
The Path He Chose Is Revenge: An Idol Once Again

Choi Daniel is average in every aspect. Even though he knows this he still auditioned to be an idol trainee! But wait? He got accepted!? And wait.. He is going to debut in a 5 member group! Daniel was too excited to notice the real reason why the entertainment company used an average man as one of the members of their upcoming group. The idol group members are talented and above average unlike Daniel. After the group debuted using the name 'Heaven'. Scandals to mountains of scandals suddenly popped out of nowhere. All of them are about Choi Daniel. They all weren't even real! What is happening? After Daniel knew the truth it was too late already. He died and couldn't even take revenge on the people who harmed him. They took advantage of Daniel and used him as an exposure for the group. They all thought Daniel couldn't take revenge or do anything now that he is dead. But who would of thought that a famous rookie that appeared is Daniel?! He got reincarnated into a handsome young master of the wealthy Lee family. Xander Lee is talented, handsome and extraordinary in all aspects. Now Choi Daniel is in this body! Do you want to find out Choi Daniel and Xander Lee's revenge?

ReiReiReiRei · Urban
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22 Chs

A Young Master Living In A Cheap Apartment

Knock! Knock!

"Come in." A melodious voice sounded behind the wooden double door.

Xander twist the door knob and push the door open to enter. As soon as he stepped inside the room. He saw a simple office. It isn't extravagant like the rest of the Mansion.

Xander just currently entered his grandmother's home office. Everything was simple. There's a wooden desk, a small bookshelf, 2 chairs facing the desk, and a large window behind the desk.

"good morning, Grandma." Xander smiled while he greeted the old woman politely.

Grandmother Lee stopped focusing on the paperwork in her hand and diverted her attention to her grandson.

"Good morning, Xander. What made you come here so early in the morning?"

Xander sat down on one of the chair after his grandmother motioned him to sit.

"I want to make a request."

Grandmother Lee kept quiet and waited for her grandson to continue speaking.

"I want to live in the city and go to a public school there." After Xander said this Grandmother Lee's eyed widen.

"Live in the city! Are you sure?" Grandmother Lee asked, worried about his grandson. Xander just woke up from coma and he wants to live in the city?

"Yes, I'm sure. I'll live in an apartment near a school."

The Mansion's location is far from the city. The whole forest -where the Mansion is located- is Lee family's private property so no one except the family and staffs are allowed to enter here.

"Mhm.. I have a few high rise apartments near a few schools in the city. I will get you a few staffs that you're familiar in the Mansion to accompany you." Grandmother Lee spoke while writing her plans in a piece of paper.

"There's no need for that grandma. I plan to live in a simple and cheap apartment. I don't need any staffs to accompany me in the city. I will only bring Zeus with me." After Xander said this Grandmother Lee stopped writing.

A few seconds of no reply from Grandmother Lee finally spoke, "Xander. I know you matured in a young age.. But are you sure you can live in the city alone? Even though you are now 16, the last time you were awake is when you were just 11. You're still a kid."

Xander kept quiet. He already knew that Grandmother Lee will talk about this.

Xander Lee is a 11 year old in a 16 year old body, indeed. But Daniel Lee is now inside this body. He is a 22 year old inside the body of a 16 year old Xander Lee.

"I understand, grandma. But why don't you give me a chance to prove that I can live alone?"


"Alright. I will give you two months of preparations. You must know how to cook simple dishes, learn to clean, do laundry, and learn about highschool lessons so you can go to a school." Grandmother said hesitant at first.

Xander smiled and nodded. He manage to convince Grandmother Lee. Well kind of.

"Alright, Grandma. I will leave now so you can continue with your work." Xander was about to leave the office when Grandmother Lee spoke.

"A lot of people are trying to hurt the Lee family. They don't know about you, the heir being alive. But they will soon know about it." Grandmother Lee added, "Be careful."

With that Xander left the office with slow steps.

It's hard being a rich heir trying to be a normal person.


Grandmother Lee's office

"A young master living in a cheap apartment? This is the first time I've heard about this.." The old lady leaned back in her chair with a subtle smile.

She stared at the photo on her desk. It is a beautiful woman with long black hair, a handsome man with blonde hair, and a kid with black hair around 8 years old. They all smiled brightly at the camera.

They look like a beautiful and happy family.

"Your son is just like you.." Grandmother grinned when she saw the woman in the photo.


Xander walk inside the elevator with a smile. He is a step closer to take his revenge. He planned about his revenge since a few months ago.

He didn't need to use Xander's background. All he needs to use is his handsome face and his beautiful singing voice.

Xander tried singing a few days ago and realize that this body has perfect pitch! His voice is very pleasant-sounding. And ever since he started working out he realized that this body is very flexible.

But because this body is still weak and his stamina is not good. He couldn't try dancing or else he gets too exhausted. His whole body would ache for a whole day if he did. He must build up his stamina.

So, Xander would wait patiently till this body is fully recovered before he could start practicing dancing. He will focus on singing for now.


The elevator door opened. Xander walk out but he suddenly remembered something.

He forgot to ask his Grandmother for a phone! He wasn't allowed to use the computers in the mansion because they are all business related.

Xander could watch the TV but there wasn't any news about the entertainment world in TV because it is always midnight that the TV talk about the entertainment industry. Xander couldnt stay up too late to watch the TV because he had to sleep early every day.

The butler would check up on him if he slept every night, so he couldn't watch the TV. He feels like his on prison.

But he needs to keep a healthy schedule so he understand all of these.


"Hello, madam Lee! Why did you call? Do you need a new property? You're just in luck. We have a new villa just built in the-"

Grandmother Lee cough, cutting off the caller in the other side.

"I'm here in search of an apartment." Grandmother Lee spoke.

"Oh! Alright. I have a few suggestions. There is a newly built luxurious apartment. There is a pool-"

"I want a cheap and simple apartment near a. school." Grandmother Lee cut the person again.

The other line went quiet for a few seconds before the loud voice spoke again, "Pardon me? What did you say madam Lee?.. I think I misheard something ridiculous. Hahaha!"

"You didn't mishear, Alec." Grandmother Lee spoke seriously.

"..Eh-?!" The Alec guy is flustered.

A wealthy person like Madam Lee, who's money is probably billions of dollars really just asked for a cheap apartment!

"My grandson wants to love in the city. He said he wants something cheap and simple."

"Oh?.." Alec became quiet. Unlike his normal loud self.

A young master living in a cheap apartment?!
