
2. Take me out.

Boyfriend list.

He must be kind.

He must be positive.

He likes food.

Always find a way to make me smile.

Loves color red❤️

Never ashamed of me.

Make me feel like I'm on top of the world.

Cole quickly withdrew his phone and took snaps of the last page. It seemed as if mother nature was helping her win the dare. He was not an actor but he could surely be that to get his kiss from Heaven.

He put the book back to its position and went back to his book searching.

He ended up picking a random book and walking out of the library.


Sunday arrived and Heaven did the same thing. She walked to the school again making sure no one noticed her. She slowly closed the schools main door and ran into a hard chest. She jumped back and all her books fell on the shiny polished floor.

Her eyes ran from the chest to the eyes of the tall figure in front of her.

Her Grey eyes locked with ocean blue eyes. Cole stared down at the short petite figure In front of him. He wanted to push Heaven out of the way but remembered his dare and the list.

He masked his frown with a smile.

" I'm sorry" he kneeled down to pick up Heavens book while she was just frozen in her spot suprised of what she was seeing.

Cole was never nice to anyone and would never apologize.

"here" Cole handed Heaven her books which she hesitated to take.

Heaven finally took them and turned her back to walk out when Cole put his hands on her shoulders.

" Don't leave" Cole walked to the door. "I will" he was about to open the door when Heaven called out for her.

" no we can both stay" she said and slapped her mouth from embarrassment. "no not like that. You can go on your way and I'll be on mine"

Cole just burst out laughing warming every part of Heaven with his melodious laugh. She looked at her shoes when Cole looked at her.

"okay. Don't be shy around me or scared." he took the books from Heavens arms. "I guess we both snuck into the school premises. How about we get to know each other"

Heaven was suprised by this gesture which was too good to be true. Not everytime you run into the schools bad boy and receive such warmth unless they wanted something.

She nodded and watched as Cole walked down the school passage.

" are you coming or what?"


"where are you going?" Bella asked Heaven who was now out of her uniform into a black Jean with a blue t-shirt with a purple flower on it and her hair was let loose.

"I'm going out" she happily told them.

Bella, Dana and Britney looked at each other trying to process what Heaven just said.

"you mean like out on a date" Britney asked with a look of surprise.

" yeah something like that" Heaven answered unbothered by the looks her friend were throwing.

"with who and how are you going to leave the boarding or school premises without being noticed?" Dana asked concerned for her friend hoping she hasn't started hallucinating.

Heaven finished fixing her hair and turned to her friends who were sitting cross legged on the floor.

" with Cole. Hes taking me to his favorite spot and he said he knows a way out"

Gasps filled the room. Bella and Britney was not happy except for Dana who was happy.

" wow really. Like Cole my brother." Dana asked not believing what she heard.

Heaven nodded and blushed looking away.

"why are you too not happy?" Dana asked Bella and Britney who were busy having an eye conversation.

Bella stood up and rubbed her hands on her leggings.

" we are just concerned for you Heaven. What if…"

" there is no what if. I like him and he likes me." Heaven cut Bella off not wanting to start her day with Cole on bad terms.

A knock on the door disturbed their conversation. Dana walked to the door and opened the door revealing Cole in a blue wripped Jean with a white v neck shirt.

" hey you" Dana hugged her brother which he gracefully returned. "I see you spent time on your hair today" Dana laughed at his brother.

" shut up. Where is Heva?" Cole looked around their room and landed on the beautiful Grey eyes again.

" she already has a nickname" Dana pouted. "you never gave me one"

Cole rolled his eyes and held out his hand for Heaven to take, which she did.

" are you ready?"

Heaven nodded and proceeded to the door with her hands still locked with Coles hand.

" and Dana you have a nickname. Dick Ana" Cole through a middle finger with his other hand and laughed at her sisters reaction to the nickname.


Heaven couldn't help but blushing everytime Cole said something. Either stupid or serious. She walked side to side with Cole until they got out of the school premises without being noticed. They walked a few meters before stopping in front of a slick black motorcycle.

Cole climbed on it and handed Heaven the helmet.

" won't you need it more than me?" Heaven asked with concern written all over her voice.

Cole stood up from the bike and put it on Heavens head before knocking on the side of the Helmet.

" I can't bare the thought of you getting hurt" Cole smiled sending the whole zoo into Heavens stomach.

Maybe he was not that bad as other saw him.

Heaven thought.

She climbed behind Cole and wrapped her arms tightly around Coles waist before leaning forward and putting her head on Coles back.

" where did you get the bike?" Heaven raised up her head to look at Cole who had turned his head to try and look at her.

" from a friend" Cole looked forward and started the bike. "hope you are ready"

Before Heaven can answer Cole pulled off.