
The Princess And The Frog

LittleRavenStories · Teen
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2 Chs

Common Love

Bit Of human Lilly and Sage au

Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away, there lived a princess named Lilly. She had everything she could ever want, but she still felt lonely. She longed for someone who would understand her, someone who would see her for who she was, not just for her royal status.

One day, while walking in the palace gardens, she saw a young commoner boy named Sage. He was kind and gentle, and Lilly felt drawn to him. They talked for hours, and Lilly found that she could be herself around him, without any pretense or facade.

As they spent more time together, Lilly realized that she had fallen in love with Sage. But she knew that her father, the king, would never allow her to marry a commoner.

Lilly tried to forget about her feelings, but she couldn't. She decided to tell Lucas the truth, hoping that he would understand.

To her surprise, Sage felt the same way. He had fallen in love with Lilly, too. They decided to keep their love a secret, meeting in secret and sneaking around the palace.

But their secret was discovered by the king's advisor, who saw them together. He told the king, who was furious. He forbid Lilly from seeing Sage again and arranged for her to marry a prince from a neighboring kingdom.

Lilly was heartbroken, but she refused to marry someone she didn't love. She decided to run away with Sage, hoping to start a new life together.

They fled the kingdom, pursued by the king's soldiers. But they didn't give up. They fought for their love, and in the end, they won. The king realized that his daughter's happiness was more important than his own pride, and he allowed Lilly to marry Sage.

Lilly and Sage were finally free to love each other openly, and they lived happily ever after, proving that love knows no boundaries, no social status, and no obstacles.