
Uzumaki Vs Hatake Pt 2

Now with me

"DODGE!!!" I screamed I Grabbed Naruto's wrist and pulled him out of the way of another oncoming Raikiri


"Kakashi what the hell man, It's Just a Porn Book!"

Naruto looked at me incredulously "That's what he's pissed off about."

"Yes," I replied eyes narrowing when i noticed Kakashi run towards me at deadly speeds I pumped ki energy into my leg Right before I spin kicked him, sending him crashing through a couple of trees

"Naruto remember the technique I taught you?"

He nodded "yeah...why does that have to do with- His eyes widened before a small smirk formed on his face --oh....oh yeah~ you want me to aid you in that"

I nodded with a smirk that mirrored his before turning back to the damage to see running towards us with his Sharingan activated.

"Let's do this, Uzumaki Barrage!" we said in unison before blurring out of sight

I appeared in front of him giving him a massive uppercut causing him to fly upwards

Naruto appeared above him fingers locked above him before slamming his fist to his back

I appeared with My hands raised "Ha" a golden beam of ki shot out from my hands making Kakashi's eyes widen in shock he narrowly avoids it only for me and Naruto to appear in front of his fist raised

"it's over Kakashi!" we said in unison again

The second we were about to finish The alarm went off

Kakashi sighed in relief before he felt a massive amount of pain he looked to where the pain was and saw a fist in his stomach he looked up more and saw an angry frown on my face.

"You clouded your mind with anger and put my brother in danger, over a porn book. Next time think before you do something this stupid!" I said before his world went black.