few years for Liu Hui to understand, how did the girl look so unhappy after such good gifts? So she decided to ask on one of her dates and she simply said that she wouldn't want to receive something that would stay in a safe.

Liu Hui was silent and thought it was just a passing moment, but Wang Zheng never wore anything but the few jewels her mother had left. There must be hundreds of jewels stored in some fully available safe that were just waiting to be used.

Liu Wei seemed lost in her thoughts and for a few seconds there was an awkward silence between mother and daughter.

"I see... But I have nothing but money to offer."

Liu Hui huffed in dissatisfaction, her little daughter sometimes became downright stupid for thinking so much in a practical way.

"What a silly little daughter of mine... You have arms and legs, find something you can do with them."

Liu Wei nodded, she was completely capable of impressing the queen with her hard work.

"I see. I'm going to work hard."

Liu Hui smiled with satisfaction, her daughter was stubborn and strong when she wanted something.

"How's it going over there?"

"Can't say it's not lively."

"As expected from Wang Zheng."

Liu Wei heard a light knock on her door and asked the person to come in. Anna emerged carrying a large breakfast tray and the little omega could feel the hunger rising with the savory scent.

"Mom I need to hang up, I'm going to have breakfast and then see the city."

Liu Hui was intrigued, Weiwei was never interested in tourism, much less bothered to get to know another city on a simple whim.

"Alright, be careful with your pheromone."

"All right..."

Anna positioned herself next to Liu Wei's bed and started to arrange the dishes so the princess could eat comfortably.

"Good morning, miss. I brought your breakfast."

"Okay, thanks... I want you to talk to the head of the guard and tell him I'm going to take a walk around town."

Liu Wei got up and took a toast with jam. She was starving.

"Yes, miss."

"Also bring some of the barrier protectors, I'm going to use one today."

"Right. I'll arrange everything."

Anna left the room to immediately do what Liu Wei had asked, as she watched the door close and went back to being completely alone in the room again she turned her face and looked at the hearty breakfast that was right in front of her. She would eat well.

Liu Wei walked over to the bathroom mirror and started unpacking the barrier protector. Sticky and cold. The feeling of putting it on her skin was comfortable, but taking it off she knew would suck. Some types of protectors came with their own type of remover to make the process easier, but it was still difficult.

The gland protector had a viscous and sticky substance that when bitten would release an unpleasant taste in the mouth, in addition to preventing the teeth from entering and leaving the alpha's mouth completely burned.

Wang's country had this on the market for at least five years and there was nothing compared to the products created by Wang Zheng's companies.

Its barrier protector was transparent in color, convenient and practical. She finished putting on her clothes and left her room accompanied by Anna.

Liu Wei put on a light outfit: black boots, denim shorts, a white linen shirt and a red jacket. Her light brown hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and dark glasses. She was ready to venture into the unknown country.

In a few seconds they were already at the palace entrance and two guards were waiting for them.

They don't wear their uniforms to avoid attracting attention, as the country was in a festive mood, it made no sense to have royal soldiers in uniform walking around the streets for any reason.

Anna was also supposed to wear ordinary clothes and she was really beautiful when she took off her dull black uniform.

Liu Wei's maid was a beta, native to ancient Eastern Europe. A docile-tempered blonde woman, her honey-colored eyes held a calm and familiarity.

They were inside the car and not talking much.

The guards would sit in the front seats and Liu Wei would sit in the back with Anna.

They watched the landscape and people mingling as they smiled and laughed happily. The streets of Wang's country had a unique architecture with European and Asian influences blending together.

"Anna you see something interesting?"

Anna smiled back. She saw many interesting things, but none useful to Liu Wei.

"Yeah, people look really happy."

"Yes. From the voices I heard as we waited for pedestrians to cross the lane there will be a festival today."

"Good. Do you have any idea where to go with the queen?"

Liu Wei sighed a little frustrated. "No... I'm feeling pretty lost..."

It was already getting late and they needed to eat. It would be necessary to take a break and reassess where they were going after lunch, that thought gave Anna a great idea.

"Miss, why don't you cook for Your Majesty?"

Liu Wei was surprised by the proposal, but Anna could see the young princess's eyes spark with excitement. "Do you think I should?"

"Of course. It's one of the things the lady knows how to do divinely, besides dancing. If I were you, I would cook the dishes the queen likes."

"I see. Well, I've researched dating and all the articles tend to mention parks and restaurants. I'm the last one, so I need to do something different...''

Anna could see the change in Liu Wei's posture, she was now more and more dedicated and committed to doing something that would please the queen. She felt in her heart that maybe the princess was really interested in getting married and she sighed thoughtfully, the future was uncertain.

Anna smiled and looked at the young omega gently. "Princess, if I had a lot of money I'd probably get someone to cook... Or rent an amusement park just for the two of us... But isn't surprising exactly making an unexpected gesture? and perks, of course, there's nothing new about a chocolate cake, but when there's meaning behind it, it makes sense. Well, I think you're thinking too much about how to impress with money and not with intent."

Liu Wei had a thoughtful and even a little embarrassed expression. She was really being very materialistic, right?

The princess sighed a little tiredly. "This is deeper than expected."

