
The Power of Espada in MHA

After God sent him, Satan met him and gave him the task of killing the main characters and gave him the power of the Espada, let's see if he can kill them and still survive or if he will perish like the others

Zick_Rander · Anime & Comics
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22 Chs

Awakening (corrected)

It looks like a small building and in this building there is a room in which a boy with black hair and a nice face and baby fat lies, he seems to wake up

Purple Ball POV.

Boy: What a headache.

I said, standing up and holding my head

Ken: So my name is Ken.

Still holding my head I muttered. So I'm an orphan my name was given by the caretaker I'm 4 years old at this age I should have a quirk but what kind because I only have regeneration and the ability to take away ability and if they put regeneration as a quirk and if I use another ability, I'll be a big target for both heroes and villains, and in the danger of my ability if I use someone else's quirk it'll eventually become clear that I took their quirk because they'll already be dead and their quirk will definitely be in the UA records or in the government.

Ken: It's going to be a hell of a lot harder if I want to live in peace and unsupervised for a while. Hmmm, how do I look all right did that creature that's probably Satan or a demon

Walking over to the small mirror on the wall I saw a small version of Kaien Shibu (a small Ichigo Kurosaki only with black hair).

Ken: Interesting.

Stroking his chin with his hand.

Ken: If someone listens to me talking to myself they'll think I'm crazy even though I don't care about them. That's right today, the matron will take me and a few other kids to check the fancy, yes the memory comes gradually

Well it's all good, except I still don't know what I'm supposed to do with my alleged "quirk."

*Knock, knock, knock*

There's a knock on the door, who am I to not open it

*Knock, knock, knock, knock*

Ken: I'm coming. Don't break the door down.

I went to the door and opened it, and I saw a little girl right away.... I remember her name is Akiko, last time I helped her not to get bullied because she doesn't talk and the kids are such an innocent creature that they fell in love with her right away, in fact they didn't, she was boring and uninteresting.

Ken: What happened Akiko-chan?

Akiko was holding a notepad with a pen in her hands actually she is more intelligent than the other kids that were watching almighty all the time, and she developed and was helped by matron and as a result she can already write

Akiko opened the notebook and it said /You're going for breakfast, aren't you? /

Ken: Of course I'm just going to wash up.

(missing time by 20 minutes)


We ate already, and we are asked by the matron to gather those who go to find out their quirk.

Akiko and I go together to the main entrance, where there are already 3 boys and 1 girl, and there are 6 of us, 4 boys and 2 girls.

Boy 1: Hey, it's that couple, the mute girl and her foolish knight.

Boy 2: Yeah, they'd probably have useless quirks and better not have any at all.

Girl 1: Maybe don't.

The girl tried to calm them down, but the word "tried" was there.

Boy 1: Ha, why is that?

He looked at her with bewilderment.

The girl tried to say something, but could not, because she was shy.

Okay, that's my cue.

Ken: Because if you go on, you're out of luck, so shut the fuck up.

Boy 1: What did you say?!

He shouted in anger.

Ken: I said shut the fuck up.

And then I felt a peculiar sensation like a wind all over my body.


I looked at the sound and saw that "Boy 3" fainted and then I looked at the others, I saw that the two boys were scared and the girl almost passed out and their legs were all shaking and one wet himself

I don't understand why they look so scared, I looked back and all I see is Akiko. Something's wrong.

Ken: Akiko-chan, did you see someone?

Akiko shook her head to the side so it was just us six kids, but could it be that Akiko did it with her quirk because some people wake up at an unexpected moment and she probably scared them or was it me

I don't understand.

I see the Matron of the Devil is coming.

(time lapse of 1 hour)

After that incident, some had to change their clothes and calm down and they didn't want to tell us anything, and the matron told us to tell about the situation. I said right away that I didn't know if she would believe me.

We had already taken everything because the road to the hospital is not long, but here is a very quick test, just X-ray feet, namely the little finger on it will say whether there is a quirk or not, and after you have a quirk they do check what exactly have a quirk.

(time lapse of 20 minutes).

During that time, everyone was called and told if they have a quirk or not, boy 3 was unlucky because he has no quirk and immediately after boy 1 and 2 stopped talking to him, no matter how it was if you don't have a quirk you're worse than shit some people kill themselves, and some become villains, Midoriya doesn't count he's the main character and i don't think the universe wanted him to be a villain but in fanfiction he is and it's not nice with his mind he's already ahead of some grown ups

So now it was my turn before it was Akiko and I guess she has a quirk because she was smiling and not crying which means she has a quirk.

I go through the door and there's already a matron standing there with a smile on her face and a doctor.

Matron: Sit down Ken-kun.

I sit down and I'm waiting for the news

Don't worry, boy. It happens.

I already suspect what the old geezer's trying to say.

Doctor: You don't have a quirk


Ken: Say that again.

Doctor: Don't worry it happens, in fact your pinky finger is quite healthy, so you don't have a quirk, sorry

Ken: I better get out.

And then the matron came out and wanted to say something, but I just left.

And as soon as I got out, Akiko came up to me and I realized what her question was.

Ken: I don't have a quirk, Akiko-chan.

Akiko was surprised, or should I say shocked, and she took out her notebook right away and wrote in a little crooked handwriting, but it's still clear \don't worry I'll still be your friend\.

Ken: Don't worry Akiko-chan, I'll be fine.

Soon the matron came out and looked at me and Boy 3 with sadness.

Don't feel sorry for me, I'm a little kid, but I'm an adult and I was 23 and died from a set up later I'll tell you about it.

Matrona called us all into the transport and we drove back.