
The Perfection : Monster in the face of human

Shivam_Sharma_7882 · Sci-fi
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14 Chs

Chapter 8

I stirred from my deep slumber to the sound of loud, insistent knocking on the door. Grumbling in frustration, I called out, "Coming, man!" I was tired and wanted to sleep longer, but it seemed someone had different plans.

As I opened the door, I found Jenny standing there, her face a mix of anger and surprise. However, her gaze quickly shifted from my face to my half-naked body, and for a moment, a hint of desire flashed across her expression before she face-palmed and delivered a sharp slap to my cheek. Mortified, I hurriedly retreated inside, realizing I had forgotten to put on clothes, and to make matters worse, I was in an embarrassing state of arousal.

After dressing up, I invited Jenny in, and she crossed her arms, demanding an explanation. I tried to come up with an excuse, pointing at the training equipment and books, but she saw through it and erupted in anger. She accused me of acting like a big shot, ignoring the group and doing my own thing.

Understanding her feelings, I embraced her tightly, whispering in her ear, "I'm sorry. I know you all have questions, but I'm doing everything to protect us. Anna has something big planned, and I'm determined to stop her. Just trust me and prepare for surprises. I may not be what you think, but I'm a Monster in the Face of Human, created by this organization."

She didn't say anything but hugged me back, her silent tears expressing the emotions she couldn't put into words. Realizing how much I had neglected her, I gently released her and our lips met in a passionate kiss. The intensity grew, and we lost ourselves in the moment, locked in a fiery embrace.

As things escalated, I became aware of the camera in my room, a reminder of the ever-watchful eyes of the organization. We broke apart, and I knew we couldn't let things go any further. I pointed to the camera, and she understood, nodding in agreement.

She left with a final message of trust and caution, and as I watched her go, I felt a mix of emotions. Resolving to protect my friends and confront the impending dangers, I turned my attention to the upcoming challenges. I sifted through the books and training materials, preparing myself mentally for what lay ahead. Tomorrow would be a day of reckoning, and I was determined to face it with all my strength and cunning.