
True Love

I'm woken up wondering whats's going on and Blade tell me we need to hurry up and leave. He grabs my hand as if i'm going to be taken away. I ask him whats going on, and he replied with," We have to go, your family is after you!" I feel a chill through my spine when Blade said that. I wasn't thinking at all and dragged him along with me as if I knew the hospital. Out of nowhere, the walls in the hospital starts fading away and I can see every one and thing in the rooms. I start to freak out and squat down. Blade asks me what's wrong and I reply stutteringly, " They're... gone, the.... the walls are.... are gone." Blade hears footstaps and react fast, he pick me up and carries me. As he carry me he tells me,"I LOVE YOU, I LOVE YOU." over and over repeatedly. I hug Blade so tight that I don't want to let him go, but the people that were following us shot me in my leg. I'm wondering how they can get that aim and I soon find out that it is Father. I'm in so much pain that I tell Blade to put me down and go, but he wouldn't let me go and he told me that no matter what we will die together hand in hand. I feel happy even though i'm in pain. We are almost outside of the hospital, but when Mother and Brother are waiting for us with guns in their hands, We stop. Brother says,"Put him down" and Blade says,"You are never going to take him away from me, or you can maybe try." Im in so much pain and Blade sees that and something inside of him starts growling. As the growling continues, wind blows from above and there's this large beautiful spaceship looking thing falling down. As it land, Mother and Brother moves back, and Blade rushes me in the ship. Father is almost to the ship. The door closes before any other person can get on. In the ship is a bed that Blade takes me to. he puts me down and Blades mother and father asks if i'm alright, "we are about to departure." Blade holds my hand while telling his mother that im fine and I just got shot, he looks at me with a happy look in his face. This is true love, he is staying by my side despite the horrors that follow if he does. I know i'm in love this has never happened to me before and I know that i'm going to experience more new things. I don't care how good or bad they are, as long as i'm with blade.