
The Princess Fall In Love With the Omega Queen

Wang Zheng is the powerful queen of the country of Wang, a beautiful and exuberant woman omega. After living almost 30 springs, much of the kingdom doubts her ability to marry and produce an heir. The council of elders of the realm obliges her to participate in the Bloody Spring: an event that forces the queen to choose a person to marry. Now she's being forced to find a good alpha... But what really catches her eye is a bold and beautiful omega with an eccentric mint scent. Fate had in store for them a challenging and exciting future. __________________ Support me and give me a gift! https://www.wishtender.com/moonsside __________________ *Isekai and Reincarnation are worked on directly from volume 005 second chance [extra]. _______________________________________ I don't own the rights to the cover image, it's an image taken from the internet and I couldn't find the author to offer the due credits.

moonsside · Fantasy
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320 Chs


As soon as Liu Wei arrived at the palace, the first thing she did was go to her room for a shower. In the meantime she asked Anna to look for Huan Yang and call him to her room.

She wanted to take advantage of the fact that the queen was gone and she could talk to him in peace.

As soon as she came out of the bathroom she rubbed the wet strands on her head with a dry towel. Huan Yang was already waiting for her inside the room, accompanied by Anna.

Huan Yang who was standing while holding various papers in his hands bowed slightly and greeted the young princess. "Hello princess, did you request my presence?"

"Yes! Well, it's a little embarrassing to say this, but I want to know what kind of food the queen likes, can you tell me?"

Huan Yang smiled funny, the princess looked like a really funny person. He could see the blush on the young omega's beautiful face and she looked very embarrassed.

He thought for a while. The queen liked many types of food, but her palate was very refined and that made her very demanding.

"Your Majesty likes sweets. Particularly strawberry pie and she appreciates a good tea as an accompaniment... Despite drinking coffee every morning, she has a strong caffeine intolerance. She likes fresh and dried fruit and sweet and sour savory foods."

Huan Yang hadn't noticed but Liu Wei had a small notebook in addition and diligently jotted down every word he spoke.

She seemed dedicated to making the queen satisfied. "Annotated."

Huan Yang understood Liu Wei's intentions, after all, the best way to win someone over is through the stomach.

"Would you like me to request the royal kitchen to make these dishes on the day of your meeting with the Queen?"

The proposal to have the food cooked by the royal kitchen was tempting, but if she accepted what difference would it make to her eating inside the palace or somewhere different? The food was the same.

Liu Wei wanted to offer a complete date experience and also wanted to show how good the food she made could taste.

"No! No... I'm just asking."

He nodded, demonstrating that he understood what she meant.

"Right. What is the queen's favorite flower?"

"Good. She likes a particularly rare flower, she even created a special greenhouse so she could have it properly."

Wang Zheng had a great admiration for flowers and plants since childhood and this was easy to notice when looking at the diversity of plant species present in the garden and the only plants she didn't have were the ones she knew would not adapt to the climate from Wang's country.


"She likes all kinds of desert flowers, but our country's climate only allows the flower to be cultivated by artificial means."

"I see."

Liu Wei looked thoughtful and Huan Yang resolved to secretly help her.

"Miss, let me share a secret with you."

"Yes." Liu Wei looked very interested at the secretary and what he might say about the Queen and even came closer as if they were sharing a huge secret.

"The queen is looking for a blue desert flower and it is extremely rare and many thought it had become extinct."

Liu Wei looked surprised. "Seriously?"

"Yes, but I recently found a laboratory that managed to make the flower grow, I was going to personally pick them up and bring them back after the Bloody Spring, but you can try to get them."

"Yes! Give me the contact of the person who has this flower."

Money wasn't an issue for Liu Wei and while it wasn't an issue for Wang Zheng either, it was a romantic and perfect gesture to show affection.

The young princess was happy and excited.


"I'll send the lab contact to Anna."


Liu Wei was extremely excited and didn't even care about her wet strands anymore.

"Need something else?"

The secretary was happy with the animation of the young princess, it was really rejuvenating.

He felt the queen needed that kind of person around her.

He hadn't worked inside the palace for a long time, but it was clear that Wang Zheng was always shrouded in melancholy solitude, he didn't understand how the queen could bear to live to rule and work and nothing more.

"No, I think the rest I can get by just talking to the other employees."


"Thank you very much, Secretary Huan… Ah, take this to the queen, it's a dessert, I bought it for her."

"Alright, miss." Huan Yang had a good feeling about the lady.

Liu Wei laughed happily in her heart. She quickened her steps and walked out of the room, quickly heading back to work.

