
The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed]

AU. Lily Potter Lives! On one ordinary day something extraordinary happens. A nearly ten years old Harry Potter wakes up with the power of the Gamer. He is chosen to be the first gamer of the multiverse. And he decides to become lvl 100 before he even begins Hogwarts. Ambitious much? At least now we can guess his Hogwarts house. Harry/multi. Incest! Grey but good MC.

Percypendragon3 · Video Games
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66 Chs

The Special Quest

Chapter 27. The Special Quest

After putting on tracksuit bottoms and a jumper, Harry went to the living room.

His mother was already there waiting for him. As always, she had worn her signature black yoga leggings and light pink sports bra. Her hair was pulled up in a tight bun in preparation for the exercise.

She sprang up from her seat at the first sight of him, pressing a peck on his cheek and enfolding him in her arms. "Good morning."

"Good morning, mum." He smiled, giving her an affectionate hug.

"Shall we?" She asked, indicating towards the door.

He nodded.

She stepped out of the living room, followed by him. As they walked out of the manor, he tried not to look down at her arse. He really tried.

But that was simply a losing battle.

He glanced down discreetly at the alluring movements of her tight cheeks. The snug fit of the leggings barely left anything for the imagination.

He shook his head, freeing himself of the distracting thoughts. Now was not the time to ogle his mother's arse. He would get enough time for that today when he would have sex with her later.

Surprisingly, she hadn't even talked about what had happened between them yesterday. She had been acting like nothing out of the ordinary took place. As if getting shagged by her own son was nothing to write home about. And for his part, he too hadn't tried to converse about it. While strange, it wasn't necessarily a bad thing that they were trying to ignore what they did and would keep on doing in her bedroom.

It was like an unspoken agreement had been drawn between them. Yes, we are fucking each other, but let's pretend we are not. They were trying not to let it shift their relationship dynamics. She was still his mother. And he was still her son. Nothing had changed in the way they treated each other. And nothing would if they had any say in it.

Harry thought it was for the best. What else could they do or say to each other that would make this situation appropriate? Nothing, all they could do now was ignore that part of their relationship and act as if nothing had changed.

As they reached the beginning of the track that went through the woods, something unexpected happened.


A special unavoidable quest has been assigned by the [Creator] for you and your mother, and the world's reality has been warped for his amusement.


— Mad Mad World!

The world is suddenly strange and different than it was before. Fulfil the given quest set in this Mad World to make it right again.


— 3000 XP for Harry Potter

— 3000 XP for Lily Potter

— Unknown Legendary Reward

… Damn it. This was familiar. Oh so familiar. Fuck!

"Mum." He called. But she had already stopped walking, staring at the teleportation wall before them. It barred their entry into the forest.

She turned around and gave him a confused look. "What's this?"

"You know how you've always wanted to join our quests?" He asked, rubbing his forehead.

"Yes, which you've never granted me." She replied sourly. She was still not over it. While she understood his reasoning for keeping her safe at home and away from the action, that didn't mean she liked it.

"It seems the matter's out of my hands. We're handed an unavoidable quest that we can't just ignore. Rejoice, mum, you'll finally have your quest." Harry replied, ignoring her barb.

"Really? What is the quest?" She asked more than eagerly.

He muttered, "We will know in a second."

And just at that moment, the familiar ping sounded again.

QUEST: Mad Mad World

— The Witch and her bitch;

Accompany your master Lily Potter through the forest and reach the other side where the legendary artefact is kept.

'Fuck, I take it back. The Creator is a total arsehole!'

"Mum, the quest is simple. We have to get through this forest. There is a reward on the other side." He simplified.

"Alright. Let's do it then." She grinned.

"Don't be so happy. This is not a normal quest, but a special one. And if it is anything like the previous one then I'm going to have a migraine for the next few days." He muttered unhappily. This caused Lily's enthusiasm to go down a bit.

"What was the previous special quest like?" she asked.

"Nothing much. You were turned into an elven beauty cursed with eternal slumber. The quest was to wake you up. One way was to let Severus Oleways kiss you and the other was to get a Lemon Drop from the evil dragon Dumbodoor. I even had to snog you to see if my kiss might work. It didn't. In the end, we got the Lemon Drop." Harry droned on monotonously.

She stared at him incredulously. "You're kidding, right?"


