
The Powerful One (Reader x Fairy Tail)

Seven years have past since Fairy Tail went missing. While that happened some person from another world decided he needed a vacation and ended up in the world of fiore around the same time fairy tail makes their return

ComfyOtaku · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Ch 4: Dance Party

3rd person POV

You were with Natsu as he ran to the see what jobs were available

Natsu: Man it's been too long let's get back to work.

You: Well what's available.

Natsu: What do we got here?

Happy: Hey, how about we give this one a try?

Happy handed Natsu a job flyer and he inspected it

Natsu: So all we gotta do is capture this jail breaker guy named velveno, AND THEY'LL PAY US 4,000,000 JEWEL!

Suddenly lucy popped out of nowhere

Lucy: All right now we're talking   I'm broke and a huge cash injection is just what the doctor ordered.

You: Woah! Where'd you come from?

Lucy: If the price is right, guarantee I'll be there on time!



Lucy: What are we waiting for?

Happy: We haven't decided if we're taking it yet.

You: Are you seriously thinking? I personally would've taken it!

Natsu: Yeah I mean we could also use the money too, so I say let's do it.

Lucy: This job seems kinda familiar, didn't gray almost take a job catching an escapes convict awhile ago?

Happy: This is the same one but back then the reward was only 400,000 jewel.

You: Consider no one has taken the job. I'd say the price must've increased in these seven years.

Natsu: I'll say...

Lucy: I wonder who the client is.

Natsu: Uhhh some guy called count balsamical, that's a pretty sour name.

Macao: Count Balsamical? You know rumor has it that velveno is gonna make an appearance at the huge magical ball that the Balsamical family is throwing this year.

You: What are you talking about?

Wakaba: Ah they throw a big fancy party every seven years it's very exclusive you have to be a wizard to even get through the door and they are throwing one next saturday.

You: Well since gray didn't catch this man seven years ago, they're obviously hiring again. How about we head on and kick some butt Natsu!

Natsu: Sounds like a plan I'm fired up

Lucy: This is gonna be great, wait I just thought of something you guys if we're gonna go to this high class ball we're all gonna have to work on our dance moves first don't you think.

Natsu: Our dance moves?



Lucy: Okay let me show you some of the basic steps first come here and hold my hands.

Natsu: Ugh this is so embarrassing.

You, Happy, and Romeo watched Natsu try to learn to dance.

Romeo: I don't understand this at all, what are they doing again?

You: They're trying to learn the breaker style of dancing!

Happy: No it's not Y/n, it's called ball room dancing

You: The hell is that?

Romeo: It's super weird, what's it for?

You: Beats me, probably something for the high class people.

Just then Natsu accidentally stepped on Lucy's foot

Lucy: OWW!

Natsu: Uh-Oh sorry about that.

Romeo: So it's some kinda foot stomping game!

You: Woah, that's wicked!

Kinana: No it's more of the opposite of that.

Mira: If you know how to dance like this, you can meet a stranger at a ball and move your body in perfect rhythm with theirs.

You: Like a crime fighting duo!

Gray now seeing Natsu and Lucy practicing decided to look into what they were doing.

Gray: Hey what are you two doing over here, playing some kinda game?

Lucy: it's not a game!

Gray: Let me play around with ya!

Gray takes off his shirt and grabs lucy's wrists which made Lucy freak out and kick him into oblivion.

Lucy: You've just been disqualified!

Hiding out of sight, juvia only looked in anger.

Juvia: How dare he using seductive dance moves to flirt with girls behind my back!

Juvia then goes outside

Juvia: If you have to strip down to dance with gray then I'm more than happy to!

Juvia then took some of her clothing leaving some of guild members in awe. That's when you walked over and looked her in the eyes as she looked into yours. A brief moment of silent passed by before you finally spoke

You: You...should probably lose some weight.

You said as you walked off leaving her with a shocked face.

Erza: Well you may not be aware but in certain circles, I was once known as the dancing demon.

You: Does that mean you know the breaker style?

Erza: The what?

You: Whatever just show me what you've got!

Erza: Requip! Ready, let's dance!

