
The Phantom

The Phantom depicts the journey of a lonely boy from having nothing to finding out his true identity and owning the whole world. It is the story about Power, Revenge, Honor, Friendship, Betrayal, Romance, War and much more. It will take you to a Fantasy World never seen before.

Real_Lee_Sai · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 17 – Celestial Weapons

"Of course…" Baba gloated "…I can do anything I want…" He was filled with pride "…I can even kill you just by thinking about it." Baba lied in scary voice; his eyes twinkled with mischief.

"Then…" Sai ignored his scary act "…why didn't you just make clothes and redecorate my room and…" Sai was utterly astonished and confused.

"Because…" He shrugged to show his indifference.

Sai could not believe him.

"You are lying…" He looked straight in Baba's eyes "… You couldn't do that."

Baba chuckled meaningfully.

"What?" Sai got confused by his secretive chuckle.

Sai noticed he was staring at his clothes

"Wh-Where did it go?" His pants had vanished; He quickly jumped behind table and hid his groin with his hands.

"How would I know?" Baba taunted "…I was lying."

"Okay…" Sai gasped with embarrassment "…Okay. You were right. You weren't lying. Now. Please return my pants." Sai begged.

"What pants?" Baba feigned ignorance.

"MY..." Sai pointed at his legs with his eyes "…Pants…" He said in a surprised tone. His was not naked anymore; his pants had returned.

"H- Ho…" Sai could not believe his eyes "…WOW." Sai exclaimed with amazement. Baba's chest swelled with pride; he was enjoying Sai's surprise and amazement.

"Then…" He was back to square one "…Why don't you do that from the beginning?" A puzzle he was unable to solve.

"Because…" Baba smiled.

"Come on…" Sai got frustrated "…Tell me."

Baba sighed.

"Okay. First, why don't you sit down" Sai sat in front.

"I don't do that because…" Baba paused strategically "…because it's too convenient."


"SO?" Baba imitated him with a stupid face and burnt him down from top to bottom.

Sai was now glaring at him angrily.

"I have too much time…" He completely ignored Sai's anger "…and I like to meet and talk with people from time to time. THAT's why I do that." He finished in a sarcastic tone.

"Ohh." Sai understood what he meant.

"And also…" Baba leaned back in his chair "…I do not have esthetic sense. I can create clothes out of nowhere but I am no tailor or dress designer and I can create furniture out of thin air but I am no carpenter or interior designer so it's best to leave things to professionals."

"Nice. You are smart." Sai was impressed "You look stupid, but you are not." Sai tried to compliment him.

Baba stared at him angrily; as always, he could not figure out his true intentions.

'Evil, son of a bitch.' He thought as he glared at Sai.

"What?" Sai noticed his anger.

"Nothing." Baba sighed. "So, you are going to prepare FOOF for lunch?" Baba avenged his insult.

Sai got up angrily and walked out of the kitchen.

"COME ON… Cheer Up…" Baba encouraged him "…How long are you gonna sulk over your…" Baba's eyes sparkled as he smiled "…Foof?"

Sai who returned for an expected apology flared at Baba mocking him.

"Bahahaha…" Baba could not control his laughter anymore.

"Laugh all you want but one day I will leave, and you will miss me, and I won't even come visit you." Sai warned Baba.

Baba smiled at his cuteness.

"You know…" Baba looked serious "…I have been pondering about "the Sun" that your mother mentioned." Baba paused and looked at Sai.

Sai quickly sat in beside him; his anger vanished in an instant.

"I think…" It seemed like Baba was conflicted whether to tell him or not "…she could be talking about an entirely different thing."

"There is another sun?" Sai was surprised; he had learned about the sun and agreed with Baba that it was immovable "Where… No. What is it?" He was thrilled at the possibility.

Baba sighed as he looked at him smiling so brightly.

"That's why I hesitated to tell you about it. I didn't want you to have high hopes and expectations. The bigger the hope, the bigger the disappointment." He felt pity for him.

"Don't worry! I can handle disappointment..." He assured him "…I am master at handling disappointment." He was being impatient.

"Okay." Baba exhaled as he gathered his thoughts. "Okay. What I am about to tell you, very few people know about it in today's time and era."

"In this world there exist billions and billions of weapons and tools, all man-made except for seven. Those seven tools or weapons descended from heavens at the time world was created and are called 'Celestial Weapons'." Baba looked at Sai.

"Just like you? Right?" Sai understood look in Baba's eyes.

"Yes. Just like me." Baba smiled. Sai was filled with pride.

"Celestial…" Baba continued "…cannot be duplicated, destroyed, sealed in blood or even identified by anyone. Those weapons only reveal themselves to their owners that they chose." Baba took a deep breath.

"Wow…" Sai looked impressed "…Those weapons must be really powerful."

"Extremely powerful…" Baba emphasized "Anyone, chosen by these weapons, is destined to become a king."

"Then… everyone must desire to get their hands on one of them."

"Yes. They do… But the thing is…" Baba came a bit closer like he was trying to spill a secret "no one… NO ONE can identify a Celestial weapon other than their owners."

"Their pictures are not available and no solid literature or information can be found about them. They are mysteries of nature."

"Not even you?" Sai was surprised.

"Yes. Not even me. One of them, very well, may be lying in the room of spirits and I wouldn't know about it."

Baba paused.

"So?" Sai broke the silence. He looked confused as he could not grasp the reason behind this story.

"Ahh…" Baba pulled out of his thoughts "…Everyone knows about existence of Celestial Weapons but just as a legend or a myth."

Sai was even more lost and confused.

"Oh…" Baba understood the confused look in his eyes "…There is a twist." He snapped his fingers.