"Then what exactly happened during that quest? Tell me. And who's this Severus Oleways? Is this Severus the same Severus, my former friend? Also what led you to kiss me?" She fired question after question.

"Not the right time to force me to go through PTSD. Let's get this quest done so I can reveal why I didn't like the last special quest." He groaned, walking up to the energy barrier that hid the path ahead of them. He couldn't glean anything from the [Observe] perk.

"Aren't you being a little dramatic?" Lily questioned dryly.

"Your name in that quest was Lily Elven Boner. Your father's name was Lowng Boner and my name was Harry Boner. That quest was a big sexual innuendo prank."

Lily gaped at him before shutting her mouth and shaking her head. "You know what, I don't even want to know."

"Wise choice." He mumbled distractedly, glaring at the energy barrier, knowing that a single step was all that was needed to see how the world had changed. "Come, mum. There's no choice but to go through this energy barrier."

Seeing her nod, he walked through the energy portal; Lily trailing behind him.

"This is not our forest." She remarked, looking at the woods. And she was right. This wasn't the forest around their manor. No, these woods were far more ancient for that, as could be seen by the trees' wide girth and their sheer sky-touching height. In this dark grey morning sky, the luminous white branches seemed like claws trying to tear the fabric of the heavens. There was not a single leaf on any of the branches. The grassy ground was covered with it, the blood-red leaves, hiding any obvious pathways.

This was definitely not their forest.

He shouldn't have been surprised, yet he was. And adding to that was the change of their clothes. It seemed his mother still hadn't noticed this.

"Mum, you're looking lovely." He smiled, eyeing her up. Her clothes had turned into a black silk sleeveless dress. A beautiful silver chain was wrapped around her waist from where the dress flared into an ankle-length skirt. And hanging from the chain was her wand holster. Her radiant crimson hair fell behind her back and around her shoulders in waves. And the plunging neckline of the dress showed more than an appropriate amount of her cleavage. She indeed looked smoking hot.

She finally glanced at him, ceasing her examination of the strange white trees.

"What happened to your clothes?" She asked with surprise. Harry's eyebrows twitched when he saw his own clothes. It wasn't anywhere close to the quality of hers.

He had on a plain white tunic and faded brown trousers. Normally, even these simple clothes would have looked good on him, but unfortunately, there were dozens of small tears on them. And if that wasn't enough, there were dirty old stains marring the fabric.

"According to the quest, you're my master and I'm your servant. Hence the difference in the quality of our clothing." He explained with a displeased frown.

Lily took out her wand and tried to repair his outfit. But no amount of reparos did anything.

"Leave it. This costume is assigned by the Creator. Nothing would change it." sighed Harry.

"Your quests are weird." she chuckled briefly. "So what now?"

"Now, we follow this holographic arrow. It'll lead us where we need to go." he answered, pointing at the hologram hovering before them. "But first let me take out my sword. I'm not taking any risks with you present here."

"Gee, thanks for the vote of confidence." She responded, her words dripping with sarcasm.

"It's not that I don't think you're capable. It's just that your levels are too low and this is a special quest where anything might happen." He smiled softly, trying to placate her.

She just glared at him. "And who's responsible for my low levels?"

Not deigning her comment any reply, he tried to access his Inventory, so he could take out his Black Sword. Emphasis on tried.

[Unable to reach the system. All the Perks and Skills are locked for the particular quest.]

He stared at the blue system text box before his eyes. He didn't comprehend it for a second before the realisation sunk in.

"Isis!" he called desperately. And out loud in panic.

But Isis didn't console him back. He didn't hear his friend's voice in his mind.

There was only silence.

A well of dread formed in his stomach, his hands shaking at his sides. It seemed even his Gamer's Mind had been locked.

"Harry? What happened?" Lily moved in front of him, cupping his face.

"All my powers are locked for this quest. I can't use any skills or perks. We're screwed. We're in terrible danger, mum." He whispered in fright.

Lily's eyes widened in apprehension before she nodded at herself and patted his cheeks. "So what? You're a wizard, Harry. Your wand is all that you need."

Harry perked up before slumping again. "My wand is in the Inventory and I can't access my Inventory. Meaning, I'm neither a wizard nor a gamer right now. And even if I'd the wand, I wouldn't have been able to use it since I'm not using the Mage Class. And because Perks are locked, even Mana Manipulation wouldn't have worked."

Lily pinched his cheeks, annoying him and annoyed at him "Don't make that loser face. Don't throw in the towel before the match has even begun. You can do something, right?"

