
The Power of Espada in MHA

After God sent him, Satan met him and gave him the task of killing the main characters and gave him the power of the Espada, let's see if he can kill them and still survive or if he will perish like the others

Zick_Rander · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Practical exam

{Message to you: I want to tell you that I struggled with this chapter for a long time and I want you to listen to the songs below to understand what I'm writing about. And tell me as soon as you read it, is the format good with the music I made or is it unnecessary? }{2119 words}

Ken: Finally quite close.

Saying that, I walk up to the big UA gate.

I can already see the icy fiery guy, the green nerd, the flashy boy and other characters

Well, it won't be boring if everything goes according to plan.

(time lapse of 30 minutes)

I was already sitting in the main hall waiting for everyone to arrive as soon as everyone was seated.

A real microphone showed up.

He wanted to cheer us up somehow but no one was responding to them and he ended up starting the lesson

The lights went off and the presentation came on.

Mick: I present you three robots, each robot has a number and on these numbers are your points for example if you destroy a robot with the number 2 you will have 2 points and will increase with each time you destroy robots. You will have 10 minutes, the test will take place in a special combat center. Also, you can't hit other students and such as anti-heroes in which case you will be disqualified.

???: Sorry, I have a question.

Mick: Okay.

And then the spotlight is directed at the person who wanted to ask the question, and I recognize him it's Iida

Iida: There are 4 robots drawn on our printouts if that's a typo, this UA issuing academy should be ashamed, we came here in the entrance exam to become first class heroes

And after saying this he turned back

Iida: By the way you're there with the curly hair you've been muttering all this time, it's distracting

He pointed to Midori who was sitting in the back with Bakugo.

And he turns to me.

Iida:You stop chewing gum too.

Ken: Shut your damn mouth and sit down.

I put spiritual pressure on him and it made him sweat, but I didn't use much so he didn't faint.

He immediately calmed down and slowly sat down shaking in his chair.

Mick: Ok ok let's not argue, great question by the way type 4 robot, it's a 0 robot, meaning it has no points it's like an obstacle you can destroy it but it would be pointless and better to avoid it

And then he started telling us about the hero Napoleon Bonaparte.

And the motto of the academies.

I didn't really care.

(time lapse of 20 minutes)

Gate D.

Ken: Well, it's too crowded.

Saying that while standing next to the place where the exam will be held.

The written test was passed in a long time this is well over 5 days, still a lot of students here and in one day can not see everyone and assess correctly

All right, I'd better put on my headphones and listen to music.

(Taw & Mylky & M.I.M.E. - Renegades (The FifthGuys & Coffeeshop Remix))

Great music, that's what I'm gonna take the test with.

While everyone's out there talking to each other, I don't get approached just because I'm using low spiritual pressure around me

I'm waiting and still waiting for it to start

When this gate opens, when I can show my superiority, when everyone feels suffocated, when it takes a few 0 robots and I have 10 minutes to do it all, using Sonido I can travel long distances and a whole city will be in my hands, where I can use devastating techniques that will wipe out the city

Saying this in my mind, I accidentally exceeded the spiritual pressure and ended up being feared from me like the plague and some are already sweating profusely, shaking my knees violently

How fun.

And for all that, I was smiling like crazy


Actually no, I was smiling calmly


Everyone abruptly turned around and looked up.

Ectoplasm hero was there and that means it's about to start

Throwing away the gum in my mouth and taking a new one in my mouth

Open the goddamn gate

Here it comes, I see it open




The gate opens and I use Sonido and burst inside.

I see a robot with number 2 in front of it and I use Colmillo green (create a sword in my hand like Cayote Stark) and cut it in half I already have 2 points

I fought my way through the city using Sonido and only saw the green light from Colmillo.

I see 3 robots cut them they have numbers 1, 1, 2 I already have 6 points

Not enough

Going further, I see a robot with the number 3 I use Bala on my hand blue and like a bullet I destroy it I have 9 points


I use Sonido and end up on top of a tall building.

It is pointless to use Peskis, the robot has no spiritual energy, which means I have to use one eye as usual.

(Peskis is to find sources of spiritual pressure and gauge their power)

I'd rather use some Bala and destroy what I see from the roof.

I see 4 robots a sharp movement use Bala and after that I destroyed the robots with the speed of Bala it will be easier

I destroyed robots with the number 2,1,1,2 I have 15 points


Looking back I see 2 more robots

Ken: Bala.

Energy appears in both of my index fingers and with a swift punch of air in the direction of these robots, I also have to restrain myself from killing the other participants.

Bala quickly reaches them, speed like a bullet and they explode

Robots with a number 1,3,

I have 19 points.

Moving on.

I move to another rooftop just above this one and again I see two robots with the number 2,2.

I have 23 points.

