
The Phantom

The Phantom depicts the journey of a lonely boy from having nothing to finding out his true identity and owning the whole world. It is the story about Power, Revenge, Honor, Friendship, Betrayal, Romance, War and much more. It will take you to a Fantasy World never seen before.

Real_Lee_Sai · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 18 - Legend of a King

"What twist?" Sai looked suspicious of his sanity.

"World know a legend involving seven Celestial weapons, however, if my memory serves me right, at the time when this world was created there were eight Celestial Weapons."

"Really?" Sai was interested again "… Then what happened to eighth weapon?

"Yeah… That's what I am going for…" Baba glared at him; he got irritated by his constant interference "…The eighth weapon…" He sighed "…was, as the legend said, called 'The Sun'."

"Wow…" Sai jumped with joy "…Then that must be it. Tell…"

"Let me FINISH." Baba yelled.

"Sorry." Sai's enthusiasm died down like sea foam.

"Until around two billion years from now…" Baba paused as he changed his position in his chair "…There lived a clan or tribe known as 'Clan of Wings'. They believed in a legend centered around 'The Sun' and carried it from one generation to another like a religious duty."

"The legend goes like this…" Baba paused "Billion and billion years ago there once lived a man who was the first to be able to control "Rooh" and use it as a weapon."

Sai changed his position like a troubled old lady. Baba smiled at his condition.

"Rooh is a substance, universe is composed of…" Baba summarized. Sai still looked confused "…Read about it later." Baba eluded his further questioning and continued.

"That man was powerful and skillful enough to destroy the world entirely. He was the first to discover all the eight celestial weapons and the only known person in the world to be chosen by all as their master. He was feared equally by his peers and allies."

Sai was listening with full attention.

"In no time he became famous and soon he became the first ever king of the universe. He proved to be a great king; he was just, kind, powerful, decisive, and dependable. He brought peace and order to the world and was revered and followed by everyone. With time, he became so powerful and famous that he was revered as a God. People built shrines to worship him, which, by the way, still exist."

"He took a lot many people as his students and taught them the skill to control and use Rooh. His students later scattered across the world and spread his knowledge. Thanks to him, the world knows the martial arts that we are so proud of today."

"That man became the symbol of fortune and good luck. He had everything you could think of…" Baba cleared his throat "…except for one; Children. He married thousands of powerful and strong women, but none could bear his child. His quintessential strength proved to be a curse for him." Baba paused. He looked parched from all this speaking.

He poured some water in the glass and gulped down in one shot.

"Then?" Sai was completely immersed in the story.

"Then…?" Baba gazed in space "Then… If the legend were to be believed… a female student of his, whose power was unrivaled by any of his students; who was acknowledged as the second strongest human being and the strongest woman to ever live, proposed him to marry her. The disappointed king accepted her proposal and at least after yearning of billion years he finally fathered a son."

"Nice…" Sai exclaimed with joy. Baba ignored him and continued.

"Later on, they had six more sons. Each son grew up to be one of the strongest warriors of the time. Each of them inherited a special and unique ability from their father. The king bestowed upon each of them with one of the celestial weapons that suited their unique abilities. It is said that the weapons never accepted his sons as their masters."

"His sons grew up in a very competitive environment. Their rivalry grew as time passed. After they came of age, the king divided his sultanate into eight parts; One central part that was governed by the king himself and seven parts ruled by each son as governors. When he appointed them as governors, he declared that the son who will prove to be the best governor, will become king after he retires."

"His announcement worked as fuel to the fire of their rivalry. They could not wage war against each other due to the King, but then, they never let any chance to put each other down, slide by. For around a billion years they ruled under the king and established their families as war clubs or armies."

"Wow… So, who became the king?"

"None of them."

"WHAT?" Sai was shocked.

"Yes..." Baba gasped "…King fell in love with a beautiful dame of 'Elasta' tribe. Elasta tribe was a weak tribe but it was famously known for its extreme control over Rooh, high stamina, and resistance. It was nothing new for the king to marry another woman; so, no one took much notice until she became pregnant. King was overjoyed with the news. He was afraid that jealous mother of his other children might harm her, so he increased the security around her."

"To king's joy, another son was born. This son unlike king's elder children took after his mother. He was weaker, had blood red eyes like yours and could control Rooh perfectly. To protect him and give him an equal standing against his elder brothers, king bestowed his eighth son with 'the Sun' and like all his brothers, he established his own name."

"Seven brothers, who were already upset with the king for giving eighth son preferential treatment; bestowing him with 'the Sun' added fuel to the injury. 'The Sun' was allegedly so powerful tool that it made an apparently weaker son gave a chance to look his brothers in the eye."

"As they say…" Baba paused "…an enemy of your enemy is your friend. Afraid that king might declare eighth son as his successor, seven brothers put their differences and rivalry behind and joined hands against a common enemy."