Natsu: No I don't think I'm quite ready yet.

Erza: Very well, Y/n come over here.

You: Oh, okay.

You walked over to Erza

You: So, you gonna teach me some basics to this balls dancing or whatever? Just to let you know, I'm a slow learner.

Erza: Nonsense all you need is spirit!

Erza grabbed your shoulders

You: What are you-

Before you could finish the sentence, erza forcefully span you around like a beyblade.

You: Not, what I was expecting.

Happy: I think the only demon here is Y/n for being able to withstand any of that!

You: Hey Natsu, you wanna switch? I think I'm already getting the hang of this!

Natsu: Nah I'm good...

Lisanna: I can teach Natsu, he'll be a pro in no time!

Natsu: Oh well I guess I'll take up on that-

Lisanna began giving Natsu the same treatment erza gave you. Only this time, Natsu was near barfing and looked to be in pain.

Lisanna: Now let your shoulders relax a bit but keep your back straight!

Natsu: This is the worst thing that's ever happened to me!

Elfman: How can Natsu be such a big sissy? Come on kid man up!

Erza: Oh elfman, may I have this dance!?

She then gave elfman a taste of the wicked "Dancing demon"

Elfman: A... Real man doesn't... Get spun around like this!

Wendy: Oh their dancing looks amazing I wanna try it too!

You: Then by all means, let's give it a go. Maybe you can teach me a few things I don't already know.

Wendy: That sounds delightful.

You and Wendy began to dance which was way different than whatever everyone else was doing.

You: My my, you sure know your way around a good dance.

Wendy: You've sure got a quick way of learning things.

You both giggled and smiled at one another

Happy: Oh wow Wendy sure does know how to dance doesn't she?

Carla: I don't like her dancing around with a man twice her age.

You: Don't worry, think of this as a little practice session.

Happy: It's not like anything bad will happen...

You: You should give a go too happy.

Happy took the opportunity to finally ask.

Happy: Uh carla may I have this dance?

Carla: Fine but just this once.

Romeo: Maybe we should try it out too.

Kinana: Yeah we should it could be fun!

The two of them began to dance

Macao: My lady would you grand me the pleasure.

Mira: But of course.


Wakaba: You think you can walts up and dance with who ever you want!

Macao: You're just jealous!

Over with gajeel and levy, they both stood awkwardly until gajeel decided to speak.

Gajeel: Hey?

Levy: Yeah what is it?

Gajeel: Just so you know I'm not the dancing type!

Levy: Well that's perfect because nobody's asking you!

Jet and droy: Oh levy would you dance with me, huh?

Jet: Back off man I asked her first!

Droy: Nuh uh I did!

They argued more then they looked to see Gajeel and Levy dancing

Gajeel: Okay fine if you insist...

Levy: What are you talking about I never asked you!

Jet and droy: That's so not fair...

Vijeeter: I know all about the magic of dance.

Lisanna: Yeah I know but this is a little different.

Erza: Everyone out of the way!

Elfman nearly crashed into wendy, so you took the opportunity to lift her up to avoid any collision.

Wendy: Kya!

Lucy: Wow this private lesson turned into a full on dance party... WAIT AM I SERIOUSLY THE ONLY ONE WHO DOESN'T HAVE A PARTNER!

Capricorn: You rang my lady?

One of lucy's spirits suddenly appeared put of no where.

Lucy: Nope I sure didn't. But I can sure use a partner right about now

The two began dancing which to lucy's surprise, didn't go wrong.

Lucy: I had no idea you were such an excellent dancer!

Capricorn: To honor your mother, I swore an oath to ensure that you brought up to be a lady worthy to the heartfilia name.

Lucy: Okay yeah but this seems a bit much.

Capricorn: Let's start from the beginning, do try to get it right this time.

Lucy: Yeah yeah..

Wendy: I'm having a great time, how about you Y/n?

You: I couldn't have asked for a better partner. The others are kind of crazy.

Wendy slightly blushed and taken back to this response.

Wendy: Really? Then, I wouldn't mind dancing with you some other time....

You: Sounds like a plan!



