
The Perfect Lion

so a lannister child of tywin and a unamed woman the child is called tytos lannister and he has the same ability naruto does where he draws people to him and creates strong bonds with unlikely people and likely people there will be sex scenes and gorey battles you have been warned

Oliver_Richardson · Action
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22 Chs

jon and tytos bond


I'm in my tent for the joust fathers reply should get here by the end of the tourney

"why do you look so grim" jon asks as he does my armour since hes my squire for the tourney

"just thinking about politics and about how I need to be betrothed soon"

"who do you have in mind"

"margaery tyrell is the safe option since it solidifies the Lannister-Tyrell union making us the strongest alliance more kingdoms would help aswell but dorne dont like us the vale is in isolation the north is with the baratheons and Tully and the greyjoys are wannabe pirates so the tyrells are the best option"

"fair enough I'm not too good with these things but I trust you just along as you and the starks are good I'll follow you to war"

"i would love the north in the alliance since they are honest and they are strong people plus we could get very good trade since the north has a lot of timber somthing that the westerlands are using up fast I'm gonna talk to you're father about it so we can trade and get closer together but also profit the north would be a lot richer and maybe I'll give them some naval blueprints to solidify the peace"

"you would do that for us even though you've only went north once you would go out of you're way to help us"

jon was nearly brought to tears at the prospect of this

"of course if I dont help others how can I expect them to want to help me plus I like you and you're dad so that's a bonus"

but the moment was ruined when joffrey the little spawn of incest walked in like he was king

"you better not lose uncle other wise you will bring shame to the lannister name and make this a boring tourney so make sure to entertain me"

"fuck off you're not king yet and even when you are king you shall have no power since you are in debt to house lannister and you're to inept to actually get the money nevermind run the kingdoms"

"my mother will be hearing of this so watch you're tounge" he said with the best scowl he could produce bit I could see the fear and uncertainty in his eyes

"fuck you're mother she has no power over me if she commands me I will just leave to the rock and rebel plus all the lannister troops in the city are on my side and I'm a better swordsman than jamie at this age so they can try and do somthing against me I dont fear robert baratheon hes a shell of his former self nothing for me to fear of course" I decided to show the arrogance I have deep down

joffrey looks horrified and turns on his heel and leaves and I've never been more amused

jon let's out a chuckle as he finishes my breast plate strap I give him a smile and we go out to get my horse since I'll be riding next against some weasle frey it will be done in the first round

finally my name gets called I half bow to the king and get on my horse Aslan the frey is nearly falling off his horse and cant hold his lance properly

the signal goes I ride know him of and go back to my tent with jon this repeats against no name knights until it gets to the last 4 people including me it's me, loras tyrell, the hound, the mountain it's me against the hound loras against the mountain

I get on my horse and ride it takes 5 rounds before the hound falls it was such a intense match that the stands were silent and everytime one of us moves they would gasp but I unseated him and now it's time to see the joust between loras and the mountain but the mountains horse is freaking out and I realise loras is riding a mare in heat to confuse the mountains stallion

clever is all I think but it's also cowardly

loras unseated the mountain but well loras is gloating the hound picks up his sword ghats bigger than a grown man and cleves his horse in two and starts advancing on loras if I save him the tyrells will love me so I charge to his aid

as I get there the mountains has knocked loras to the floor and is repeatedly hitting his sheild I parry his sword with my own sending a shooting pain up my arm from the shere blow as we duel the crowd is going wild me a 5'6 14 year old against a 7'8 behemoth and I'm doing pretty well I'm faster but hes stronger and his furthur reach is making it hard to swing his sword when I get close I see an opening and kick the side of his knee but it doesnt faze him his knee doesn't move at this moment I'm pushed to the side by brienne and sandor

sandor pov a bit before he jumps in

I cant belive this fucking kid doing this hopeless battle he may think hes even but in reality hes gonna lose his blows dont hold enough power to work against my brother I nod to the wench brienne and we push through all these bastard nobles to save the one person who's become apart of my little family and Is the reason I have this small family of me him brienne and the new member of jon fuckin snow but I'll lay down my life for this kid and it helps hes fighting my bastard brother who gave me these burns that I have just as the kid gives a expert kick that alough has good technique it has no power so I throw him out the way and me and the wench fight my brother

the fight goes on for a bit and we've wounded him but the wench got a nasty cut on the side of her arm not fatal or life threatening but it will scar the only thing my brother is good at is scaring people apparently but seeing this I go berserk and dont even hear the call from the king to stop the fight I only stop when I feel somthing grab my waist I look down and see tytos hugging me I look to brienne and shes got her hand on my shoulder when I look at my brother jesus missing a ear and his lost his pinky and the finger next to it on his left hand I look at him and say "dont touch my family you son of a bitch you already hurt me you wont hurt anyone else a effectively if you cant hear from one side and cant hold a great sword as well as you could you cunt" I say with more emotion then I expected and didnt notice i wrapped my arm around the kids head and held him close

"maester!" the fat king bellowed as my cunt brother is called of we decide to fix brienne wound and my minor injuries back at tytoses tent

well were at his tent I'm being praised about my prowess as a fighter by my true family we also laugh and eat but the final joust against loras tyrell the poof against tytos lannister the perfect lion I'm surprised how excited I am to see this joust

but I'm just happy I'm here with my family

tytos pov

as I mount up again for the final tilt I see loras swapped to a horse that isnt in heat this is either out of respect or it's out of cockiness either way I'm gonna win or atleast try

it takes 12 rounds until I unseat loras but he kinda messed up my shoulder alough I am happy when he gets up since that means I didnt kill him and ended up being the victor

I'm presented the crown for the queen of love and beauty it's made out of golden Rose's fitting for who I'm giving it to I stride over to margaery tyrell and lay the crown on her head and give her my most charming smile she gives a lop sided grin and a blush in return

I decide to be bold and talk to her father mace tyrell and ask for a meeting in my tent once we make it there I get straight to business and ask him for his daughters hand since after my displays today hes most likely to say yes now

he says he will ask margery what she thinks until a frail short looking woman comes in its maces mother ollena tyrell or the queen of thorns for how infamous she is and how smart and savvy another reason I picked margaery since she was taught by ollena on politics and other topics ollena is a key individual since shes the real power in the reach not mace

"that wont be necessary since we made a agreement ages ago with tywin for you're betrothal with our margaery why do you think we helped you so much and why we have cheaper trade with you but you both will have to wait until 16 to marry but until then you two shall not interact in a intense way

"very well my lady we have ourselves a deal"

"a deal you say did you not hear earlier that this deal was already made between me and tywin" she said in a dismissive way

"yes but my father values me and my opinion above all so If I said I dont want the marriage then he would cancel it before I even gave a reason that's how powerful mine and my fathers come is"

"good to know" she says as she exits the tent

the end longest chapter ye and the one o had the most fun on