"Well, I'm still level 450. I still have inhuman strength and speed. I still can punch someone to death." He muttered thoughtfully, the panic settling down.

"See, that must count for something." She cheered, pulling his cheeks so his lips stretched into a goofy smile.

"Fine. This will be our simple strategy. Let me be the tank since I can take damage. I have got an abundance of health points anyway. You concentrate on giving support from the back. You still have your wand. And it gives you versatility." He nodded slowly, getting hopeful again after the abrupt crippling dread he felt when all his weapons and powers were taken from him.

"Good. Now let's get this show on the road." She smiled, kissing his cheek and stepping back.

They followed the hologram further into the forest. Harry was in the forefront while Lily was behind him with her wand ready. The air was humid in this forest. Their skins were soon covered with unwanted sweat.

The first opponents came in the form of half a dozen giant spiders. So tall that their heights were triple of Harry's. Usually, he would have used [Observe] on them to see how strong they were. But now he had to go in blind. As he prepared to run and engage, his mother jumped into action.

Without any loud cry, she snapped her wand at them. The ray of black light hit the ground before the arachnids, and the earth parted with a loud rumble. Two of the spiders fell into the crevice while the others scuttled back.

She didn't give them any chance to flee.

The eerie blood-red leaves blanketed the entire forest ground. With a flick of her wand, some of it rose in the air as if a soft wind blew underneath them, and they turned into metal. With another twist of her wrist, the red metal leaves lurched toward the remaining spiders. The monsters screeched in pain, their bodies bombarded with sharp projectiles.

Within a minute, all the behemoth spiders were dead. Harry gaped at the carnage before looking at his mum who stood alert, her eyes cold and unforgiving. He gulped, for a brief moment getting scared of her until he realised she wouldn't ever hurt him. Damn it, he needed [Gamer's Mind] which always diluted his weak negative emotions. He wasn't used to feeling this instinctive fear.

He nodded at her and continued to walk, with her closely following him.

Another group of spiders ambushed them after ten minutes of the silent journey. Again she took care of the giant monsters before he could start brawling with them. She doused them in rain and pulled lightning out of the sky, electrocuting them mercilessly until life left their beady eyes.

He was impressed. Very impressed. While he had seen her do similar things in the training room, witnessing her using dangerous spells on living beings was altogether different. And there was this air of eerie calmness around her when she killed them that spooked him. She was totally silent as she murdered them. The way her eyes analysed her doings as if she was rating how well she performed, was really scary.

Not for the first time after entering the forest, Harry realised how he didn't know everything about his mum. There was a side of her she hadn't ever shown them. And now he was getting astonished after he was actually seeing it.

They finally reached a clearing. An enormous clearing.

Calling it a clearing was really not appropriate since there was a whole village fit into the space. There was a low wooden fence separating them from the village, most probably there to keep away the animals. Although he didn't know how well it did against the gigantic spiders.

They could see small huts sprawled all over the farther side.

Currently, a man was standing on the low platform and appeared to give a sad speech. Gathered in front of him were hundreds of people, listening somberly with long faces.

Harry and Lily were standing just a little away from the side of the platform.

As soon as the duo stood at the edge of the fence, the people on the other side snapped their heads and stared at them in shock.

Harry and Lily stared back. And they noticed that the people here were a bit different. They had pointy ears and they all shared the same blonde hair and blue eyes. And they all were garbed in pure white overalls.

"They are elves. Real elves." gasped Lily, surprised to see the likes of them. She had long ago stopped believing that elves she had heard from children's stories might exist. Even after coming to the Wizarding World, the house elves looked more like a different breed of goblins than real elves. But here she was, seeing true elves. She felt blessed.

At the first sound from them, the entire elven group raised their hands and summoned green fire.

Lily too pointed her wand at them, reverting to her fighting mindset, her admiration for these beautiful beings dissipating in an instant.

"STOP!" the elf standing on the stage yelled. His people immediately followed his command and dropped their hands, snuffing the flames.

"Come in. Then state your names and purpose, strangers." The apparent leader waved at them. A small part of the fence disappeared, making a way for them.

Harry stared at the leader before nodding at his mum. He hoped she would let him do all the talk.

He entered first and then Lily. The two walked the small distance separating them and the stage. The leader walked down the platform and stood before them.

