
The Painted

Ever since I remember I have always been intrigued by antiquated places. The kind of places that are abandoned with no trace of the human touch yet are crowded by the shadows of the past. The ancientness, the haunting yet captivating stillness that is shrouded in mystery has always called to me. The distant voice that sounds deceptively familiar echoes in the hallways travelling room to room with every intention of being heard and so I followed the echo taking me home. To a place that I have spent decades living in and yet don’t know how to find. It belongs to the deepest and darkest corner of my mind. To a place that is secluded from everyone like a hidden treasure in the heart of a majestic mountain or a lost shrine of an ancient and forgotten God, a place that I cannot enter yet know of its existence or at least I thought I could not until that morning…

The_Last_Phantom · Fantasy
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36 Chs

A Turning Point

I noticed a series of voices grow louder by the second and before I knew it they weren't in my head anymore.

I was back to reality or maybe perhaps, I had never left this place.

A huge crowd had formed around me as I was laying on the ground while tiny droplets of water continued to pour over my legs even though someone was holding an umbrella over my head.

I slowly stood up and glanced at my ruined attire while questioning what had happened.

Fortunately, someone answered my unanswered question. "Are You Alright? You fainted when that car almost hit you. You are lucky because it was a close call".

He pointed to a small blue vehicle to the side and continued "Are you Okay? Do you feel dizzy? You have been out for almost 15 minutes, so we called for an ambulance".

"What?!!" I loudly exclaimed. "Shit!" I'm late.

This is bad.

I'm definitely going to end up being homeless now. The future was as dim as ever.

I quickly stood up and fought back against the growing dizziness as I picked up my soaked hat that had fallen in the pool of muddy rainwater.

"Sorry I don't have time for this" I mumbled to the old man who tried to hold me back.

"Are you sure? You don't look fine" he expressed his concern as he looked at me frowning.

"Thank you but I'm fine" I managed to say while trying to balance myself.

I know I'm not fine but the last thing I should do right now is waste more time.

Trying to brace myself against the cold that had seeped through my wet clothes I hugged my arms around me.

'I think I sprained my ankle' I muttered under my breath, it hurt to walk but I didn't have a choice right now.

I couldn't get any later than I was.

Another wave of dizziness hit me, and my eyes turned blurry.

It was confirmed that I must've hit my head on the concrete as my fingers were met with blood when I touched the back of my head.

'Hopefully it isn't much and should stop any minute now if I apply a bit of pressure', I reassured myself.

I shook my head and took a deep breath while applying pressure on my scalp.

Trying to blink away the tears I looked up and there it was, right in front of me, Evergreen Historical Real Estate, a turning point in my story.

What was I saying, I think I was being a little too dramatic about all this? A turning point? Seriously? I think I had too much faith in Helen and her son as if I don't know them.

I was half expecting and half dreading what was to come.

Today started on a bad note anyways so I was only preparing myself for worse.

Maybe I was too late, and they wouldn't even see me now or perhaps they didn't know I was coming in the first place.

This was probably some sick prank Billy was playing and as usual, I had no choice but to be the target.

It was the price I always paid for being a pushover. I was 27 years old and still hadn't grown a backbone.

'Coming here was a bad idea' I thought as I slowly pushed the door and stepped inside.

I didn't have any other choice anyways and it was too late to turn back now.

Keeping my eyes tightly shut I took a deep breath and immediately noticed the faint smell of daffodils in the air.