
The Prince Bride

"If I can't have you then no man will" he thundered in anger as the earth shook before us

NaomiSamuel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


She held tyler by his shoulder in excitement as she kept smiling widely at the lovely view before her

"Take me to their land"

He blinked as he stare at her with a questioning look


"Why?" She said with a worried expression

"You ask me to summon them and I did, perhaps tomorrow I will take you there with a kiss as the prize"


She giggle when she saw flora, she held out her palm as she stood on it

"It's difficult to find you"

"Am sorry, I had to take care of things in other not to displease our lord"


My gaze went to tyler who seem to be talking to one of the elf, he looked pissed over something the elf said.

"I will be back soon leah, you can remain with her flora" he said as he dismissed the other fairies and elves

"Where are you going?"

"I said I will be back" he barked


She swallow hard, he is back to being the annoying jerk and she hate herself for thinking he has changed, he even laughed revealing his goddamn striking dimples for her, then what's up with being the impossible jerk he was two days back. She sighed in frustration as she took her mind off his thought.

She went to her chamber with flora flying above her head, she was giggling when she bump into her maids, they greet her and were shocked to see flora, they bow their head slightly at the fairy as they began to whisper among themselves.

Leah was shocked to discover flora is the queen of the fairies and had a very powerful magic which she find enticing, no wonder she was looking more gorgeous and elegant.

"Flora, can you help me?"

" Anything your grace?"

"I want to go back home even if it's just for a minute, you can switch us back"

"Am sorry leah, I can't do that without our king commanding me"

"I understand" I said sadly; he is too powerful I guess that even the queen of fairies only listened to his command, I wonder if he is a god or something, I snapped out of my thoughts when I felt flora tiny hands on my face, I stare at her with confusion as she smiled sweetly at me.

"Stop being sad, it doesn't suit you my queen and believe me you will love it here. He seem to be fond of you, he has never summon us for no reason"

"Such a wonderful words of encouragement fairest of them all, I asked him to summon you and your people, we had a deal"

"That doesn't sound like him" she said as she stare at me intensely

"Forget it, do me a favor please"

"What is it?"

"Nick, I want to see nick just one last time"

She hesitated for a while then she nodded as she cast a spell, then I saw it and I regret it, I regretted it immediately.

There was my nick making out with my best friend kellen, I couldn't believe it, flora knew I felt betrayed, she end the sight before me.

"Am sorry leah"

"I can't believe it"

"Your best friend kellen have been having an affair with nick behind your back"

"How did you know her?"

"I know everything about you, your fate is here by our king, you the true queen of airangon"

"No!" I just don't want to accept the truth, it's hard to take all those words in; how on earth could kellen do that to me, she knew about my feelings for nick and how we love each other. Was she happy I wasn't there anymore, why is my life always like that; can't someone just love me genuinely. Why did shane have to die when he was all I ever had. I was trying to hold back her tears when flora decide it was best she leave me alone

"Goodbye my lady"

"Thank you flora"

She muttered as she watch her vanished, she fell back on her bed as she weep bitterly.

Betrayal from someone like kellen and Nick, she still find it hard to believe because they are all that matter to her.

She fell asleep only to wake up at night when she felt something tugging her

"My lady"

"Yes" she yawn as she closed her eyes but marie didn't leave her

"You have been sleeping for long, it's time for dinner"

"Uh...I should eat"


She stood up unwillingly as she packed her hair in ponytail, she changed into her night gown.

"Bring it here"

"Yes lady leah"

I was sad when my mind drift to nick and kellen, they seem to be happy while am here thinking about them not bothering about my father

No matter what he did, he is still my father and am supposed to love him which I find very difficult to even think about, how can I ever love him when he has turned his back against me and shane who ended up dying because of me.

The door crack open, I thought it was marie, I didn't bother to look at her so I told her to keep the food on the table.

"Why did you leave our chamber!"