"My name is Harry. And this is my master, Lily. She is a wandering witch who helps the people in need." Harry bowed curtly.

Thankfully, his mother kept her face blank, not even twitching at the lie.

"And why have you wandered here? Humans are not permitted in this sacred forest."

"It was not of our own choice. An enemy wizard trapped us in his magical portal and sent us hurtling here. We are trying to find our way out of the forest. We would be grateful if you point the right way." Harry replied.

The elf stared at them for a second before answering. "The nearest way is through the ruin of Calhadr. That is the only way if you do not want to spend at least a fortnight in the woods. All the other ways are far longer."

"Thank you. Where might the ruins of Calhadr be?"

"Straight through there." He said, pointing to the path that curved around the northern side of the village.

"We will be on our way then." Harry smiled politely.

"I do not recommend that path, child. There resides an ancient fell Wizard in the ruins. He does not take well to strangers. You will perish as soon as you set foot in it."

"Worry not. My master is a legendary witch. I am assured of our victory if something unfortunate happens." Harry announced confidently, sending his mother a genuinely impressed look.

Her eyes shone with pride at the acknowledgement. It felt great to be finally taken seriously.

"If that is what you wish, I will not stop you. Please, be on your way."

If Harry still had all of his power, he might have offered his help to these elven folks. It was clear that they were in some dire situation. Unfortunately, he wasn't strong enough at the moment to give them his help. If he did, he would just endanger his mother. Now was not the right time or opportunity to be altruistic.

Sharing another nod with the head elf, he walked away, his mother right on his heels. The crowd mumbled among themselves and shot them sympathetic looks as if they thought the duo was heading for the gallows.

That did bother Harry, but there was no other way. They had to go through the ruins of Calhadr. The game's hologram was also leading them toward that path.

They soon were finding their way between the trees, back in the woods. And the humidity was again making them feel as if they were in a furnace.

"You think I did the right thing? Should I have helped them?" Harry pondered out loud, looking beside himself at his mother.

She smiled gently, slinging her left arm around his shoulders. "Yes, you did the right thing. When you are drowning, you need to help yourself first before trying to help others."

Harry felt relieved, the guilt ebbing away. He missed his [Remorseless] and [Gamer's Mind] perks. He wouldn't even feel this way if they were active.

Not five minutes after they turned their backs on the village, they heard running footsteps behind them.

He pushed his mother behind him and prepared himself. He calmed his nerves and wished his heart wasn't thumping this hard.

Lily had her wand trained forward. Her hand was steady and her eyes were sharp.

"I mean no harm!" The being yelled, who stopped some thirty yards away from them.

The Potters were stunned as they realised who the girl was. The elf moved closer and stopped a couple of feet before them. She had an uncertain smile on her fair face.

While she had the elfish blonde hair and her eyes were sky blue, they still recognised her. How could they not? She was their sister and daughter. She was Iris Potter.

"My name is Irisviel. Please listen to my plea." She begged.

When the two remained frozen. She began unsurely. "The Wizard will kill you, I am sure of it. As he does to an elf every year. You see, there was a war between the wizard and the elves a hundred years ago. Unfortunately, we lost. Even when we threw our arms and surrendered, he continued massacring us. To stop the genocide, our king begged him for mercy. Surprisingly, the wizard granted us mercy, but he made his demands. The first was that we should leave our home Calhadr. Yes, it was our home before it was ruined. And the second was that every year, the elves would voluntarily send a single elf to him to sate his bloodlust. In our desperation, we acceded. Today is that day. And it is my turn to be sacrificed. I beg you to return to the village and take the longer path. There is no need for you to die. The only death today shall be mine."

Lily was puzzled for a second before remembering what Harry had said about the world being altered for the special quests. Her heart clenched at the thought of her child sacrificing her life for those elves. It made the dark side inside her darken some more.

She stepped forward and wrapped her arms around Irisviel. "Worry not for us, child. We'll kill this wizard and save you. Now hurry back to your village."

"Weren't you listening? Even all the elven kind couldn't stop him." She pushed away, looking at her beseechingly.

"We are not elves. We will kill him. Go back, Irisviel. You won't meet Death today." said Harry.

"You both are arrogant. I understand why my kind doesn't like humans." Irisviel grumbled angrily.

"Say what you want. But our course had been decided. We won't change it." Lily giggled, hugging her again.

"Why do you keep on embracing me?" The elf complained, trying to wiggle out of her grasp.