After some time passed by. The time to head on over to the ball drew near so the gang headed on over.

Natsu and Happy: We're here!

You: Woohoo! Time to show these people who the new dancing demon is!

Natsu: You mean me? I'm obviously the worthy one!

You: No me!

Natsu: NO ME!

Natsu pressed his head against yours

Natsu: You wanna settle this the old fashion way?

You: Yeah because I'd rather die then give you the title right now!

You two began throwing blows at the rest of the gang continued in with what they were doing.

Lucy: This place looks like it would have a magical ball.

Gray: I didn't realize it was so far away.

Erza: A small price to pay for the chance to dance.

Lucy: You two remember that we came to capture an escaped convict

The door opens and there was a girl named Aceto

Aceto: Um your a little early....


Warren who has linked telepathy with the guild members made a random comment about the appearance.

Lucy: Did you really have to scream that in my head!?

You: Stay out of my head!

Gray: We're here to see the count.

Aceto: Yes of course you are, my name is Aceto and my father is count balsamico.

Warren: She's to pretty to have such an ugly name!

Everyone: I can hear you you idiot!

Natsu: My name is Natsu and we're with fairy tail!

Erza: We've come here concerning the job request your father posted in out guild hall.

Aceto: In that case I'll take you right to him follow me.



Balsamico: Welcome and thank you for taking the request.

You: I've met a lot of people, but none with a sour face like yours...

Lucy: Don't screw this up for me Y/n!

Balsamico: Let's get straight to the matter, I want you to know that there's more to the story than what was written on the flyer.

Erza: Please, go on.

Balsamico: I am exceedingly concerned for the well being of my daughter who means more than the world to me.

You and Natsu: Why'd you give her such a silly name then!?

Balsamico: It's a lovely name!

Natsu was punch straight to a wall as your we're punched in the head knocking you into the floor

You: OMPH!

Erza: I apologise, and please continue sir.

Balsamico: The ball this evening is for a destined night that her future husband shall be chosen.

Lucy: Yeah that is a pretty major deal.

Balsamico: Once every seven years  our family brings out in an extremely precious ring that has been passed down from the balsamico family for many generations.

Lucy: And you're afraid that velveno is gonna come and try to steal it from you?

Balsamico: I'm absolutely certain of it, since he tried and failed seven years ago. But he did ruin the ceremony to choose my daughter's husband.

Erza: But giving his unique appearance wouldn't sneaking in be a bit difficult for him.

Balsamico: He is very skilled in magical transformation and magical drain.

Elfman: Magical drain, what the heck is that?

Balsamico: It temporarily let's him copy any type of any magic he comes into contact with it is very dangerous indeed.

Natsu: Oh man I wanna use magic like that sometime.

You: It's a pain in a butt to deal with someone like that.

Balsamico: I entrust the full safety of the Ring to you work together and make sure snatch it again and once more I want you to capture him and put him behind bars.

Natsu: We'll catch this clown for ya!

Erza: Yes we will sir.

You: We'll need any luck we can get.

Lucy: Uh just one more thing the flyer mentioned a certain reward if we were to catch him for you?

Balsamico: That's correct 4 million jewel cash for his capture.

Lucy: Oh yeah!

You: They're real desperate.



Lucy was with her celestial spirit cancer so he could help Lucy with her hair.

Cancer: All done baby!

Lucy: Thank you, but what'll happen if I'm too beautiful that someone proposes to me instead?

Erza: Ready to get to work Lucy?

Lucy: Holy fashion statement you are not playing around!

Erza: Although we came here for business purposes we have to look the part of elegant party goers.

Wendy: So uh do I look okay?

Lucy: Okay? You look absolutely adorable!

Wendy: Thank you I never dress up like this.

Erza: Now then the curtain is rising on the magical ball so let's take our places on the dance floor.

Lucy: I haven't seen her worked up this much since we had that play together.

Wendy: Okay I'll try not to mess this up, I wonder if I should cast a troia spell on Natsu before we get started.

Erza: Warren any sign of our men velveno?

Warren: I've got surveillance lachrymose floating all over the palace so far there's been no sign of him.

