
Is This Wonderland

As i'm falling, I can barely see a floor, i'm not sure, but as I get closer I can tell that it is a floor. Why are all of these bad things happening to me?, first my family, then Blade and his parents, and now THIS? "Oh shit, what did I do in my last life to end up like this?" So im falling and falling, then as I get closer to the floor, I shut my eyes as tight as I could. But I couldn't feel anything for a while, so I opened my eyes and in my face, I see Blade. He's so close to me that I can see his beautifully shaded and smooth skin. Man when I tell you that I started blushing so hard, he touched my forehead to see if I had a headache, and blood started gushing out of my nose. I knew I wasn't in that dream about the hole because I could feel my head get lighter as blood continues to come out. I try getting up, but Blade told me to stay laying down. I tell him that I have to go back home. Blade says," You don't need to go home, your family sent you with us without a care in the world and didn't you say that you was starting to get feelings for me? How am I going to tell you my answer if you fall down again or even die?" I'm flabbergasted, I confessed my feelings to him and i'm still around to feel embarrassed. See, look at me now i'm going to cry. He's going to reject me, no doubt. So, I lay down and close my eyes as my head touches the pillow, then my lips are touched with something soft as a pillow. I open my eyes so shocked, IT'S BLADE AND HE'S KISSING MY BRAINS OUT!!!. He moves back and i'm looking him in the eyes. He tells me that he has always been in love with me and he has always cared for me. I begin to smile and blush and cry at the same time. Blade gives me a warm hug as well as his parents. I didn't even know that they were there and we French kissed in front of them. OMG, OMG, OMG.!!! Blade lets me go and walked around the bed to get in and under the covers with me. He rapped his arm around me and pulled me closer to his chest. I can even smell his lovely ocean breeze scent. He tells me to sleep, but i'm still thinking about what was happening in Brother's room. I don't really care anymore for all the things they did to me. I can think about that some other time, right now i'm in wonderland with my lover and I feel so warm that i'm falling deep asleep in his arms.

What is going on and how will their relationship workout?