"You just remind me of my daughter." Lily whispered sadly, knowing that her daughter was standing in front of her, but unable to remember her and Harry.

Irisviel felt the sorrow in her voice and ceased her protesting, bringing her own arms to reciprocate the gesture. "Fine. Since we all are going to die, you can consider me your daughter."

Lily chuckled, squeezing her one last time before stepping back. "I won't stop you from accompanying us."

"You can't stop me from accompanying you." The elf bristled and looked on in a challenging manner at Harry, watching if he would deny her.

"I won't stop you either, sister." Harry teased, pleased when her face turned red.

"I am not your sister, human."

"Actually, you are. You see, this woman who you accepted as your mother is my mother too. So, that makes you my sister."

"Isn't she your master? How can she be your master if she is your mother?" Irisviel questioned dubiously.

"Don't think about it too much, darling. Harry is just a very naughty boy, he gets off on this master-slave thing." smirked Lily.

"Oi! Don't tarnish my reputation. Even if I was into that sort of thing, I'd be the master and not the slave." Harry defended himself, but his mother was already laughing.

"You both are strange. Are all humans this way?" Irisviel commented dryly.

"No, we are special. Come on, sister, let's be on our way." he smiled, grabbing her hand and intertwining his fingers with hers. Irisviel blushed but didn't pull back her hand.

After half an hour of trudging through the forest, they came to the bank of a river. During this time, Harry and Irisviel became fast friends. She told him how she hadn't ever known her parents, that they died protecting the village from the giant spiders. She revealed how that tragedy made many children orphans, including her. Harry joked and tried to cheer her up after that conversation. And the way her eyes shone and the smile played upon her lips, he considered his efforts rather fruitful.

Now, they peered down at the river. It was around 200 metres from this bank to the other.

"I can cross the river by running over it. How will you cross it?" asked Irisviel.

"You go. Don't worry about us. We'll be right behind you." Harry said, untangling his fingers from hers and taking back his hand. She nodded reluctantly before leaping down the bank and sprinting across the surface of the river. Her steps made small ripples in the water but nothing drastic. Miraculously, she didn't fall. Must be some perk of being an elf.

"I can transfigure something into a boat, Harry." Lily said, stepping beside him. Until now she had been content in guarding the children's backs and listening in to their conversation.

"No need. I can do the same as Irisviel. At my level, my speed is extraordinary." Harry waved away her suggestion.

"And what about me? I'm not Jesus like you two. I'll sink if I try to walk over the water." She shook her head exasperatedly.

"I'll carry you, of course. Come here, master, let your lowly servant do the work." He grinned, scooping her up in a bridal carry.

"Harry! It's embarrassing. At least let me be on your back." She cavilled at their suggestive pose.

Harry squeezed her butt, making her yelp. Grinning, he said dramatically. "Don't whine, master. I love this position. It gives my hand the opportunity to fondle your perky arse and my eyes to feast on your delicious tits."

"Concentrate, sweetie. Don't get horny now. You can have your way with me once we're safely back home." She sighed fondly.

"Okay, okay. Don't give me that look." He chuckled, stealing a brief kiss.

Before she could say anything else, Harry ran. He sprinted so fast that he was on the other side even before Irisviel. He was more flying than running.

He set his mother back on her feet, taking another chance to grope her bum. She just slapped away his hand since Irisviel was nearing this side of the bank.

"Whoa! You are quick. Very quick." The elf exclaimed as she jumped up the slope and landed on the ground.

"I have my moments or movements." He smiled at his own pun, earning an eye roll from his mother. "How far are the ruins?"

"Few more minutes of walking." Irisviel informed, grabbing back his hand and leading him. Lily took her place behind them with a small smile. Even when Irisviel wasn't aware of the reality, she still behaved like her Iris when with Harry. It was heartwarming.

Five minutes, it took them only that much time to reach the ruins.

Demolished wooden houses lay on either side of the path. They went on deeper. The leaves-covered road then opened up into another clearing.

This was as big as the last one. Various ceiling-less huts were strewn around. But in the centre was a small circular platform on which a man sat with crossed legs and closed eyes.

He stood up as soon as they neared him. He was wearing a red robe and his long black hair was tied up in a ponytail. His eyes were deep blue, not unlike the elves themselves.

Harry wished, not for the first time, that he had his [Observe] perk.

