
Zabuza vs ME

I pulled out the sword barely dodging his attacks while examining the sword

"hmmm nice sword," I said sidestepping a left kick from Zabuza before kicking him in the chest he coughed before he was sent spiraling to the ground

" It's so big"

"That's what she said" Naruto Shouted from behind with a wide grin

"Shut up naruto!" I glared back

Sasuke was seething How did he get this power I must have it, with it I will be able to defeat Him.

I turned toward Zabuza with a smirk still plastered on my face as he was slowly getting up "You compensating something"

Kurama snorted "That jokes overused"

"Shut up Kurama!"

Maybe my tone was different then I let on because Kurama was not amused

"Excuse me!?" Kurama glared killing intent rising causing me to sweat

"I-I mean of course it is, my sweet lovable fluffy-chan"

"Humph" Kurama huffed

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned especially if it's your girlfriend/wife whose a gigantic nine-tailed female fox that's whose living inside your head *shivers

Kurama smirked "Damn right!"

"I Can't think freely without you seeing my thoughts can I?" I asked her with a depressed look

"No" was her smug reply

I sighed as I focused my attention back to Zabuza

Who was charging at me with an angry look on his face, "I'll Kill you Brat"

"Memma?" Naruto asked concerned

"Relax naruto, I got this " I replied smirking before I suddenly disappeared reappearing behind him with his own sword raised in my left hand, going for a downward slash.

Zabuza's eyes widened in shock

My smirk changed into a smile as he barely evaded my attack

"Nice, reflexes," I said as he landed ruffly on the. ground panting

Beads of sweat were now dripping down on Zabuza's face. 'Who the hell is this kid' he thought

"Well," I grinned Twirling Zabuza's bigass sword around my fingers stunning everybody but naruto again what the hell how can he do that with a sword twice his size? was their thought

my grin grew as I got back in my stance "Your move"