
The Power of Espada in MHA

After God sent him, Satan met him and gave him the task of killing the main characters and gave him the power of the Espada, let's see if he can kill them and still survive or if he will perish like the others

Zick_Rander · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

USJ 2 (talk ???)

I wonder if I'll be lucky enough to kill Aizawa I want to take his quirk she's too strong and she has such a weak host though it's all the fault of his eyes it makes him want to sleep well what if this quirk is mine after all I can completely forget about the problem, any problem at all thanks to it

Ken: He went to them anyway.

I'm talking about Kurogiri this time I wasn't there and he decided to come to the students again and use his quirk, namely the portal and he ended up scattering all the students at USJ

Although the students are doing quite well some are fighting back

Aizawa fights the villains and you can see that he has a hard time since there are more of them and they only use their quirks, and he wipes out their quirks

There are explosions all over the USJ I even see Asui and Midoriya also Momo, a natural disaster flooding, and they are on a boat at the moment

I'm realizing here that I'm calling their last names but not using suffixes if I were to call their names without the suffix how would they react

It seems the villain is not happy especially with the arm fetish and he screams and then comes a purple humanoid with no head well no skull on him only brains and he looks like a bird with a muscular body

Now the question is how do I kill Aizawa and take away his whim?

I'm sitting on a volcano on a rock next to the volcano and I'm wondering how I can kill him and since I'm high up they can't see me

I came up with .

I pointed my hand up and swung it at a purple guy with an open brain

Ken: Desgarron.

Green blades flew to the ground next to purple and Aizawa

It's weird Desgarron used to be blue and now it's green, why is that?




And as I sent Desgarron to the ground a huge dust rose and there were several cracks in the ground and also the glass was shattered from the vibrations

Well it's time for action


I moved to where Aizawa was and he wasn't in the best condition because the dust got into his eyes and he can't open his eyes

I touched Aizawa's shoulder.

Ken: Goodbye Aizawa

Aizawa turned in my direction and even though he barely opened his eyes and looked at me, he activated his wiping quirk just in case

but it was all useless against me

I activated my other Espada power, number 9 Aroniro Arueri.

And after Aizawa disappeared from this world and I felt new abilities and there was an unusual feeling in my eyes like discomfort and later the discomfort disappeared

I see nothing, it's dark everywhere

What the hell?

???: It's been a long time, 16 years if I'm not mistaken.

I hear a voice behind me and I turn around and I see the one who sent me into this world... Satan.

Satan: So how are you doing?

Ken: I don't even know why I see you here and it's dark everywhere after I just killed Aizawa

Satana: Well you did kill one of the important people that made this world's plot move forward

Ken: Then I shouldn't have killed him?

Satana: What are you, you did it right or wrong I don't care I just want to tell you why I sent you to this world and kill the people I said

Ken: You really want to tell me?

Satana: It's just that I was bored.

Ken: What?

Satana: I was bored God and I have this deal where we share the worlds of anime, movies, games and stuff with each other. He gives me the bad, evil worlds where it gets a lot of blood whereas he gives me the good and clean ones where it's supposed to be pure because they're angels and even some are pure enough to believe whatever you tell them to.

Ken: You sent me into this world just to have fun?

Satana: Well yes I have a lot of worlds where other people are there but they have different powers I lied to you about only giving powers to the Espads I just did an experiment on how the powers of the Espads well the Arrancars cope here and as expected these powers are too strong for this world, much less those you chose as your character

Ken: You decided to use me as a rat and satisfy yourself?

Satana: Well yes, but there's a reason for that just you liked Bleach namely espada and in the fact that you have some green abilities now it's because you liked Ulquiorra and his powers, the powers I give come from the soul of the people themselves. Also for you to leave this world you have to kill you know who the main characters are.

Ken: What if I don't? Would you kill me?

Satana: Well I don't really want to do that, but I can tell you what your heart wants

Ken: And what does my heart want?

Satana: You want your team back.

Ken: They're already dead.

Satana: Babe look at me they are definitely a villain and I can tell that there are only 3 purple colors among you which is pretty rare

Ken: I don't really understand what purple means it just means how many things you've killed?

Satana: It's actually like one factor of how many you've killed, and the other is that the potential is great, and he or she is dangerous to a few million people, but not to the whole world

Ken: Are there colors that are dangerous to the whole world?

Satana: Yes there are, but I'll keep quiet about it you do not need to know this color is so rare anyway that it is better to die 5 times and live millions of lives in each life

Ken: What is the point of this conversation?

Satana: I give you power and purpose for this world, but no motivation.

Ken: What motivation?

Satana: Well, this is it.

He pointed a finger next to him and there appeared Kyle.

Ken: Kyle!

Satana: Well he's purple if anything and I only gave you a gift now, there'll be more to come.

Ken: Is he alive?

Satana: Yes he's alive and I'll tell you what he'll be there for you in your adventures

Ken: Will he live in this world?

Satana: Let me explain the point of this. I gave you the powers you wanted just once, like in his case you wanted to be like Ulkiorra and he wanted to be like Deidara so I gave you those powers and about me giving you two powers there was a reason and I just want to see how you cope and will send you to other worlds with restriction in the future. There will be two of you at the moment and then once you complete the mission you'll be joined by another person from the Monolith team

Ken: You'll be watching our moves.

Satana: That's right I'll be watching you just like I watch the others.

Ken: What's going to happen to Kyle now?

Satana: Well now he'll wake up at the age of 12 and he'll already be in this world as well you have to find him yourself, don't worry I'll tell him where to find you so you can reunite. I won't bother you again as I just decided to give you a strong motivation and gave you a gift in the form of Kyle. Good luck to you.

I don't know, I figured I'd at least give him some motivation because it's weird that he was given a mission to kill people and then he went to do it without question. and do you think I should change the title of the fanfic?, just now the fanfic is not going because of the route

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