
The Perfect Lion

so a lannister child of tywin and a unamed woman the child is called tytos lannister and he has the same ability naruto does where he draws people to him and creates strong bonds with unlikely people and likely people there will be sex scenes and gorey battles you have been warned

Oliver_Richardson · Action
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22 Chs

The Birth Of A Lion

Tywin POV

'I swore I would never cry for a dead woman again and yet here I am crying while holding a child that shouldn't be alive but I'm still glad he is my precious lion'

"Tywin" I hear Kevin say I turn to look away as I dont wish for him to see me cry "What" I say in the most steady voice possible right now but I know its cracking "What shall you name him" he asks

"Tytos he shall be the one to redeem the name and bring honor to house lannister"

I hear a grunt of approval from my brother

good hes always been obedient not like gerion or tygett

"Tytos shall be the king of the rock" there was a pause from kevin as hes gone pale from the so called treachery I'm spouting "Tywin you cannot mean to split from the kingdoms that's suicide we dont have the power to accomplish such a feat and even if we did its treason!"

"I will not allow my house to be under the thumb of those stags,wolves,hawksand fish I would sooner let maggots eat me than see my house put in the back of the stage so that those other houses can prosper where as ours shall instead dwindle in strength and fade if its treason then so was the rebellion that robert baratheon pulled"

"Very well brother I will stand by you and keep you're secrets" kevin draws his sword and kneels " I kevin of house lannister do here by pledge my allegiance to tywin lannister first of his name lord of castaly rock and king of the westerlands"

I nod my head in approval of his oath and loyalty but before I can tell him to rise Tytos wakes up and starts to survey his surroundings with his green cat like eyes until they fix on me we stare at eachother for a couple seconds before he starts to smile and reach for my face a genuine smile reaches my face for the first time in years and I find myself laughing alongside him

Kevin pov

first Tywin declares that the kingdom of the rock shall be reformed but now hes laughing and smiling this is very surprising since for my whole life I've never seen such joy on his face it realy warms my heart to know he can show such emotion and just reinforces my goal to see my nephew on the throne to the rock


thank you for reading I'm looking for feedback and reviews would be appreciated greatly