I can't see the others because of the huge buildings and the fact that these robots aren't too big.

I will have to go on the ground to be faster, I used Colmillo collected on one hand a sword and in the other I will shoot the Bala

Damn, the music's getting bad.

I take my phone with my free hand and flip through the music

Found .

(Dirty Palm - To The Back (feat. Purple Velvet Curtains) [NCS Release])

Turned it on, it's ready to go

Just gotta wait for the moment I want

I look around and I see some robots

I still have enough time and I've already got 23 points since I started, which is many times better.

And so I see those robots and their numbers 2,3,1,1,1,2,3,2,1.

We'll have to wait for that moment.

I've already figured out in my head how I'm gonna destroy them.

I can see the robots farther away, no matter how I come, I'll see the numbers

Come on, hurry up with the music I want to act in tune with the music

just wait just wait to satisfy your ego

I got 40 more seconds to wait (17 seconds from the beginning of the music)

Damn it.

Whoever's following me must be wondering what I'm doing, I've got to destroy them 'cause somebody could take the points

Yeah, except I know where they are and where the robots are, I went ahead on purpose so they wouldn't be distracted

Wait for the moment, just wait for the moment.

The moment will come soon

I'm tapping my feet on the ground with impatience

Ask me why I don't rewind, it won't be interesting

All right, I'll wait a little while

And so it's all coming, I'm getting ready

I feel like somebody's gonna come in here and destroy my robots it's not gonna be cool

It's coming up, just coming up (31 seconds of music passed )

And so I'll start with those robots below

My sword that I made is still in my hands and it's glowing more green and I'm getting more nervous as this goes on.

Here it is a little more music (40 seconds have passed)

I wait an extra 6 seconds and close my only eye

Ken:1 2 3 4 5 6

Here it comes, opening my eye sharply (47 seconds)

I use Sonido as much as I can, appear at the bottom cutting one robot number 3 with my sword is like paper

Appear next to robot number 1 and destroy it

I see the same person who came up here and see the robots

Ken: Bala.

Destroyed 2

Destroyed 2

Destroyed 1

Ken: Fuck you.


(Imagine Kaneki Ken making that face and showing fuk)

Using Sonido and slashing other robots with the number 1 and 1 sword already


I'm screaming because when I move at top speed Sonido and speed was not small I can at one time 176 meters at top speed and holding back only 68 meters

The problem is that I was moving and eventually hit a little headphone on the debris robot and as a result of my headphones broke or rather one side, torn and listen to one side is not good

In general, I took off their headphones and went without them to destroy the robots and already see 2 robots with the number 2 and 3

Destroyed without any problems and did not even break a sweat, and if I broke a sweat, then shame on me

I have if I'm not mistaken already 39 points and as I say it's only in the beginning

It's been 3 minutes, maybe 4 minutes and still have 6 minutes to spare and still have a robot with the number 0

I'm going to keep destroying.

(time lapse after 4 minutes)

It was too easy and since I'm not the only one here, they let more robots out, how did I figure it out? well I saw the little iron gates open and already saw them, robots coming out on different sides

I was just sitting there waiting for a robot to come into my line of sight then I use Bala already

I've already got 93 points.

And I can already see our guest

The robot with the number 0.

Ken: These few minutes I've been waiting for you because I'm using my technique on you.

With each step robot 0 caused a shake

I use Peskis to find out where the contestants are so I don't get killed accidentally, otherwise I might be declared a criminal.

I can breathe without being disturbed, no one will know I'm here though they've seen me use Bala, it's hard not to notice it lights up everything with blue light even though it's as fast as a bullet but it still leaves a trace.

Ken: So, robot, you're ready to die.

With a mocking smile, I looked at the robot.


(ignore the hair color and eyes, just take his smile and that's it)

Robot 0 gets closer and closer to me

From my side I look at him calmly and with a smile, I gather spiritual energy on my both hands, specifically in my nails

Ken: Desgarron.

I make a splitting motion with my claws towards robot 0 and right after that blue blades flew from my swing (Like Grimmjou in the battle with Ichigo)

My directed attack flew straight at him and cut very smoothly

And right after that.


Ken: I understand Deidara very much understand him, it's so cool what you're doing and watching those explosions

The winds are thinking about my hair and yet the dust flew here well I still turn away I don't want dust in my eyes

Well I've still got one more minute probably and I'll bounce better


I did it so there's no questions I'll say I have a lot of power that's true and if I'm standing in the air it'll be a little hard to explain

Already I'm in the air and I see some robots well destroy them quickly using Bala

Minus 3.

Minus 5.

Minus 7

I landed on the roof, the last one I destroyed from the jump and destroyed 7 robots.

Hero in a Microphone: Practice test, thank you for participating.

Ken: That's it then, I'm going home.