
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

System’s Update

Once Oliver finished getting accustomed to his divine vision he spent a little time just hanging out with his sister.

He knew that once they returned to earth there would be a lot of complications.

There was also the conversation he had with those brothers who were talking about his mother before they died.

Oliver knew his mother hid a lot of things from him and his sister, but he knew everything she did was in their best interest.

"Are you ready to ask your questions now?" Elizabeth asked while braiding Oliver's hair.

Oliver was currently lying on her lap with his blindfold over his eyes. Oliver had already become fully accustomed to his divine vision and was just lazing around now.

He wanted to sort out all of his thoughts and questions before seeing the system's creator again.

"Yea," Oliver said before standing up. "Although I wish we could stay here forever there's no point in overstaying our welcome."

Oliver helped up Elizabeth and then they both walked towards the hill.

They both walked in silence appreciating the peaceful environment that they would have to leave soon.

Once they reached the top they saw the system's creator.

She was sitting at a white table like usual while drinking a golden liquid from a teacup.

There were two chairs empty chairs waiting for them at the table and Oliver and Elizabeth didn't hesitate to take a seat once they arrived.

"You are still wearing the blindfold?" The creator asked looking at Oliver.

"I got so used to it after all my practice that kind of feels weird taking it off." The creator shrugged at his response while waiting for him to ask his real questions.

"My sister said I can ask you any questions right?" Oliver asked.

"Well, there might be some questions that I can't answer, but any that I can I will." She said while hiding her mouth behind the teacup.

Oliver wasn't completely satisfied with that answer because it meant some of his questions might not be answered, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Before you ask your questions check the system. It has finished updating."

"Ok," Oliver responded while mentally calling out for the system.


[The system has been rebooted ]

[The system has been updated]

[The system has gone through changes.]

[All stats will be calculated]

[Level will be reset]





Name: Oliver Hayes

Age: 12

Race: ??? A New Race has been born Host can decide to name it.

Main Race: Human (Metahuman) Sub Race: Utros, Primal, Dragon, ---

Titles: <Locked>

Class: <Locked>

Level: 1

XP: 0/100

HP: 200/200

Mana: 100/100

ESP: 200/200

Bloodline Energy: 60



Free Attribute Points: 0

Constitution: 22

Strength: 14

Dexterity: 8

Speed: 12

Agility: 7

Perception: 17

Intelligence: 25


Skills & Abilities (S&A)

Free S&A Points: 0

System (S&A): Inventory | Enhanced Speed (Level 5): Increase speed by 5 | Enhanced Strength (Level 1): Increase strength by 1 | Flare (Level 2) | Long Sword Creation (Level 1): Last for 5 seconds | Spatial Mark (Level 3) Items marked (0/15) Distance limit (9 meters) Sensing limit (300 meters) | Sovereign's Punishment (Level 1)

Host (Esper Abilities): Solar Manipulation (SS Grade Ability) Weapon Creation (A Grade Ability) Spatial Manipulation (SS Grade Ability)

Host (Esper Skills): Throwing Needle

Host (Dungeon Skills): None


Mana Core Progression

Color: Dark Blue

Stage: Infancy

Affinity: Fire, Light, Time


Bloodlines (4)

- Yang Eclipse Bloodline

An Ancient bloodline that allows the user to manipulate the mysterious force of yang.

Bloodline Abilities:

Sunshine (Passive) The host has a 1% buff when the sun is out.

Annihilation Blast (Active) The host can fire a destructive beam of heat and light from his palm.

<- 40 Bloodline energy>

- Primal Bloodline

A lost bloodline given to the host when receiving the system's guide legacy.

Bloodline Abilities:

Primal Sight (Active) The Host can see the flaws in all items, attacks, etc when activated.

<- 20 Bloodline energy per second>

- Dragon Bloodline

A mythical bloodline from one of the strongest beasts in the universe.

Bloodline Abilities

Dragon Scales (Active)

<10 Bloodline energy>

- --- Bloodline

The mysterious bloodline of the Creator flows through you. She has never named it but you can.

Bloodline Abilities:

Divine vision (Passive) The host can see in all directions.



Cannot be opened in the sanctuary.



The Hosts level is too low.


"Well, now I have more questions," Oliver said while looking at the long panel in front of him.

Oliver sighed before looking back up at the creator.

"Can I ask my questions from before first and then questions relating to the systems changes later," Oliver asked.

"That's fine, so what is your first question." She said while taking another sip of her tea.

"Can you bring our mother back from the dead like what you did to me?"

"No." The creator said with no hesitation.

"I...see," Oliver said desponded.

Oliver, Elizabeth, and the creator stayed in silence after that. Elizabeth wasn't surprised by her answer as she asked the same question before.

The creator waited patiently until Oliver to asked his next question.

"Why did the system choose me?"

"You are a suitable host for the system. That is all I can tell you."

Oliver's eyes narrowed at the creator's statement, but he went on to his next question.

"Why are you helping me get stronger."

"Your too weak to find out."

"Why do I feel different after coming back from the dead."