Happy: If we see anyone who's creepy you'll be the first to know!

Carla: Remember you're at a party so try to act naturally.

Lucy: What happened to the boys?

Wendy: They're over there.

Wendy pointed to see Elfman Natsu and gray.

Natsu: Oh looks like the girls finally got here.

Gray: Seems like we gotta start mingling and acting like we're at a ball.

Elfman: I'm pumped balls are super manly

Gray: Come on don't be nervous old buddy.

Natsu: Why is Y/n wearing a dress?

Lucy: I've been wondering that myself actually..

Gray: I don't think this is any time for games Y/n, we're on a mission know.

You: Don't worry I've got the perfect disguise.

You pulled out some pepper stored in the dress.

Lucy: Pepper?

Natsu: What's pepper got to why you're dressed up like a princess.

You: Allow me to demonstrate!

You then poured tons of pepper in your hand and threw it on you're face.

Gray: I don't think he's mentally stable...

You then sneezed once, then twice, then....


What stood before the fairy tail members was a beautiful woman, with lots of feminine attributes. Your hair grew 5 inches longer and your entire body turned into that of a woman. The guild members couldn't be more surprised.

Lucy: W-what in the world!?

You: I've never mentioned this until now but, if I sneeze 2 times, I'll change appearance from a boyish look to a feminine look or the other way around.

Lucy: But you are a guy right?

You: Anyways, now that we've got ourselves together it's time we start this execution!

Everyone: Yeah!



Erza: It's so glamorous I have to wonder if velveno will come like the count predicted.

Lucy: All we have to do is investigate people who look suspicious without being rude.

Some guy: Wow looks like some red headed angel walked through the door you came to far from heaven to be frowning like that beautiful so dance with me and smile.

Happy: I don't think I've ever seen anyone that suspicious in my life!

Warren: Tail him guys.

Natsu: Roger!

Erza: Very well

Lucy: That poor poor man...

Erza began to spin the man at crazy speed

Lucy: Saw that one coming!

Natsu: Tail that guy..... I think she's got it!

Gray: He might need help though.

Other guy: May I have this dance?

Lucy: Yeah sure!

Happy: Look now Lucy has some guy talking to her.

Carla: Very suspicious no ones that handsome.

Warren: You guys know what to do right?

Gray: Let's go check on Lucy!

Natsu: Sure thing.

Then two random lady's rushed to Natsu and gray and began to dance with them

Natsu: Gray we're being attacked!

Gray: I'd rather be lonely trust me!

Elfman: I'm the last man standing

Random woman: Is it to forward for me to ask to dance?

Elfman: Woah yeah I'll dance I'll dance like a real man were gonna set this place on fire!

Happy: That fact that she's not running away in terror is super suspicious!

Carla: If that truly is velveno he might be using his drain magic to steal elfmans beast arm.

Warren: Now elfman might be in trouble check it out.

Natsu and gray: Loud and clear!

Gray froze the floor and both him and Natsu spin the two women on it and ran in elfmans direction.

Warren: Elfman you gotta switch out with gray right now!

Elfman: Not happening!

Warren: What, why not?

Elfman: The world may be trying to get between you and your woman but that makes the passion burn brighter and the fire that makes the man a man!

Natsu pushed elfman away

Natsu: That's enough!

Then gray took over

Gray: It's time to switch partners

Woman: My what an enchanting man you are.

Gray: Yeah it's actually kinda funny you'd put it that way because this is a magic users ball, so what kinda magic to you use?

Woman: That is a rather personal question don't you think a true gentleman would show his magic before asking a lady?

Gray: I guess being a gentleman isn't really my strong suit.

Woman: Well I suppose I'll play along and show you mine first.... Maker magic ice make Schwan's!

3 Schwan's appeared and she jumped on one of them

Gray: So you just happened to use the same magic as I do, now Ice Make Kite!

The kite was headed towards her as gray was riding it and a crowd of people began to cheer and clap and then gray jumped on the kite and landed on the floor

Woman: very impressive but not my style, Ice make polar bear!

An ice polar bear charged at great as he jumped

Gray: Ice make prison cell!