That day had been exhausting for Wang Zheng. She had woken up early so she could work and advance all her responsibilities, even though it was the first day of Bloody Spring her job as ruler of a country didn't allow time off.

At Chen Fu's request she was wearing a fine party dress. Her fair skin looked like milk against the bright reddish hue of the gorgeous fabric clinging to her skin.

Wang Zheng secretly nicknamed the man as: Fishface, due to his strong salt-scented pheromone. The alpha wanted to impress her with a nice meal, so he took her to the penthouse of Wang's country's top luxury hotel, he specially booked the presidential suite for them to eat the food made by their personal chef while watching the sunset in the luxurious place.

In the alpha's personal view her guest would be dazzled by her attitude, but it was frustrating for him to see everything he planned being all the same for her. Wang Zheng throughout the meeting did not show the slightest surprise or animation.

She couldn't hide her boredom and revulsion, she couldn't stand the foul fishy smell of the alpha pheromone and every time he released a little she felt like throwing up. They didn't even stay for dessert.

Chen Fu knew he couldn't force the queen to stay and grudgingly accepted her leaving. He continued to enjoy the food alone in his luxurious and expensive penthouse. Already the queen, almost running, reached her car and asked the driver to return as quickly as possible to the palace.

She didn't get to see the sunset with Chen Fu, but the orange sky was beautiful and romantic, she could admit it wasn't a bad idea to admire it with someone.

Secretary Huan was hurriedly notified of the queen's return and rushed through the palace to receive her properly. As soon as the car stopped, Huan Yang opened the door and offered his hand as support so that Wang Zheng could more easily get out of the vehicle.

The queen actually ate very well, but she was already eating well at home.

The queen was angry and just asked him to move away, she didn't want to touch anyone. She felt dirty with that fishy smell wafting through her nostrils.


The queen stared at Liu Wei's window and saw the young princess concentrated reading a book inside her room. So beautiful. She sighed in her heart.

She turned her gaze back to Huan Yang and started walking inside the palace knowing he would follow her. "Prepare my bath. I smell like fish."

From the tone of the queen's voice he knew she wasn't in a good mood, but some pleasantries needed to be made. "Was the queen's meeting unsatisfactory?"

"Nothing impressive. He just wanted to take me to dinner at an expensive place."

They quickly arrived at the queen's room and she started to throw her shoes away.

"Would Your Majesty like something else to eat?"

"No, just my evening tea….and add cookies."


"I'll bring it right away."


The queen watched the young man leave her room and quickly removed her dress and set it on the floor beside her shoes.

After half an hour, the queen had already finished her bath and felt much more relaxed. She watched her secretary come in and serve her tea, put some cookies and a slice of chocolate cake on the table, felt curious, she hadn't asked for this.


Huan Yang smiled and nodded. "Miss Wei left this morning for the city center and said she bought it especially for your majesty."

The queen felt happy to know that Liu Wei remembered her.

"I see… Thank you for bringing him, you can go and rest."

It wasn't that late, but the queen looked tired and the secretary wasn't going to insist that she solve any official problems after first dark. "Good night, your majesty"

He smiled kindly at the queen and could tell that she was in a much better mood after winning her little slice of cake. He left satisfied, the princess really was someone who would make the Queen happy, he was sure of it.

Wang Zheng stared at that piece of cake and dared to think: What would it be like to see the sunset with Liu Wei?

She sighed and took some with her spoon and put it in her mouth. Really sweet, she could taste the chocolate melting on her tongue. She liked it.

The second day of dating had finally begun.

Liu Wei felt anxious, she was getting closer and closer to her turn, she woke up very early and there was still no trace of the sun coming from her window.

She stretched her arms and legs and then got up from her bed and walked lazily to the bathroom to shower.

After drying her strands, Liu Wei made some notes of what she should look for and where she should go. She got a map of the palace from Secretary Huan and it would help her a lot.

While there's nothing surprising about having a picnic in the palace garden, it was so big and beautiful that it made a great place if she couldn't find another one in time.

She was lost in her thoughts and didn't know how much time had passed before she heard the bedroom door slowly open.

Anna was startled to see the princess all dressed up and ready to leave so soon.

"Good morning, Miss."

"Good morning, Anna."

"I brought your breakfast... Going somewhere?"

Liu Wei nodded positively. "Thank you... Today I will go out alone, I will walk around the palace, so I don't need you to accompany me."

Anna didn't like the idea of leaving her princess unattended, but there was a way to stop it inside the palace."

"As you prefer princess, but take your cell phone and call in case of any need."


Wang Zheng was already in her car and was watching the scenery rushing by the window. It was still very early and she had barely had time for breakfast.

