
Tsunami and inari

The rest of the journey has been very irritating for memma as he was being badgered with questions. That he did not feel like answering.

He wanted to sleep now, readers, this was not because of the fight with Zabuza the fight could barely be considered a warm-up. He was just tired.

Memma and the rest of team 7 Kakashi and Tazuna were walking towards Tazuna's house.

Memma knocked Sasuke out because he kept trying to force answers out of him Sakura because she was screeching and it was really annoying. and was carrying them on his shoulders.

"Kakashi, if you keep staring. at me, I'll take your one eye out and feed it to the chakra beast." Memma snarled

He released a bit of killing intent causing Kakashi to look away so fast it will make the flash look at him in envy.

Naruto was silent. However, his lips did twitch upwards by a small amount

As we were walking Memma noticed the looks of hunger and starvation the citizens in wave. and was getting a little angry "Gato" memma growled under his breath as he clenched his fist.

He has all that money and he doesn't do shit to the people who really need it. He just sits on his ass.

(Time skip 2 hours Tazunas house )

"Tsunami, your food is delicious!" Memma exclaimed. Ignoring the disgusted looks sent by tazuna and the newly awoken Sasuke and Sakura, except for Kakashi, Naruto, and tsunami.

Tsunami smiled politely.

"Thank you Memma-san." replied tsunami kindly when suddenly the doo had r burst open and Inari walked in when he saw us he scowled.

"What are they doing here?" he said the word they with venom.


"What? there just going to die just like everyone else."

"What a cute kid" Kurama replied sarcastically Memma chuckled.

"Relax, we're here to save wave and grind gato to dust," said Memma shrugging Making Inari angry at his nonchalant attitude.

"You all think this is a joke do you?" Inari snapped "You don't know what true suffering is! all you Konoha nin are probably just spoiled brats!"


Everybody's attention was turned to see Naruto who slammed his bowl on the table looking pissed.

"You think the whole world revolves around you huh? you think you know pain?" Naruto was calm but I could tell he had a lot of anger boiled up inside.

"Naruto calm down"

"Shut up scarecrow!". Naruto glared at him before turning back towards inari

" Be grateful you met your father at least you have loving parents that look after you. because I and memma don't. every day we're looked down on as scums for the village because of something that's out of my control stop with this pitiful attitude! and grow up! " Naruto screamed after that he stood up and took a deep breath.

"You okay Naruto?" Memma asked in concern.

"I'm fine," he said with his back still turned "I'm going to get some air." and wit,h that he walked out.


"He's lying" sakura cried.

"No, he's not" Memma and Kakashi replied simultaneously.

"So, everything he said was true?" Sakura asked

"That was just the downgraded version" Memma replied solemnly before he glanced up at inari who looked like he was about to cry and said.

"Your father died protecting you. He died for you live. Notice that people have had it worse than you, don't sit in a corner and complain, Rise and fight for what you believe in."

After he said that he pushed the chair and stood up.

"What are you doing memma?" Kakashi asked

"I'm going to go check on Naruto" Memma replied.

And with that, he put two fingers on his forehead and vanished.

Shocking tazuna tsunami and inari

Inari then left to contemplate his thoughts.

you guys didn't expect that did ya! Here's another chapter for Ya like I said never dropping this Trashfic. Ever. nor am I with others.

Lucas_Robinsoncreators' thoughts