The cell trapped the bear

The two continued their brawl for a while, while you stood there watching a guy approached you asking to dance.

Guy: May I have this dance?

Happy: Looks like even Y/n is getting asked out!

Warren: I'm surprised it took this long, I mean just look at her.

You: I'll dance with ya, if you think you can handle it.

Back with gray and the mysterious woman, the brawl continued until Erza had enough. 

Erza: Now if you'll excuse me *Uses her requip magic* you need to cool it immediately!

Erza strucked both gray and the woman and they were sent flying.

Lucy: And to nobody's surprise this goes completely off the rails

Wendy: Look miss Aceto is up on the balcony!

Aceto was walking down the stairs as every guy was looking at her with very happy expressions

Balsamico: Heheheheheh it would seem all the men here are intimidated at my daughter's beauty.

Elfman: The way you sparkle is so manly.

As he said that gray face palmed

Aceto: I am a girl you know, now then would you grant me the honor of the first dance

Aceto and Erza begin to dance.

Lucy: Why is the counts daughter dancing with erza?

Natsu: I don't know.

Then you walk up to Wendy

You: That other guy was nothing, however we did promise to continue our session. So may I have this dance wendy?

Wendy: Why yes thank you!

The two of you began to dance when Wendy complimented you appearance.

Wendy: You're very pretty like this. But if I may ask, why did you decide to look like this?

You: We've got to make it look like I'm an ordinary girl. Otherwise the guy we're after might be suspicious of me. Besides, it's not so bad for me to want to dress up in these clothes.

Carla: Enjoy whatever you're doing because you won't be dancing long it's close to midnight.

Then the Clock began to ring

Natsu: Now what's going on?

Balsamico: The fateful hour is apon us.

Erza: And what happens at midnight?

Aceto: The ring is presented the bells within that giant old clock only tol on one night every seven years and the doors open and out comes that ring

Balsamico: Who ever takes that ring is there by granted the right to propose to my daughter it is a balsamico family tradition.

You: Woah!

Balsamico: Anyone who desires my daughter hand in marriage must first posses the ring.

Just then a group of men rushed to get the ring

Elfman: I bet she won't say no to a real man!

Lucy: Did you forget that we're not here to hook up with the clients daughter!?

You: I'll get the ring!

Lucy: Why!?

You: To protect it of course. The theif might be here any minute now.

Wendy: A-are you sure you wanna do that?

You: Why wouldn't I?

Wendy looked to her left to see you then to her right to see you again.

Wendy: Huh!?

Fake You: Transform Off!

You: This must be Velveno

Velveno rushed his way to the ring and managed to steal the ring

Velveno: Sky Dragon Roar!


The air was all over the place but you began to consume it but it still managed to snatch the ring and send it his way

Velveno: Heheheh and now the precious ring that belongs to the balsamico family is now in the hands of the one and only velveno!

Aceto: He did it.

Balsamico: Give it back this instant!

Natsu: Alright this party is getting started!

You: Natsu let's get this fool!

You then tore the dress off of yourself revealing the casual clothing you normally wore. Natsu punches his fist together and created a flame on them.

Natsu: Sure thing Fire Dragon iron fist!

Natsu charged at Velveno and went for the jab but Velveno retaliated with his own-

Velveno: Fire Dragon Iron Fist!

Natsu: What!?

Velveno's fist collided with natsu's creating a small blast within the dance room.

You: It's about time I show you the breaker style!

You began moving around feeling a rhythm before proceeding to do a hand stand and start spinning at high speeds.

Natsu: He's using break dancing as a fighting style!?

Natsu smirked before getting back to business.

Natsu: I really can't let myself get outshined here, I'll give em one of my own attacks!

Natsu's cheeks puffed up before he unleashed his-

Natsu: Fire Dragon: Roar!

Natsu noticed Velveno smirk, it's was too late as Velveno proceeded to mimick Natsu and shoot out his own "Fire Dragon: Roar" making contact with your breaker style which then changed the direction of the fire and sent it all over the place.

Natsu: What the heck!?

You: He's copying our attacks? That's NOT FAIR!

