

Tetsuo Kawaguchi is starting his first years in high school, after various encounter with people from his past and present, we find that there is much more to him that meets the eye. Notice: the story is slow paced . ???- this sign is used when background characters are speaking

KOGURE · Sports
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30 Chs


( Liam Ainsworth stretching)

( Liam dead lifting)

(Liam bench pressing two hundred pounds)

(Liam doing hip thrusts with weights)

(Hamstring curls)

(Back squats)

(Weighted pull ups)

(Bicep curls)

(Runs on the treadmill)

(Liam breathes heavily)

Liam's coach: you're here early, Liam

Liam: yes coach, already finished my morning training

Liam's coach: I see, that's good keep up the good work

Liam: yes coach

(Liam's coach): Liam Ainsworth, a foreign student from the United Kingdom. Age sixteen, a second year, 198 cm and has a pretty damn good physique despite his height. However, competing in 100 m races is what he wants despite him being so big, and his weight is bringing him down. The fastest time he has is 11.1 second which is below even the average high school sprinters, I'm afraid that he won't make it in this field at this rate

Liam: alright coach, I'm going to finish my morning training with a light thirty minute jog, see you later

Liam's coach: wait Liam

Liam: what is it?

Liam's coach: what exactly drives you to want to become a hundred meter sprinter, I mean it doesn't really makes sense to me. You are so tall, massive and powerful, so why did you choose to be on the track when your more suited for fielding events like shotput or discuss.

Liam: well, you see my uncle really likes sprinting so that's why I'm training to become a sprinter and that's all there is to it

Liam's coach: you have got to be kidding me, that's it? That's what compels you to be a sprinter? If that's the case then you won't make it very far, that's the most ridiculous thing that I've ever heard. So what you mean to tell me is you aren't doing for yourself but for your uncle who likes to watch hundred meter races

Liam: well, that's practically what I just said

Liam's coach: so you make all these sacrifices just so that your uncle can watch a high school race?

Liam: yes

Liam's coach: every sprinter has the drive and hunger for victory, getting faster than everyone else compels them to get their body into peak physical condition, the thrill and thoughts of competing with someone who's faster than you is what keeps a sprinter on his toes day in ,day out. So how can you look at me and tell me that your uncle is why you're in tracks

Liam: there is nothing more to say coach because it's the complete and honest truth, I will be the best sprinter in Japan and I'll make my uncle proud

(Naomi runs pass the gym)

Liam: plus let's be real, it's not everyday a guy get to see and train along side beautiful Japanese girls running around this early in the morning. I'll see you later when training starts, see you Coach

(Liam's Coach): such a waste of talent and potential, if only he knew that he was meant for something greater than eleven point one second

(Liam jogs around the track)

Liam: good morning Nakamura

Naomi: oh , it's you, Liam Ainsworth right? You're here early again today

Liam: yes, I have to get faster , the track meet is quickly approaching and with a time as slow as mine id probably come last

Naomi: yes you're right, I'm getting sort of anxious about the upcoming track meet, but let's do our best okay?

Liam: yes , for sure

(Liam): damn she's so cute

(Hayato walks on the outer side of the fence near the track)

(Liam): wait, what's Hayato doing at school so early

Liam: Hayato!

Hayato: huh, oh it's you Liam, you're out here early

Liam: yes I have to, I mean it's called morning training for a reason

Hayato: I like your enthusiasm my foreign friend

Liam: so why are you out here so early

Hayato: well, I couldn't sleep a wink last night after that practice match we had against Yokonan yesterday.

Liam: oh I almost forgot, you told me you had a match, so how did it go did you win

Hayato: no, we lost, Yokonan high was obviously the better team, however we only lost by a single point 89-88

Liam: you guys did great then and you have a lot of time to improve your game to get revenge the next time you meet

Hayato: yes, which is exactly why I'm out here so early, I'm going to work on my skills in the basketball gym

Liam: okay, all the best Hayato, good luck with your training

Hayato: on that note, why don't you come over and spend a minute or two, it's been a while since we played with each other. Ever since that class vs class match we haven't got the chance since you were busy with training. So what do you say?