
The Pregnant Cannon Fodder Is Looking For A Second Husband

"There is only the two of us in here," Midori watched the man before her with a solemn look. "Tell me what you really want." "Isn't it obvious?" With a thoughtful stroke of his chin, he studied Midori, piecing together an impression from her posture and attire. "I wish to take you as my wife, and establish our baby's rightful status as the heir of the family." --*--___--*--___--*--___--*--___--*--___--*--___--*-- After her life took a turn for the worse, Midori Takigawa transmigrated into a historical romance novel that featured a cannon fodder* who shared the same name. As soon as she entered the novel, she was already pregnant and subsequently kicked out of her in-laws' house for cheating. Thanks to her photographic memory, she practically had the content of the novel at the back of his head. Armed with the knowledge, she grasped a newfound determination. She must change the cannon fodder's fate and live a fulfilled life! That naturally included making money and finding a worthy father for her unborn baby! Naturally, she wanted to do all of these without the slightest coercion! S-9898 : [Cough, cough. 1 Life Point has been taken from you for lying.] Midori : *curses at the system* You thief! Return my Life Point! Ex First Husband : Midori-san, I never agreed to the divorce. Midori : Is that my problem? Future Second Husband 1 : Wench, you are lucky to be betrothed to me. You better marry me now before I change my mind. Midori : I changed my mind. Bye. Future Second Husband 1 : Noooooooo~ Midori-chan, don't leave me behind! Future Second Husband 2 : In that case, will you consider me? Midori : Gladly! What is your name, Sir??? Future Second Husband 2 : *gives his name* Midori : *sucks in a deep breath* The protagonist!!! Meanwhile, what about Midori's four elder brothers? Was anyone good enough for their baby sister? *Cannon fodder = A minor character in a novel who usually ends up dead in a tragic manner.

Lu_Shui · History
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233 Chs

Chapter 25 : Akiyama Earned Himself A Slap

Eager to escape the confines of Takiko's office, Akiyama hastened his steps, leaving Midori to follow in his wake. As they emerged into the open air, Akiyama couldn't resist the urge to question Midori's earlier declaration. "What was that about?" he inquired, his voice laced with both curiosity and skepticism.

Midori, sensing Akiyama's underlying disapproval, retorted with a sharp question of her own, "What was what?" Her tone was laced with a hint of defiance, as if challenging Akiyama to elaborate on his unspoken objection.

Akiyama stammered for a moment before finally blurting out, "Teaching English... I mean, young ladies don't do that." His words dripped with a hint of antiquated prejudice, reflecting the prevailing societal norms of the time.

Midori, her eyes narrowing in disapproval, let out a sneer that pierced Akiyama's self-assurance. "Didn't you tell me at the tea house to find a job and get out of the Takigawa family's residence?" she countered, her voice laced with biting sarcasm.

Her words struck a chord deep within Akiyama, reminding him of his impulsive and insensitive remark. His face flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and regret as he swallowed hard, attempting to quell the guilt that gnawed at him. Finally, in a subdued voice, he mumbled, "I didn't mean it. I said that because I was angry."

His admission, though belated, carried a hint of sincerity, suggesting a glimmer of self-awareness and a willingness to acknowledge his mistake.

Akiyama's fingers raked through his hair, a gesture of frustration and exasperation. "Look, once you become a part of the Kinoshita family through marriage," he explained, his voice laced with a hint of condescension, "you won't have to exert yourself at all. Your sole responsibility will be to carry the child to term safely after which we'll arrange for its adoption..."

"Wow, wow," Midori interjected as her mind struggled to keep up with the rapid progression of the conversation.

How did they go from "gaining Akiyama Kinoshita's approval" to "marrying Akiyama Kinoshita, giving away the child after birth, and enjoying a happily ever after with him"?

Akiyama's handsome face hardened into a scowl.

"What is it?" he snapped, his voice laced with annoyance.

Midori, undeterred by his brusque tone, calmly replied, "Well, firstly..." She paused, placing a protective hand over her abdomen, her eyes conveying a fierce determination to protect her unborn child. "I never planned to give away my child. The thought of surrendering my flesh and blood to someone else is unthinkable."

"Secondly... The last time we crossed paths, you spoke of being compelled to marry me. How is it that you're now so enthusiastic about pursuing this me?" Her tone was laced with curiosity, a hint of skepticism underlying her question.

Akiyama's face changed rapidly to red due to embarrassment, then purple due to fury.

"Wench, you are lucky to be betrothed to me. You better marry me now before I change my mind," he snapped, his words echoing with the same arrogant entitlement he had displayed at the tea house.

Midori, undeterred by Akiyama's outburst, met his gaze with a cold sneer.

"I changed my mind," she declared. "Bye, Akiyama-san."

The young woman then turned on her heel and strode away, leaving Akiyama standing dumbfounded in her wake.

Akiyama's jaw dropped, his eyes wide with disbelief. Never before had a woman dared to reject his advances. He was the eldest son of the esteemed Kinoshita family, a man of wealth and influence, and the thought of a woman spurning his proposal was simply inconceivable. His ego, so carefully nurtured and protected, was now severely bruised.

"Wait, Midori-san!" he exclaimed, his voice laced with desperation. "It is almost lunchtime, why don't we head toward the dining hall together?"

Hmmm. A dining hall in a modern ladies' academy of the Meiji Era. It was definitely a sight to behold.

"Sure, please lead the way," Midori said graciously.

The dining hall exuded a quintessentially Japanese ambiance, catering to the predominantly Japanese student and teaching body.

The spacious room was adorned with tatami mats, their soft texture inviting bare feet to sink in and relax.

Rows of long tables, polished to a gleaming shine, stood upon the mats, their surfaces promising a communal dining experience. Scattered strategically along both sides of the tables were bright-colored sitting cushions, plump and inviting, awaiting their occupants to settle into their meals.

The air was filled with the tantalizing aromas of culinary delights wafting from two distinct counters set against the wall. One counter, adorned with traditional Japanese motifs, offered an array of mouthwatering Japanese dishes. Today, the far left side of the counter was steaming with a big cauldron of miso soup.

The middle section offered a rich selection of sushis and sashimi platters. The right side was reserved for fragrant white rice and tempuras.

The other counter, showcasing Western influences, presented a tempting spread of roasted meats, creamy pasta dishes, and freshly baked pastries.

As the aroma of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air, Midori was transported back to her original world, where charming bake shops dotted the bustling streets of Japan's vibrant cities. The sweet, enticing fragrance conjured vivid images of gleaming glass display cases showcasing an array of delectable treats, each one meticulously crafted with artistry and care.

As Midori contemplated her lunch choices, a group of girls led by Fumiko entered the dining hall.

A girl to Fumiko's left nudged her, whispering, "Fumiko-san, is that her?"

Fumiko swiftly turned her gaze towards Midori. Her heart pounded with a surge of excitement as she caught sight of Midori.

"Indeed, that's her!" Fumiko squealed in excitement. "Let me introduce you all to the disgraceful woman who returned to her birth home without the slightest bit of shame!"

A wave of giggling girls surged towards Midori, their excited chattering echoing through the dining hall. "Midori-san!" Fumiko exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with delight. "I never thought I'd find you lingering here. Allow me to introduce you to my dear friends."

Midori's gaze gracefully shifted from one vibrant face to another as Fumiko enthusiastically presented each girl.