

Tetsuo Kawaguchi is starting his first years in high school, after various encounter with people from his past and present, we find that there is much more to him that meets the eye. Notice: the story is slow paced . ???- this sign is used when background characters are speaking

KOGURE · Sports
Not enough ratings
29 Chs


(Yokonan's players running up and down the court)

Keichiro: yes keep it up five more laps to go

Keichiro: break

(Everyone breaths heavily)

(Eiji): this was punishment for our poor performance in the game against Toshigawa, so why did he do it with us?

Rinka: great work everyone

Keichiro: Rinka did you get the whole statistics for that practice match

Rinka: yeah I did

Keichiro: alright everyone that's it for today

Keichiro: let me see it

(The stats sheet)

No Name Points blocks Rebounds Steals Assists Fouls

7 Yukio Hamaguchi 25. 3. 12. 2. 2. 1.

8 Takahiro Morikawa 14. 1. 4. 0. 4. 2.

10 Noboru Takemoto. 8. 0. 0. 0. 1. 4.

11 Tetsuo Kawaguchi. 27. 5. 2. 3. 4. 1.

4 Hayato Nakajima. 13. 0. 1. 2. 15. 0.

6 Shino Katsuragi. 2. 0. 0. 1. 1. 0.

Keichiro: I see, they have a well balanced team despite their lack of experience.

Rinka: yes, what surprised me the most is Tetsuo, he scored 27 points while Kogure scored 34. However if Kogure had come on from the start , I don't think the match would have been this close

Keichiro: you're right

(Keichiro): Yukio found himself a second and a great point guard, that's good, however their team and ours are on totally different levels. If they somehow managed to make it to the inter high preliminaries we won't have no problem in beating them.

(Train moving)

( Everyone remains quiet)

(Haruko): this is awkward, first they lost the match and then Tetsuo had a run in with that girl. I wonder how he knows her

Nanaho: (sigh) listen up everyone, you guys did well against Yokonan so there is no need to beat yourself up, the game could have gone either way.

Yukio: Nanaho is right, we went out there and we did our best and almost won. The only thing we can do from here is keep on growing and improving before the start of the tournament. Think of that match as a minor set back or a test to assess where you are now and how much work you need to put in in order for us to go to the inter high.

Nanaho: on that note, I gained a lot of information on how I should prepare your Individual training regiments. And we also learnt some key information like whose our main scorer and where most of our points come from, we are on the right track so don't let that lost break your spirit you got that!!!

Everyone: yes!!

(Hayato): I know they are trying to cheer us up, but let's be real we were never a match for Yokonan, we are lucky that we didn't get humiliated.

(Haruko and Tetsuo walking)

Haruko: you truly are amazing Kawaguchi and everyone on your team. Despite having six members Yokonan still felt your presence. I got to see you in action today, you are truly an amazing shooter.

Tetsuo: did you learn anything from that match?

Haruko: yeah, no matter how small or limited a team is as long as you focus on your strong points in a match it will bring great results

Tetsuo: don't forget, we are all human so there is no such thing as impossible. There is always a way to win.

Haruko: I won't forget, ever

Sayaka: I wonder what's taking Haruko so long, she took the day off from school today to watch a practice match at Yokonan do you think she forgot about us?

Kotone: it's possible, you know Haruko that girl's obsessed with basketball. She's probably playing right now as we speak

(Haruko walks to the windows of the Café )

Suzume: um guys , there she is

(Sayaka gets our of her seat)

Sayaka: Haruko!!

(Haruko): huh? Sayaka

Sayaka: where have you been we've been waiting for an hour now

Haruko: oh crap, I almost forgot about our meeting, I'm so sorry

Haruko: you can go ahead without me Kawaguchi, see you later

Tetsuo: yeah

(Tetsuo walks off)

Kotone : so that's what you've been doing I see, you were on a date with your boyfriend

Haruko: it's not like that, we are not… (blush)

Kotone: he's so tall and handsome where did you meet him

Haruko: he's a basketball player from Toshigawa academy, I was just at his match watching his team play, that's all there is to it

Suzume: so the reason why you went to that practice match today was to watch him

Kotone: who wouldn't want to cheer him on , I mean he's a total hottie

Haruko: again it's not like that!!

(Takahiro puts his bag down)

Chihiro: big bro, how'd the match go

Takahiro: we lost 90-89, however we almost won

Chihiro: I see, I didn't expect you to win either way, so you don't need to explain

Chihiro: mom!! Takahiro lost the match today

Takahiro's mom: what really? Oh dear , I hope he's alright.

(Takahiro): I might have lost today but next time …

Shino's aunt: Shino dear, how did the match go?

Shino: we lost but we did great

Shino's aunt: that's good news

Shino: one thing's for sure , our team is really strong and I think we can go far in the tournament

Shino's aunt: I see, I look forward to watching your games

Noboru: god dammit, if only I had held out longer then we would have won that match

(Noboru rolls in his bed)

(Noboru): damn those bastards on Yokonan's basketball team, I will get revenge on them for sure

(Hayato lays on the grass and gaze at the stars)

Tetsuo: I'm hone Usagi

Usagi: welcome back. so how did the practice match go?

Tetsuo: we lost by a single point

Usagi: I see, it was a close game then

Tetsuo: something like that

Usagi: I prepared the bath for you

Tetsuo: thank you

(Usagi): you are truly changing Tetsuo, but it's slowly showing through your recent actions

(Yukio walks to his front door)

Seiji: that's all I'm carrying to the apartment today mom, I'll come back for the rest of my things when I get time off from work and college.

???: okay, be sure to take care of yourself Chiaki, ensure that you're eating right and your clothes are washed properly

Seiji: (smiles), I'm not a child anymore mom, I'll be alright see you later

???: yes

(Seiji looks at Yukio)

(Seiji walks pass Yukio)

Yukio: Seiji , so that's all you're going to do walk away without saying a word

Seiji: I thought I made myself clear when I said that I was done with you and dad for good. I shouldn't even be calling him that

Yukio: I heard you, however, it wasn't my decision and I didn't ask for it, so why are you acting so coldly

Seiji: don't worry about it, just keep away from me, I'm done with all of you

(Seiji walks away)