
The Perfect Lion

so a lannister child of tywin and a unamed woman the child is called tytos lannister and he has the same ability naruto does where he draws people to him and creates strong bonds with unlikely people and likely people there will be sex scenes and gorey battles you have been warned

Oliver_Richardson · Action
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22 Chs

the meeting

Cersei pov

an enraged Cersei was walking the halls of the redkeep with a sobbing Joffrey by her side this was when she saw all the Lannister soldiers walking towards her she was about to address then until the walked past not even bothering to look at her or Joffrey to find an explanation for this she follows them and sees the soldiers all lineing up in order of rank in the training yard

what shocked her more was when the got on a knee and declared their allegiance to tytos lannister the pledge went as follows "we pledge our undying loyalty to tytos lannister the proud lion,the perfect lion, the reformer of the west, son of the mighty lion tywin, future ruler of the rock may he and the gods accept this pledge but even if they dont we shall follow regardless of orders to stay or leave"

she then heard clapping behind her and on a raised seat tytos sat his two guards flanking his sides he was broad for his age and never went out unless he looked regal making him look like a king he even had a crown on that had roaring lions on it I knew this was a blatant show of power as he accepted the pledges and then rose to shake the hand of the 500 lannister soldiers that she had in kings landing making it a very bad situation since even the weakest of them were some of the best soldiers the Lannisters had she knew for as long as tytos stayed in kings landing she was not queen robert wasnt king and her children weren't princes and a princess this ment she needed him gone but the gold cloaks can be bought and tytos has more money than the crown she was in a bad position since father would back tytos and the reach may follow the lannisters and that would make the biggest army in Westeros dorne and the iron isles will not back either side the north vale riverlands and the stormlands would back us but that would make the army's equal but ours would have more commanders this means less communication since they would argue and the north is far so so the vale so only the riverlands and stormlands could get here in time and the Lannister fleet and redwine fleet would crush the royal fleet even if its lead by stannis renly is as good as edmure tully so no one good to lead those army's I'll have to behave plus 'I'm the most attractive woman in the kingdoms he wont resist me' I smirk at my amazing plan this is perfect

tytos pov

after getting loyalty from the guards by promising higher pay I head to this meeting with the king

I open the door and see the king well into his cups with jon arryn next to him I decide to start the meeting to show I'm in charge

"you're grace lord hand what do you need from me" I ask the person to answer is jon he looks at me and says "we wish for the lannisters to pay extra tax to the crown since you are growing in wealth and power" at this I laugh so do my companions sandor and brienne this seems to annoy Robert as he smashes his meaty hand into the table knocking over his wine and cracking the table I also stop laughing since a drop of wine hits me staining the golden lion sewed to my doublet this is the only thing I have from my mother and this fat pig ruined it

sandor is wide eyed to see how the anger takes over so fast same as brienne neither have seen me angry I stood up and smashed up the desk paintings when I come to the king is holding his bleeding nose and has a very red mark on his cheek with sandor and brienne facing down meryn trant and borous blowt until I said the lions of the rock or anyone under their protection shall not go through you're tyranny

and then I left to go back to castaly rock I already got the elite soldiers out of the capital and in my service so it's time to leave

we shall ride to the rock I tell my assembled men