"Those are aftereffects from bringing you back to life. Also, don't die again."

"About that, how was I brought back when my heart was stabbed."

"I gave you a new heart."

"Why did you want to meet me?"

"So I could awaken your true potential."

"Why is Ellie here?"

"You wouldn't have been able to focus if she wasn't. That and her potential is very good."

"Ok, my last question before I move on to the system. How powerful are you?"

The creator smiled while putting her teacup down at Oliver's last question.

"Very. So, now ask your questions about the new system update. Time is running out."

"I thought you said time doesn't exist here?" Oliver asked confused.

The creator didn't answer as a clock with a 60-second timer appeared.

"Are you for real?!"

"Tic Tock Oliver." She said with a teasing smirk.

"Argh ok, umm why does it say I'm an Utros, and what is this about all these bloodlines and my new race about?" Oliver asked.

He wasn't bothered by the fact that he was part Utros or wasn't fully human as he had no hate towards alien species.

"Your family was tainted in the past is all I'll say about your status as an Utros and your new race is what happened after I used my bloodline to merge the different ones in your body to create one new bloodline. I was never really good with names and seeing how you are the first of your race I decided you can name it."

"What does that even mean?"

"Times running out."

"Alright fine why are my attributes lower than before and my level reset."

"I started calculating your attributes differently and your level was reset because of the change I put in the system. You'll figure the rest out on earth."

"Then what about my Esper abilities why can't I level them up anymore?"

"I can't let everything become easy for you."

"Isn't the system's purpose to make me stronger?!"

"You have 10 seconds left do you want to waste it arguing with me." She said with a smile that wasn't really a smile.

Oliver shivered before looking back at the panel to see if he forgot anything.

"I guess my mana. The system told me before any interference the system does to it will cripple me, why is it at 100 now."

"Well, there are two reasons for that. One is because of your new race. Even though your core hasn't been nurtured at all your racial trait makes your mana core stronger and purer than before. Then the dragon egg inside of your mana core is strengthening it.

Well, that's all for your questions. You'll figure out the rest with time." The creator said as a white portal appeared behind Oliver and Elizabeth.

"Thank you for everything master," Elizabeth who was quiet the whole conversation said getting out of her seat and bowing.

"It was nothing, Elizabeth." She said while throwing a disk to Elizabeth which she caught while squealing.

Oliver looked at her weirdly and Elizabeth responded with a glare while cracking her knuckles.

"Anyways," Oliver said while looking away for Elizabeth with sweat forming on his face. "Thank you Creator for helping me and my sister. I will make sure to pay you back one day." Oliver said while bowing.

"I hope you keep your promise then." She said while giving him a small smile.

"Also, you can trust the man who appears to you once you are on earth. He was a good friend of your mother." The system said while getting up from her seat and making the table and chairs disappear.

The siblings nodded at her words with slight confusion, but they didn't bother to ask any more questions as she didn't elaborate. They continued to the portal and Oliver couldn't help but take one last look at the Creator before he stepped in.

'Thank you, Mom.' He thought before the portal sucked him and Elizabeth in sending them back to earth. Oliver knew she wasn't his real mother, but seeing her face, her smile, and her laugh one more time felt nice for him.

'We're going back.' Both Oliver and Elizabeth thought while closing their eyes.


(Pov #^@&% or The Creator)

I watched as the siblings walked through the portal to return to earth.

I couldn't help, but feel a little sad about their departure.

After all, they could be considered my children. The only people in this universe who have my bloodline.

"Well, I did force them to leave so I can only blame myself," I spoke my thoughts out loud as the portal closed leaving me by myself again in this infinite realm of opportunities.

I waved my hand and the beautiful serenity full of flowers, and lakes disappeared leaving me in a dark void.

My body change as the human skin I was wearing started to change revealing my true self.

I walked in the void until I reached my throne.

It wasn't anything fancy or magnificent and was way too plain for a being of my caliber, but I was a simple being.

I sat on my white throne as a crown made of the pillar elements of this universe appeared on my head.

In front of me appeared an orb which showed me Oliver and Elizabeth.

I'll admit, I wasn't interested in the girl at first when I looked through the system's memories, but meeting her in person was different.

After seeing her in person I could tell her intelligence, potential, and improvement are top tier.

Then with my bloodline, her talent became even better and with this, we have someone who will keep the chosen one ambitious.

After all, Oliver wouldn't want his little sister to always beat him in spars.

A chuckle escaped my mouth as I thought about their fight.

Oliver's arrogance knew no bounds before the fight.

He even tried to give Elizabeth and handicap, but after the first round when she put him in his place he didn't want to fight her ever again.

I got out of my reminiscing once Oliver and Elizabeth appeared on the other side of the portal.

"Oliver Hayes. A boy who died and came back to life. He gained the system I created by luck while being passed down the legacy of the last primal. He also has top-tier bloodlines and abilities." I paused getting into a comfortable position on my throne before throwing the orb into the void.

The orb expanded making a big screen showing different viewpoints of Oliver.

"Let's see how your story plays out and if you can complete the mission that so many others have failed."