
Reviews of The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha


The Power of Ten: Sama Rantha


  • Overall Rate
  • Writing Quality
  • Updating Stability
  • Story Development
  • Character Design
  • world background



I love this story, I found it on Royal Road and had to catch up. I literally couldn't put it down. One of the best books I have ever read. I've been recommending it to every one I know who really enjoys reading.

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really good read. I've read more books in my life then I can count as it my only real hobby and this book stands out as one of the better ones. I'm honestly surprised that it doesn't have way more readers then I'd does I'd recommend this even if you aren't sick of the many other books here. Don't just read this if you getting bored of CN novels it deserves a read all it own.


I have mix feelings about this novel. It can be a great fun to read certain parts, but incredibly boring in others. Anyways; The writing quality is excellent for the most part. Only when the author tries to put some dice DND nonsense that I admittedly ignore does it get in the way. You'd be in the middle of an action sequence when suddenly all this talk about dice and whatnot came up out of nowhere. It can be disrupting. Conversations can also occasionally be hard to follow at times due to some weird use of dialogue. This isn't really an issue though, it's very rare. There are numerous main characters in this story. Some may like it, others not. I'm part of the latter. I came here to read about the legend of Sama Rantha. I mean it's in the title. But having read 180 chapters so far, half of it isn't even about her or from her perspective. At the start it has alternating chapter between the dream sequence and the reality in the future (present?). Oh how I hate this part. But it's a good novel so I persevere and read through it. Until it finally reached a point in where I can just read it from the present. Then not too many chapters later another MC joined. I thought fine, I'm still getting my fix of Sama Rantha. Lo and behold, not too long after that it goes to another MC, this time 12 years in the past. Then another MC also 12 years in the past. Now the chapters are switching between 4 different storylines from different point of views. What about Sama Rantha? She's thrown in the background barely even there. Not sure if this style of story telling will be continued in the future, but at this point I feel like the author should just remove Sama Rantha from the title. Info dumps. This novel has a lot of it. There are chapters that basically consists of only info dumps. That in itself is not so bad, but I can't even make sense of these info dumps. It's all DND based that can get confusing. Not saying it's impossible to understand, but most readers will just skim through these chapters to get on with the story. So do I recommend reading this novel? Yes. I can understand why this novel has such a small following, the author goes in great depth about how his system works, and frankly it's a bore to read for a lot of readers. The multiple characters thing being a big part of this novel can also be a turn off. But despite all this I'm still reading it because it is still a decent novel. You'll just have to persevere through the parts that aren't to your liking, as the rest is brilliant.


I'm here for the karma :D, but overall the story is one of the few original pieces on the site that deserves a 5 stat rating, a very cool storyline that's supported by the right amount of world lore and leveling mechanics.


I stumbled across this story by accident. It was quite possibly the happiest accident in my life to date. Why do the reviews require a minimum character count?


Writing is actually 4.5 only because the then/than mistakes in the early chapters were hard on my eyes. But other than that one of the absolute best storistories I've ever read period. Why this isn't published and sold on Amazon is a freaking mystery to me!


Definitely an impressive world which draws readers in and makes us feel connected to the characters in such a manner that I can’t wait to read the next chapter!


Great story. I would buy it if it was a book on Amazon So please publish it. The only thing I dont like is the slow reading release😄 so please to all give all votes .


A fantastically in-depth DnD/RPG fiction about OP game mechanics and how to abuse the crap out of them as much as possible. So long as you know your DnD stuff, you'll fit right in. However, even for the layman reader, who understands about as much as "I R Stronk Player!" DnD jargon, you'll still be able to understand most of the story. The only complaints about the novel that I have are two things. Please kind in mind, that these are my personal issues and will probably have no effect on other readers. So don't be discouraged to read this novel. Cause again, it's a fantastic novel! MINOR SPOILERS BELOW: 1. In the initial stages of the story, the author jumps between future and past events each chapter. I found this to be a little jarring and felt it kills the immersion. 2. There are a lot of important characters. And while this is normally nice, I sometimes feel that due to this the MC of this story feels watered down, and it becomes a story less about Sama, but more about everyone around her. Which is a shame, because shes awesome.


A Real Fantasy World story, full immersion, well detailed and thoroughly explained making everything meaningful and relevant. The DnD terms and jargon are necessary and will make sense later on, take it as math on how that magical world works no hand holding about it and I applaud the author for finding a system that works and anchors nearly everything the characters abilities are derived, the how, why. The story starts off slow, deep with a limited perspective and hard and goes on like this for a while but their is a valid reason and its brilliant so strap in and hold on will be worth it. After all that it blooms beautifully then kicks int high gear as more characters appear, events unfold even outside the main characters perspective which makes it more richer and exciting.


Really enjoyable, one of my favourite stories I'm reading right now. Well written with lots of humour. It keeps the story moving while showing how things really take time. Its fun and interestting with a good set of characters. It leaves just enough unwritten to let your imagination make the story your own.


Quite frankly I'm not sure why this is only in the 200's it has everything: gamelit, reincarnation, dragons, incursions of mad gods from beyond the pale, and just all out epicness.


Didn't really understand a lot of the stats. But I got the general gist of it (No worries, the author did explain what all of it was, I was just lazy and didn't want to read the glossary). Story was really entertaining. READ IT


Reveal spoiler


Definitely a very interesting story which has deep and rich world and I look forward to seeing how it will progress in the future! I am sadden to see not a lot of people have found this story because it is worth trying.


Hey there! Good day for writing! If you wanted to see whether you can get paid by distributing the current work or getting financial support by writing new work, you might want to contact geekyteddyyo@gmail.com. A brief introduction, some sample chapters or links will be appreciated when reaching out.


I just want to add stars. I just want to add stars. I just want to add stars. I just want to add stars. I just want to add stars. I just want to add stars.


Power of Ten is a DnD style novel where the main character is plagued by a curse to turn her into a Hag. Action scenes are really well done but the constant switching between POVs is a little annoying. It really pays off once both POVs really play off each other where what happens in one is explained by the other. The beginning is really tough without knowing intuitively what stats or DR or hit die mean.


The author is an old hat at D&D and goes hard on the RPG elements. If you've never played table tops, or old school RPGs with ******** elements, then the beginning will be very rough. Lots of numbers, talk about modifiers, saves, Skills, and Talents. This isn't your standard LitRPG with big meaningless numbers that are just there to show progression. If you can get past all that, aren't afraid of numbers or using your googlefu to decrypt some stuff, then this story really blossoms. Combat is fun, characters are interesting, the world is well built, and MC is a true blue badass. The author loves the D&D building blocks and it shows; lots of talk of alignment (good - evil, lawful-chaotic) and it's actually meaningful (as opposed to good being a synonym with incompetent and evil being purposeless and random). A lot of the characters have particular alignments, skills or talents, that affect who they are and how they act, and they come across as appropriately eccentric at times, which is good. A character bring truly devoid of any fear, manifests in some oddities if you really think about it. Verdict: read if you can deal with heavy use of D&D acronyms and lots of numbers. It's very good.


A awesome book! There are some things that I speed past but can say that this story has me hooked. Can’t wait for more :)."........... go go needing more words to post review