
The Power of Espada in MHA

After God sent him, Satan met him and gave him the task of killing the main characters and gave him the power of the Espada, let's see if he can kill them and still survive or if he will perish like the others

Zick_Rander · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Practice Fighting 1

(Ken POV).

It's been a week since the quirks and the Bakugo incident.

Lessons were boring even though I could not do them at all, but I do not want to be expelled because in the future will be more fun, and the center of events is UA

And today will be a fun lesson because I feel a strong force that comes here and it can only be Almighty, and so will be a great battle if I'm not mistaken, it will be a battle villain vs heroes

Almighty: I'm coming in as a normal person!!!

Kirishima: It's the Almighty.

Tsuya: Isn't that a silver age costume?

Midoriya: Exactly, it's the same costume.

The whole class is really excited to see him, he's the leader or should I say Pillar of Light, just looking at him makes everyone feel good and has a tiny ray of hope.

Almighty: You all have sketches of your costumes, you can wear them because our engineers are very smart.

Ashido: Is it really that fast?

Momo: No wonder it's UA here about our costumes and will do it in a few days.

Almighty: Grab your suitcases and meet us at the combat center.

And after these words he left and at that moment a suitcase with a number appeared next to each place

And since I'm on the last one, I have the number 20.

I'll go faster everyone to the locker room, using Sonido I quickly went to the locker room and began to change


I looked great in this costume and soon I have to go

(a few minutes later)

I decided not to go out right away and wait for them when they arrive and start the fight right away and I sit on the roof looking down and waiting for them and the Almighty doesn't sense that I am behind him and moreover I am high probably I don't have the bloodlust yet and if I did he would notice, he is number 1 hero after all

I see them coming I'll get behind them using the top speed so almighty doesn't notice and it would be weird if I was behind him all the time.

As soon as they're out of the tunnel I use Sonido and get out with them.

Momo: Wow.

And after that everyone looked at me as I look pretty good like a prince but a dangerous prince, this suit is fireproof material and water impenetrable so I can withstand, but my stuff not so I asked it to be sturdy in case of a battle and not to burst

And Midoriya's suit looks like the Almighty and it's too ridiculous, and the Almighty himself is trying not to laugh

Almighty: And so now I will explain what you will do since we are at the battle center then we will fight, and the teams will be Hero and Villain. The hero's job is to disarm the nuke is just a toy, and the villain's job is to go up to any floor and put a nuke and defend as well. You can also disarm the Hero or Villains using handcuffs.

And then I was bored so I ignored them all.

Next I see that everyone is taking a piece of paper out of the box, so I went over and got the letter P too.

So I'm looking for who the letter P is and I found it and it was Momo and I went over to her.

Ken: You got a piece of paper.

I show her my paper with the letter on it.

Momo: Uh, it's the same.

She shows me her paper and won't look me in the eye though I'm blindfolded I'm still handsome, but it's probably just my personality I'm not likely to be approached

(40 minutes later)

Some rounds are over, but only 3 as each battle is 15 minutes and in general someone did early and someone did not have time

And now it's my turn with Momo vs white snowball