
The Perfection : Monster in the face of human

Shivam_Sharma_7882 · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

Chapter 9

The day had arrived—the first day of our highly anticipated competition. It was the day when our theoretical knowledge would be put to the test, with seven hundred questions and just one hour to conquer them all.

As the clock struck six in the morning, I decided to head back to our team's room. A short thirty-minute walk led me to our door, and Jenny greeted me as I entered. The room was a bit of a mess, evidence of a relaxed morning routine.

I asked my sleepy teammates if they were ready, to which Karl responded lazily from the bathroom, "Can't we enjoy a bit more?" His half-awake state was quite apparent, and I couldn't help but smile.

A few hours later, we found ourselves seated in our respective exam rooms. I settled into the last row, last bench, with a view of the outside world through the window. The instructor went through the rules, but I barely paid attention as I was well-acquainted with them already.

When the exam finally began, I tackled the questions methodically. English, physics, chemistry, and accountancy all fell under my expert grasp in a matter of minutes. Politics and history followed suit swiftly, and business studies presented a momentary challenge. Yet, even the toughest questions posed no match for my well-honed intellect.

With time to spare, I glanced around the room at my fellow students. Most were still navigating through the earlier sections, their concentration apparent. For me, it was a waiting game, and I eagerly awaited the exam's conclusion.

When the papers were collected, we left the room, and I met up with my friends outside. Their expressions were a mix of exhaustion and hopefulness. We returned to our room and anxiously awaited the results.

Finally, after two hours, the announcement came over the intercom, instructing us to gather in the hall. The atmosphere was tense as we made our way there. Our schoolmates and seniors stood together with a sense of solidarity, while the students from the School of Perfection exuded calm composure.

Anna appeared with our teachers, taking the stage with a microphone. She announced that the results would be displayed on the screen shortly, reassuring us that the marking process had been conducted diligently in the presence of our teachers.

As the big screen lit up, names and scores flashed before our eyes. My heart skipped a beat as I saw my name at the top with a perfect score of 700. Beside me, Max trailed with 450 points.

The room erupted in surprise. Those who didn't know me well were astounded, while our competitors seemed unperturbed, as if they had expected this outcome. Anna's smile, though, made me wonder if this was all part of her intricate plan to unnerve me.

With mixed emotions and a victorious spirit, I left the hall with my team, heading back to our room. It was a small triumph, but it was only the beginning of the challenges that lay ahead.