"Why are there three of you? I need only a single elf on this day. I have no use for humans. Go away, children. You are not needed here." The man sighed, waving them away and staring at Irisviel.

"We can't do that. We are not going to let you kill Irisviel." Harry announced, moving in front of her.

The man let out another tired sigh. "So, my kin still do not believe me. How foolish. I do not kill my own kind, children. I am not a kinslayer. I am Elwind, the first elf. What I do is free them from this prison of flesh and send them to Alfheim. Once every year, I send a single elf back home. It would have been easier if I just sent them all back at once. But their tears and cries for mercy moved my heart. Now, I do it once every year, so as not to seem like I am massacring them. When they are all gone, I will follow them. How hurtful it is that they make me the villain."

The three were stumped at the revelation. "Is it true?"

"Of course, it is true. What would I get for killing them? I am doing nothing but my duty. These lands are turning against us. It had been turning against us for more than a century. It's time to go home. Thousands have already gone. Only a few hundred are left and then I will be free from this thankless work."

"You are lying!" Irisviel screamed.

"I am not. Come here, child. You will be fine once your spirit leaves this body and goes to Alfheim." Elwind smiled kindly.

Irisviel clung to Harry's back and shook her head. "No. I know the truth. You are just a dark Wizard imitating an elf."

"How about you let her leave, Elwind? We two are trying to get out of the forest. We won't mind if she accompanies us. She has already become a family." Lily queried, gripping her wand.

"My apologies, lady. But I can't do that. My duty is to send every elf back home. Meaning, every elf must die. I can't let her leave. You two on the other hand can go. Here, just a half-minute walk later, the forest ends into a cliff overlooking the shore. You can even listen to the waves from here." Elwind pointed towards his left side.

It was true. They could clearly hear the sounds of the waves lapping against the cliff.

"Harry, don't leave me." Irisviel whimpered, pressing her face on his shoulder.

"I won't." He vowed, turning around and embracing her.

Then he moved before his mother and whispered in her ear. "Get out of the forest and grab any legendary artefact you see. It'd be easily noticeable. Once you finish the quest, reality would be restored. And we'll be free from this farce."

Lily shook her head. "I won't leave you."

"You have to. Go, I'll buy you some time." Saying that, he pushed her toward the way the elf had pointed.

Lily looked miserable as she ran away from there.

Elwind didn't stop her.

"Why are you not going, child?" The first elf asked him curiously.

"I can't. Irisviel doesn't want me to. I don't know whether you are lying or not. But I won't let you make her do something which she doesn't want to."

"I regret doing this. But you give me no choice." said Elwind, preparing for a battle.

Harry pushed Irisviel back and jumped. In a second he was in front of the elf. He tried to kick off his head. But the elf easily dodged his strike and threw his own punch.

Harry parried it with one hand and tried to blow off his head with his other arm.

Elwind lept back and pointed his hand at him. A green fireball swooshed toward Harry. He ducked and again rushed him. This time his kick caught the elf on his leg.

The loud crack popped loudly in the woods.

Elwind's right leg from beneath his knee, severed and fell limp in the pool of blood.

The elf didn't even scream, only wincing. "Enough of this play."

Standing on his one leg elegantly, Elwind gripped the hilt of his sword and pulled it out of the scabbard.

The blade was white as chalk. It seemed to shine in the dawning light of the sun.

Harry's eyes widened in horror. He recognised the sword. It was Iris. How the hell was it even here?

As soon as he saw the glimpse of that blade, he ran. He picked up Irisviel and threw her on his back. Then he fled for the exit. He fled for his life.

"No, you don't." He heard the enraged yell from behind him.

Even as Harry's form blurred as he ran with an ungodly speed, the elf with the White Sword was still far faster and stronger than him.

Harry didn't even feel anything. One second he was just a step away from the edge of the forest and the next instant he was falling.

But the queer thing was he could see his own body falling on the stomach with Irisviel screaming in sorrow and despair.

Oh no, he was decapitated. That was his last thought. His bodiless head rolled away out of the forest. But he wasn't alive to celebrate that.

Harry Potter was dead.



With trembling hands, she picked up her son's severed head and placed it above the neck.

She was standing outside of their forest from where they had teleported.

The quest was finished and she was able to use the system again.

Wiping the tears from her eyes, she stood up and pointed her palm at his dead body.



Harry's eyes snapped open and he sat up.

Harry Potter wasn't dead.