"Sorry princess."

Anna felt a little guilty, but received a sweet smile in return.

"No, you're right Anna. Even though I cook well I still need to know what to do and where to take her..."

Anna smiled sympathetically. "Well, let's have something to eat and take a little break."


The guards nodded obediently, they were silent and didn't interact much. It was a little uncomfortable all that silence inside the car, but there wasn't much to be done.

Liu Wei got out of the car and everyone else followed her. Anna was talking to the female guard and they discovered that Chinese food from one of the stores near where they were was one of her favorites. They were hungry.

It didn't take more than a five-minute walk and they were in place, the smell of meat and spice tempting.

A round table for 4 people was chosen and despite the guards insisting on not eating Liu Wei they would not take no for an answer and they agreed to join in the meal.

Anna placed her chopsticks on top of her bowl and looked into the worried face of the young omega. "Miss, do you have any idea where you'll take her in your turn?"

"No, I feel defeated..." Liu Wei had never been romantically involved with anyone and the internet didn't have anything that pleased her. She stared at the serious faces of the guards and decided to break that terrible silence between them. "Are you guys dating? Tell me what you would do for the person you like."

The guards looked at each other a little surprised and scared, they didn't expect to talk something like this with a princess.

They were betas and had very distinctive features, while one was a young boy who didn't look more than 20 years old, the other was a strong, beautiful woman with a mature appearance and maybe in her 30s.

The boy was extremely shy and blushed easily, while the woman had a wide smile on her face and didn't seem to care much about what the others said.

The woman spoke first while the other stuffed his mouth with meat so he wouldn't have to.

"I have a fiancée, she's an alpha. I proposed shortly after she was named a royal guard."

"How did she react?"

"She cried for a long time and then she fought with me for spending too much on the ring." She spoke to the guard a little grumpy as she stuffed her mouth with rice.

Anna laughed at the sullen declaration.

Liu Wei stared at the young man and he swallowed hard. It was as red as a pepper.

"W-well... I've never dated, I don't know how to help."

Liu Wei smiled. She also had no experience with romance, so she was very sympathetic to beta situation.

She picked up her rice bowl and set it back on the table along with her chopsticks..

"I see, and where would you like to take someone you love? Is there any place around here that is unforgettable?"

Everyone around the table looked thoughtful. The little boy spoke excitedly, seeming to remember something as he tried to quickly swallow the food in his mouth so he could speak.

"Well, I'd like to take my future girlfriend to see the sunset on the beach."

The soldier gave a small laugh. "We don't have a beach in Wang's country."

The boy wanted to hide his head in his rice bowl. So embarrassing. "Well..."

Li Wei laughed softly, that scene was very cute and it looked like two brothers fighting. "I need more ideas."

Anna was normally someone quiet and delicate, if you didn't pay close attention to the environment you wouldn't notice her presence. She was always acting like Liu Wei's shadow.

"Anna, where do you most like to go with your omega?"

Anna stopped chewing and spent a few seconds thinking. "Well, her family has a rose garden. Sometimes we would go on picnics outside and spend all day talking under a tree and drinking wine."

"Wine… Anna, you've given me great ideas… You too, little boy."

He looked surprised and confused. "But we don't have a beach."

"Well, but we have heaven.... I'm going to call Mom."

Liu Wei took out her cell phone and put the device to her face.

"Hi honey, do you need anything?"

"Yes. I need a shipment of the best wines from our cellar."

"Well, what type?"

"You understand wine better than I do, could you choose some?"

"Good. Should be there tomorrow."

"Great. Thank you."

Liu Hui possessed two great titles: Queen Mother and Queen of Wine.

Being the queen mother of a nation meant being the greatest symbol after the king. She would be admired and envied by many.

Being the mother of the future king meant being the mother of the people.

It's no secret that Martana had the best wines on the continent, but much was due to Liu Hui's cunning. One day when she was not busy, she decided to study a dusty book about grapes and in a few months she wanted to understand wines.

In two decades, it became the continent's largest wine exporter. Mother Liu was a great businesswoman and if anyone needed good wines they should speak to her directly.

The female soldier smiled. "Wine is good."

Lunch went well and everyone was satisfied.

Liu Wei already had a little idea of what she was going to do, but she knew that she needed to find a good place. She wanted to have a little picnic and watch a beautiful starry sky accompanied by good food and good wine.

But Wang Zheng was a real celebrity, she couldn't walk around freely.

She sighed in her heart.

Li Wei was inside the car waiting for Anna to return and before in the car there was a disturbing silence, now the guards with the princess were talking excitedly about how to get the young beta to meet some girl.

Anna appears full of bags and gives a few light taps on the glass for Liu Wei to open the door for her.

Anna bought drinks and sweets for everyone and quickly distributed them.

She handed over a large glass of iced coffee and a slice of chocolate cake.

"This cake is really good… Did you buy an extra slice as I asked?"

"Yes." Anna showed the small travel package and Liu Wei smiled in satisfaction.

"Let's return to the palace."

I can say that Liu Wei will give her all hehe

I'm really happy with the story and we'll see each other every day for a while, I'm excited.

gogogogogo see you tomorrow

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