Velveno: Glad you like, it but the battle isn't over yet.

Erza: Then I shall have to deal with you now, gray, elfman protect Aceto.

Gray: We're on it!

Erza: Requip: Purgatory Armor

Velveno: Requip: Purgatory armor

Then then clashed swords and he changed back

Velveno: It's pointless-

You were behind him mid air

Velveno: Ah gee-

You axe kicked him in the shoulder and you were pretty sure you heard a crack.

You: Pointless was it

Velveno: What the hell was that!?

Natsu: I didn't even see her move!

Velveno used Wendy's magic to heal himself

Velveno: Hahaha I've already copied the magic of every fairy tail wizard here!

Natsu: Oh yeah copycat, then we'll have to kick your butt the old fashion way!

You began to get the rhythm feeling back again.

Velveno: Oh knock it off the last thing I want to do is get into a brawl between you and your buddies.🍷

You: What?

Natsu: Say what?

Velveno: I'm here because I screwed up last time, I've waited seven long years to do this again. Aceto I got something big to ask you.

Lucy: No way!

Velveno: We've known each other since we were just little kids and all this time I've been crazy in love with ya.

Balsamico: You were the low born child in front of my servants yet I still permited you to play with my daughter have you forgotten your place!?

Velveno: Every time I came to see you Aceto you'd remind me, you'd say we were from two different worlds that shouldn't mix and then you'd kick me out on the street cuz trash like me because trash like me doesn't belong in your palace.

Aceto: Daddy, you never told me he tried to visit!

Balsamico: And you don't need to hear anything about this now!

Velveno: The sad thing is I started to believe in him and I decided to I was finally gonna give up you Aceto, kinda gave up on myself too.I drifted around a while until I turned to a life of crime, I got arrested ended up in jail.

Natsu: I'm not buying any of this guys crap.

You: Chill for a bit would you!

Velveno: And while I was locked up I had all the time in the world to think about what I regretted most how I never got the chance to tell you how I felt so I took a risk and broke out to come to the ball I even did it twice.

Velveno then got on one knee

Velveno: Miss Aceto please tell me that you'll be my wife!

Carla: How sweet!

Happy: What?

Carla: No nevermind...

Balsamico: Can't you see that this is a waste of time her answer is no!

Aceto: I will!


Velveno: Wow are you serious!?

Aceto: Of course I've been waiting my whole life for the day you'd come back!

Velveno: You were? This is like my wildest dream come true I can't believe it!

Aceto: There's just one thing, turn yourself in. You still need to pay for your crimes.

Velveno: You're right.

He then put the ring on her finger and everyone began to cheer

Erza: Isn't it wonderful!?

Natsu: Uh...

You: I don't really get the concept of marriage.

Lucy: That was so beautiful!

Wendy: He's the sweetest guy ever

Gray: Incredible...

Elfman: Yeah that was so freaking manly!

Natsu: I don't know all about this...

Erza then shoved Natsu out of the way

Erza: Give it around of applause for the couple!

Velveno: Well, they're hauling me off.

Aceto: I'll wait for you, I promise!

Velveno: Thanks and I promise that I'll come back for you.

Natsu: Wait I've got a question.

Velveno: What is it?

Natsu: How was it that you managed to steal Y/n's magic?

You: Oh boy.

Velveno: I saw her scouting the area, I simply told her that I was an invited guest and shook er hand.

Natsu: Wait what!?

You: Listen if I had known he was the bad guy I wouldn't have gotten close to him.

Then the guards walked him away

Lucy: So about the 4 million reward.

Balsamico: You think I give you money after everything that happened tonight!

You: Don't worry lucy, if the money really means this much to ya, I'll come back later and steal it for ya.

Lucy: Uh, no thanks....

Era: Now to celebrate Aceto's new found happiness let's dance the night away!

Everyone: *Cheers*

Natsu: Hey Y/n may I have this dance?

There was a pause between the two of you before you spoke up with a smirk.

You: You want to see more of my breaker style dance don't ya?

Natsu punched his fists together before smirking.

Natsu: It's like you're reading my mind!

The rest of the night was a wild mess.

End of Chapter.