
The Perfect Lion

so a lannister child of tywin and a unamed woman the child is called tytos lannister and he has the same ability naruto does where he draws people to him and creates strong bonds with unlikely people and likely people there will be sex scenes and gorey battles you have been warned

Oliver_Richardson · Action
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visit to kings landing

(tytos I snow 13 so for reference Joffrey is 11)

many things have happend over the years tytos has been declared a genius he has also been busy making the wastelands safer by making more jobs so bandits are less tempted to appear and the punishment is a lot more extreme this made it so those who were bandits left or died and any who remained were hunted down by tytos the hound and 200 elite troops

there were trade deals with the free citys making house lannister less dependent on gold mines alough more were found once castamere was rebuilt and given to Tyrion to govern

the common folk and lords all love tytos even some northern houses now have a better view of house lannister beacuse of tytos since he made better farming tools for the hard northern soil alough this earned a bit of ire from the reach who live of crop export so more hoses being self reliant is never a good thing for them but tywin smoothed this over by having a talk with the queen of thorns no one knows what was said but we do know the reach supports the westerlands more than before

the westerlands have a standing army of 25000 men this on top of how many levies they have makes them equal to the reach in terms of fighting men

but disaster struck not to long ago tywin lannister has been getting older and less healthy he only has a few years left to live but he doesn't let this effect him since he has his son tytos to rule the westerlands after him

this bit above was just to show the power that tytos wields in the realm and how people view him this will also be the biggest chapter yet and if you dislike Joffrey than this is perfect for you

Tytos lannister pov

my party was on the way to kings landing we've been on the road for a long time now and were finally an hour away

my two bodyguards sandor and brienne of fucking tarth sandor so elegantly put it was accompanying me she showed up one day and fought sandor to a stalemate and declared herself to be my sworn shield I didn't mind I'm a able warrior but not good enough to beat sandor unless hes going easy or hes drunk and brienne is a able warrior and she realy likes me since I dont care that she is a woman as I was thinking my able companions were having a fun time arguing about who is ment to defend me "Stupid bitch I'm more able I've been fighting since I could walk and I killed my first man at 11 when did you kill you're first man you cunt" brienne just turned and said "I should protect him since I can be quiet and be polite to others in sensitive situations" I decide to break it up by saying "I bring sandor for more violent and intimidating situations whereas I bring brienne for more sensitive and polite political moments but you two together make a perfect team as Sanders bluntness and briennes polite nature"

they both seem more relaxed after that until we get to the gates of king landing they both tense up and put their hands on their blade pommels we ride through the run down area of flea bottom on the way I pass a frail woman and her children I stop the party and give each person in flea bottom 2 gold dragon and a extra 1 for each child they have this made the people of flea bottom very grateful to me and once I get to the redkeep I end up meeting my family jamie,Cersei,Joffrey,tommon,mycella and my brother in law Robert baratheon himself this shocked me since I heard robert hates Lannisters but he is grinning at me

In a booming voice he addresses me "SO THE PERFECT LANNISTER I BET MY WIFE WOULD HAVE WORDS ABOUT THAT HAHAHA ME AND YOU HAVE A LOT TO DISCUSS" I cant tell whether or not i like that but i reply in a good manner "yes you're grace" he nodded and left

the first thing that happend was jamie hugged me "look how big you got brother maybe you will be as good looking as me soon" he says with his arrogant smirk that father disagrees with I dont mind though so I hug him back and chuckle at his awful joke until he let's go and returns to his kingsguard

next was Cersei she gave me a fake smile and holds out her hand for a kiss I smile politely and kiss her knuckles she then introduces her kids Joffrey tommen mycella joffrey has a disgusted look tomman and mycella look very happy to meet someone new Joffrey steps forward with some arrogant swagger and shocks me with what he says "YoU ShaLL BoW to YoUrE FutURe KiNG for I aM the MigHTY LiOn of ThE rOyAl FaMiLY NOW KneEL" his voice cracks and is so high pitched I cringe from the horrid sound of his voice and feel stupid just being in his presence I square my shoulders and hold my head high and state "the day i bow to you is the day you are my king and that shall never happen until you clean up your attitude and stop you're pompous nature demand such a thing again and you shall hear me roar!"

Joffrey goes into a blind rage and he charges me before I or he can react sandor grabs him by the scruff of the neck and throws him over his shoulder before declaring "no one shall harm my charge for as long as I'm around!"

for this I was very grateful and even brienne stood next to him blade drawn for a added effect I'm extremely grateful to have these two In my life