She could see that they were getting farther and farther from the palace and they were closer to a rural area and that there wasn't much. She felt curious.

Her chauffeur drove quietly not daring to look at the queen without being asked for her attention.

"What region are we going to?"

"We are going to the nearby Wang Ban River."

"I understood."

The queen found it strange, that area was not very populated and was not even used as pasture.

She still thought for a few minutes about the possibilities of what would happen today and finally gave up.

She felt the car slow down and then the car came to a complete stop.

Wang Zheng didn't bother to look through the windows and went straight to the car door to get out. Yen Bai was waiting for her with a huge bouquet of roses and as soon as the queen got out of the car she was presented with the flowers.

"Thank you."

The queen especially loved flowers, so beautiful and fragrant.

She smiled with the huge bouquet in her hands and gently brought the beautiful petals to her face. She sighed contentedly.

"Well let's go?"

The car had stopped in front of a large black tarp stretched out and had probably been placed there to prevent the queen from seeing what awaited her.

Yen Bai tried in a quick act to grab one of the queen's hands and hold it, but she smoothly dodged the man's touch. She wasn't interested in him or what he was trying to do.

They walked side by side in silence and in a few seconds the black cloth gave way to a large structure... They had gone to a circus!

Wang Zheng was particularly fond of the circus and was curious to know how they got permission to install that structure without a royal seal signed by her.

But one of the privileges granted to the participants was carte blanche to do everything in their power to impress the queen. So, when something was done exclusively for Blood Spring, the royal seal wasn't needed and she could just quietly observe all the movement.

She smiled politely.

"You managed to be very original."

"Well, I've hired the best circus group in my country and they're here especially to put on a show for the two of us today."

Meanwhile in the palace.

Liu Wei comes out of her room and starts walking around the palace. She sees countless kind faces looking at her and bowing towards her.

Despite not knowing exactly where to go, she wanted to find somewhere perfect for a picnic, but not knowing the kingdom was really an obstacle. The best place still seemed to be the palace and there was nothing surprising about it.

The more she walked, the more she saw how immense that place was, with many types of plants and flowers, the surroundings were always colorful and full of life, the smell of wet grass gave a comfortable tone to the walk.

Liu Wei wondered if Wang Zheng had time to admire those flowers, it seemed a waste not to look at them.

The weather was pleasant, winter was ending and spring was beginning to show signs of its presence. There was no more snow or rain and the flowers could finally grow and bloom peacefully.

It was possible to hear laughter and children running.

She would take advantage of the fact that a man was selling ice cream near where they were and would spend a few minutes sitting on the grass resting.

She approached the smiling man.

"What flavors you have?"

"Chocolate, strawberry, mint chocolate, milk, pineapple..."

"I want pineapple ice cream."

Hearing that it tasted like pineapple, her mind went blank, she could only think about it. So embarrassing. Her face was hot.

Turning her face away while waiting for her ice cream, she saw a child far away from the others. The little girl was completely alone and had a wistful look in her eyes as she watched the other children playing without her.

"Do you know why she's not playing with the others?"

"She is not a noble, they won't let her play with them."

"Do you know what flavor she likes?"


"Give me one too."

The man smiled satisfied, in seconds she had the two ice creams and quietly walked to the side of the little girl.

"Only special children can have ice cream before dinner."

The child grinned and took the ice cream for her.

"Don't think too much about playing with them, there are more kids out there now to play."

"I dont care."

"If I were a child I would be upset..."

The girl had a confused face, she really cared about standing aside but pretended she didn't.

"...When I was your age I was a little lonely, but I always wanted friends around."

The girl thought about it for a few seconds and spoke confident. "I have a lot of friends".

Liu Wei smiled and pretended to be surprised. "Really? Can I be your friend?"

"Of course!"

The omega took a large quantity of her ice cream and put it in her mouth. Sweet.

Liu Wei talked to the child for a long time and found out that her name was Chun Lei and she was the daughter of the head cook of the royal palace.

She took out her cell phone and saw that it was already starting to get late, she needed to continue her search. She quickly got up while cleaning her clothes which were a little dirty with dirt.

"Leilei, I need to keep looking."

The girl had a curious face and her eyes were shining.

"What are you looking for?"

"I need to find a beautiful place to have a picnic, but it needs to be a beautiful and different place."

Chun Lei jumped up and grabbed Liu Wei's hand in ecstasy. "I know a place!"

"Could you take me there?"

"I can but it's a little far."

The girl spoke a little sadly, but no matter how far Liu Wei would definitely go.

"It's okay, if you can take me I will."

Hello people, another day, another chapter. What would be a good couple name Weing (?) haha. See you in 24 hours.

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