I was angry, mad at him for being so annoying, first he treat me like a trash and now he is demanding. I don't care what he is but one thing is for sure, am not afraid of him not anymore.

"This is my chamber"

He noticed the tone of my voice because he was suddenly beside me, he lift my chin forcing me to look at him; then I saw the concern in his eyes as he wipe my tears away, strangely I felt relieved with his action .

"What is wrong?"


"Did anyone hurt you?" he said as he clenched his fist

"No one did"

He pull me close to him and held me tightly around him as I weep in his arms strangely I find comfort in his arms as I moved closer, his arms tighten around me as he stroke my hair lightly. I raised my head to stare at him when I could no longer cry

"What are you doing here?"

"The kiss" she blinked as he added "maybe some other time"

"No, now I gave you my word"

He didn't say a word, she was waiting for him to kiss her as she closed her eyes but he didn't, she open her eyes to find him staring at her with his eyes more lighter than usual

"Why are you hesitating?"

"You should kiss me" he said as he stared at her intensely

She sigh he pull her to sit on his lap, she felt her heart beating too fast, he was too handsome that she was scared of falling in love with him if he kept being nice, perhaps she is already in love cause he is irresistible she held his chin nervously as she covered her mouth against his

She heard him gasped as he pull her more closer while holding her around her waist, he slid his tongue into her slightly parted lips as they battle against hers, his hands were caressing her back then she felt it, his erection bulging her thigh; she wanted to pull away but he held her firm but then the door cracked open revealing marie

"Oh my god" she exclaimed as she look away

"Get out!" He barked as she ran out and close the door behind her but then leah pull away from tyler

Strangely all the thoughts of nick and kellen and home vanished during their intense kiss, she wanted more but she had to stop, she felt his arms around her waist as he pull her closer to him

"I love the taste of your lips. The kiss was wonderful"

Shit! This jerk knew how to get her because at this moment all she could think of was the kiss and it was indeed wonderful

"U... H...why were you angry with me this afternoon?" Deliberately changing the subject

She noticed the change in the atmosphere as his look turn darker, he looked away from her for sometime then he stare at her again as he smile slightly revealing his striking dimples.

"I wasn't angry at you leah, I had an urgent matter to tend to"

"Uh I see" it was obvious he don't want to tell her what the matter was, she decide to ignore it, perhaps its better she don't know.

"Tomorrow we leave for Airangon"

"Tomorrow? Why so sudden?"

He was staring at her as he pulled her to his body, she was on top of him in the bed, she wanted to pull away but he held her firm. She don't know why he kept avoiding her question.

"Stay this way"

They were staring at each other without saying anything then she caress his lips with her thumb

"Perfectly curve" she said while smiling sweetly at him

He grin revealing those striking dimples as he squeeze her even tighter than before, she no longer care about anything at this moment, this man was her husband and it was right to kiss him but she dare not let him touch her like last time

With that she covered her mouth against his, he was shocked but then his hand pressed against her head as he deepen the kiss, it lasted for long she felt something stir within her as she wrapped both legs around him then she ground her hips against his erection, he let out a moan as his mouth left hers then moved to her neck, she let out a sound of pleasure but then she jerk away and tremble when she felt his mouth on her breast



He encircle his arms around her trembling figure as he peck her against her mouth

"Am sorry, I won't touch you"

She sigh as she relax in his arms, she held him tighter as she stroke his hair gently as she pull few strand to her face

"Too long and beautiful" she said as she kissed it

She kissed him against his chest, she felt him tense as she wrapped her arms around his neck

"When the leah of this world is back...."

"Shhh" he interrupted her as he kissed her on her temple "you should go and have your dinner, I will be back"


She unwillingly let go of him as he walk out of the room, he didn't return until dawn and he got their carriage ready

"I prefer being in a car"


"I don't know how to explain this but it's way faster than the carriage"

"I can take you to Airangon in a faster way"

"I did love to"

"Sleep" he commanded, she found her eyes getting heavy as she drift into a deep slumber