
The Perfect Lion

so a lannister child of tywin and a unamed woman the child is called tytos lannister and he has the same ability naruto does where he draws people to him and creates strong bonds with unlikely people and likely people there will be sex scenes and gorey battles you have been warned

Oliver_Richardson · Action
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22 Chs

reactions to little Tytos

3rd pov

inside the solar of tywin lannister is tywin,genna,kevin,tyrion lannister

the reaction to most in the room is skock as the mighty lion the man who crushed the tar tarback and rein rebellion the man who never smiles is sat down with a child strapped to his chest writing on parchment humming a tune as the child dozes off

but it makes the little lion jealous as his father tywin never did anything like that with him and never even showed any warmth to him

gennas reaction is delight at how cute the child is and the compassion that her brother is showing to him as he never did this with Cersei Jamie or Tyrion so shes just relived that he can show love to a child but shes still shocked that tywin has a child as joanna is dead and there was no wedding that she knew about or birth but she shall wait for a answer of tywin when he wants to speak since it's how he does things

kevin already knowing about the child isn't shocked but is shocked by tywin sat with his son humming to him and having eyes filled with warmth instead of the cold look but hes happy his brother is happy

Tyrion pov

as I wait for what feels like ages I'm more and more intrigued by the little shit that is in my fathers shirt (tytos is in tywins shirt and his head is sticking out the neck piece next to tywin)

"you are all probably wonding why I've called you here and who this is" he points to the child "well first hes my son and second you're here to meet him" 'just as straightforward as ever it seems' I decide to start the introduction " hello my name is Tyrion I'm you're big brother but I bet you will be taller than me when you grow up" i say with a big smirk on my face and I just ignore the cold gaze of father on me

"hello I'm you're aunt genna nice to meet you little cub"

"And I'm you're uncle kevin but we've met before"

"So how old is he I decide to ask"

" hes 1 year he can say only a few words but it's still impressive he can talk as well as he can"

"hwo my mane is Tytos wanister and I'm gona be king"

my eyes open wide in shock as after this my dad throws his head back in uproarious laughter I hate to admit it but the jealousy that I feel for the child grows as he made my father laugh in one sentence

" and how will yo become king" I ask him

"DADDY SAID I WILL BE KING YOU WILL BOW TO THE LIWON OF THE WOCK AND WE WILL BE THE BWEST" I jump in shock of the sudden out burst directed before me as it looks like his eyes are engulfed in wild fyre with how bright his green eyes go once he starts yelling

genna starts to laugh at the display "hear me roar indeed" she says

tytos seems to take immense satisfaction in her words about the family words I'm just shocked that he knows the family words but fathers smirk shows that hes been teaching him which makes me wonder why would father make him king when I'm his heir

"father how can he be king when I'm you're heir"

my father leans forward in his chair and says something that makes my blood run cold " you are a lust filled spiteful little creature and nothing in this world will make me give you the rock it's bad enough jamie foolishly runs about being a glorified bodyguard for a oaf of a king and cercie is as stupid yet ambitious as aegon the conqueror but too stupid to do anything with her ambition but my last son tytos I shall make sure he grows to be worthy of my legacy and family name as he shall be as smart as you as ambitious as Cersei and finally as gifted with a sword as jamie and from me he shall get my tactical genius. Now do I make myself clear why you or you're siblings wont be getting the rock from me"

I hang my head yet reluctantly nod and leave the room to go to the nearest brothel.


that will be all for now and I'm going to school tomorrow so no update until I get back home

thanks for reading and give reviews please I want to improve on my writing