

Title: "THE PHYSICAL OMNYOJI" In a world torn by an unending conflict between spirit monsters and humans, young Kai finds himself at the heart of a sacrificial ritual. Plagued by a mysterious disease, his village, desperate for a cure, deems him the offering to appease the spirits. Stormy skies and crashing waves serve as the backdrop for his tragic fate. As Kai is hurled into the sea, a surge of water propels him into an underwater cave, defying certain death. Awakening in the dimly lit cavern, Kai discovers the skeletal remains of Van, a once-mighty onmyoji from a bygone era. By Van's side lies a weathered book, a relic containing the teachings of the "Physical Onmyoji." The letter accompanying the book reveals Van's tragic history—betrayed by those he trusted, forced into seclusion to live out his final years. Determined to pass on his formidable techniques, Van's legacy lives on in the hands of the one destined to discover his resting place. Years pass as Kai devotes himself to mastering the ancient arts within the pages of Van's book. The rhythmic hum of the underwater currents becomes his companion, a testament to his unwavering determination. As an adult, Kai emerges from the cavern, his physique and skills transformed by the teachings of the "Physical Onmyoji." Fuelled by a desire for revenge and justice, Kai sets forth on a journey to unravel the mysteries of his past. His quest takes him through a world ravaged by the ongoing battle between humans and spirit monsters, as he seeks out those responsible and revenge to those who betrayed him and searching for the people that are responsible for betrayal of Van and orchestrating his own sacrificial plight. Along his path, Kai encounters allies and adversaries, each revealing a piece of the puzzle that leads him closer to the truth. The echoes of Van's legacy guide Kai through treacherous landscapes, mystical encounters, and battles against both spirit monsters and corrupt onmyoji. As Kai's powers grow, so does his understanding of the moral implications of wielding such formidable abilities. "THE PHYSICAL OMNYOJI " becomes a tale of resilience, self-discovery, and the pursuit of justice as Kai unravels the threads of betrayal that have haunted him and his mentor for far too long. The legacy of the "Physical Onmyoji" becomes a beacon of hope in a world where revenge and redemption intertwine in the currents of an ancient mystic tide.

LeoTheWriter · Eastern
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12 Chs

Chapter 2: "Awakening Echoes"

As Kai burst forth from the underwater cavern, the phosphorescent glow still lingering around him, he leaped into the sea with a grace that defied his human form. The waters, once tumultuous, now caressed him gently as he emerged on the shores. Onlookers, drawn to the spectacle, gasped in disbelief at the sight of a man emerging from the ocean depths.

**Villager 1:** *(pointing in shock)* Look, what in the world?!

**Villager 2:** *(whispering to another)* Is he a ghost?

As Kai approached the astonished crowd, murmurs rippled through the gathering.

**Villager 3:** Who is he? And where did he come from?

**Villager 4:** *(squinting)* Look at his eyes. They seem... otherworldly.

Kai, now standing among the bewildered villagers, approached them with a calm demeanor.

**Kai:** Excuse me, where am I, and what year is it?

**Villager 5:** You're in Maru Village, far to the west of Namiwaka. And, uh, it's the year 10 AG (After Guardians).

**Kai:** *(muttering to himself)* Ten years...

With a determined stride, Kai marched towards the dense forest, his eyes fixed on the horizon. An old man, weathered by time and caution, shouted a warning.

**Old Man:** Boy, that forest is haunted by monsters! You'd best turn back!

Kai, without sparing a glance, continued into the looming shadows of the woods. As he ventured deeper, a wolf-like monster emerged from the shadows, its eyes gleaming with hunger.

**Wolf Monster:** *(growling)* You seem like a perfect meal, little human.

In a heartbeat, the creature lunged at Kai, jaws snapping. But Kai, unmoved, stood still as stone. The wolf's attack fell futile, its teeth unable to pierce Kai's skin.

**Wolf Monster:** *(shocked)* Who... what are you?

**Kai:** I am an onmyoji.

Before the wolf could react, Kai blurred into motion, delivering a swift strike that sent the creature sprawling. Stunned, the wolf tried to flee, but Kai conjured an ethereal wolf-like entity with an incantation, a manifestation of his newfound powers.

As the ethereal wolf chased the injured monster, the creature recognized a technique from a distant past.

**Wolf Monster:** *(panicking)* You're a descendant of Van, aren't you?

Kai, now standing over the fallen monster, suddenly commanded it to speak.

**Kai:** Talk.

The wolf, now cornered, shared the tales passed down through monster clans. It spoke of Van, the onmyoji who brought chaos during the great war. The wolf pleaded for mercy, explaining its escape from high-ranking monsters rampaging to the east.

**Wolf Monster:** I haven't eaten for days. Please spare me.

Kai, moved by a surge of compassion, released the wolf monster, telling it to follow. Fearful of both Kai and the looming threat to the east, the injured wolf limped becouse of the injury earlier then kai stop and put his hand on the leg of the wolf monster and suddenly word of incantation flowing from kai hand then it moves to the wolf monster leg healing the injuries that was visible and now it looks like nothing has happen to the wolf. Together, they embarked on a cautious journey toward the east, where shadows of Kai's past awaited discovery.