
The Overpowered Gamer (Harry Potter) [Completed]

AU. Lily Potter Lives! On one ordinary day something extraordinary happens. A nearly ten years old Harry Potter wakes up with the power of the Gamer. He is chosen to be the first gamer of the multiverse. And he decides to become lvl 100 before he even begins Hogwarts. Ambitious much? At least now we can guess his Hogwarts house. Harry/multi. Incest! Grey but good MC.

Percypendragon3 · Video Games
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66 Chs

Mutual Benefits

Chapter 35. Mutual Benefits

"I want 'Sleepless' Perk. And as for the Skills, I choose 'Reset' from your Enchanter Class and 'Weapon Master' from your Death Knight Class." Daphne said to Harry the next morning when she went over to the Potters.

He was sitting beside Iris on his bed. Just like yesterday. And Daphne was seated before them. Again, just like yesterday. Though she desperately hoped they wouldn't start snogging each other like the last time. Even the mere thought of that made her feel deeply embarrassed and envious.

She should have been disgusted and repulsed after knowing that the Potters were involved in incestuous relationships. But somehow… it made perfect sense. She did not understand why she felt like that. No son or brother should do what Harry was doing. Then again, he always had been an exception. He had always been too close to Mrs. Potter and Iris, unlike normal boys of his age. That should have been the first clue.

But since he was cursed with the 'Lustful' trait, it didn't seem too surprising or demeaning that his mother was willing to offer her body to keep him from committing grievous mistakes in the haze of his lust. That was oddly admirable of Mrs. Potter, she thought.

She couldn't make any excuses for Iris though. Harry's sister didn't need to get involved in any of this mess. Mrs. Potter should have been enough to satisfy Harry's needs.

Alas, the twins always had been too touchy-feely with one another, even when they were kids. The revelation that this unique situation made them realise that they were sexually attracted to each other wasn't nearly as shocking as it should have been.

Maybe they both were extremely narcissistic, and hence captivated and allured by their own flesh and blood. Daphne didn't know, not having their mindset and could only guess, but she wasn't going to ask them for any clarification. That would be invasive and mortifying.

'They can do whatever the hell they want. I don't care.' She had thought about it when she went home yesterday. But unfortunately, she did care. In fact, she cared too much.

She had been overwhelmed by the all-encompassing fiery jealousy, realising that Harry was already in a sexual relationship. She did not remember ever experiencing this kind of jealousy in her entire 13 years of life. It made her feel like she needed to kill someone to quench this strange anger. And unsurprisingly, Iris Potter seemed like a good target.

Daphne wasn't ignorant of her own feelings. She liked Harry. Maybe even loved him. He had been her best friend before she even knew how to talk or walk properly. How can she not love him? She wasn't romantic and naive enough to dream of being swept off her feet by some chivalrous prince and all that nonsense. But a best friend was more realistic, no? It wasn't like she was asking too much. She just needed her best friend to become her boyfriend. It should have been easy.

She honestly thought that she had a chance of becoming Harry's special someone once they got into their teen years. She knew that she was very pretty and would grow up to become even more beautiful. Just look at her mother for the proof!

She also knew that Harry found her attractive. And she knew that he most probably liked her too, or even loved her. Call her delusional for thinking that she already had him charmed and bagged. But that was what she thought until now. She even had a fucking plan to ask him to Hogsmeade on a date this school year and kiss him senseless afterwards. But the fucking fucker was already fucking his mother and planning to fuck his sister. That mother-fucking sister-fucking bastard!

It was bloody infuriating to see all her dreams and fantasies vaporise into nothing. She had ranted and screamed herself hoarse in her room yesterday, as her plan to become his girlfriend had gone down the drain. Her anger at the Potters too had dissipated gradually. There was no benefit in raging at them for something that had already happened.

Presently, Harry gave her a proud smile, unaware of how he had caused her massive pain and annoyance the day before. "I see. I can understand why you want 'Sleepless'. It'll give you more time to train and become stronger. And 'Weapon Master' will give you another way to fight, a new secondary type of offence if you are somehow unable to use your wand. 'Reset' on the other hand will make you invincible from anything magic related since it creates a 10m diameter area around you where everything magical is nullified. A perfect defence. Even better than my silver necklace. Great strategy."

"Thank you." She forced back a smile, her eyebrows twitching as she saw Iris lay her head in his lap lovingly while he softly ran his fingers through her unbound red hair.

To be frank, Daphne could confess in her mind that she was a bit intimidated by Iris' beauty. Look at that long silky red hair, not many were blessed to have those. While she knew her own blonde hair was gorgeous, it still paled in front of her vibrant crimson locks. Look at those luscious curves, Iris' breasts were already more than a handful which she didn't mind showing in a loose t-shirt. And the redhead was shameless enough to not wear a bra, flashing her cleavage and nipples to Harry at every chance.

Daphne knew that it was all due to the [Peak Body] perk because no thirteen-year-old would have a sinful body like hers otherwise. Iris looked far better and sexier than the popular fifth-year girls she had come across in school. The bloody cheater, she cursed, strutting around arrogantly because she had 'Peak Body', although Daphne knew that she would have done the same in her place. Her own body was growing but not fast enough. How the fuck was she to compete against that.

Daphne's eyes narrowed at the superior smirk the other girl was wearing. Iris was her sister in all but name. And she was her best friend too, obviously, even if she was being particularly annoying today. Hmm, she was confused as she was faced with an existential question.

Would it be sororicide or amicide if she decided to strangle her to death? Maybe both?

The bloodlust was plainly visible on Daphne's face even if she was smiling placidly.

But Iris was unbothered by it, and Harry was amused at their byplay.

Though he placed his palm on his sister's head and stopped her once she began rubbing her face on his crotch in a provocative lustful manner. He didn't think it was a wise idea to have a blowjob when the blonde was glaring at them murderously. It was hilariously funny but he wasn't going to risk his dick for giggles. Iris made an exaggerated whiny noise and rested her head back on his lap.

"Okay. I'll assign you your Perk and Skills." He nodded and ordered Isis, his system, to arrange that. He needed to change his Class to Enchanter briefly to access the 'Reset' Skill. But in the end, there was no problem since both 'Enchanter' and 'Death Knight' Classes had already crossed level 100.

Current Members(3/3)

— {Iris Potter}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Peak Body]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Flying]

– [Energy Shield]

— {Lily Potter}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Reviver]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Repair]

– [Death Arrow]

— {Daphne Greengrass}

Shared Perk(1/1)

– [Sleepless]

Shared Skills(2/2)

– [Weapon Master]

– [Reset]

Daphne stared at him in amazement as she became aware of the knowledge to use those two Skills, her mind filtering away her distracting thoughts to focus on the important bits. It was as if someone had pushed a key into her head and unlocked it with a single click, as if it had always been there and just needed to be discovered. It was just so abrupt that it left her breathless.

"Thank you." She mumbled idly, her mind itching to call upon these powers and see how strong she had become. It seemed Harry knew what she was thinking because the next moment, he was jumping off the bed and signalling her to follow him.

"Let's test your powers. Iris, you want to come?"

"No, I'll go train with mum for a little bit." Iris replied, shaking her head and sliding off the bed. She sidled up to him, grabbing him by his shirt and placing a short but sizzling kiss on his lips. "Don't take too much time. I'm eager to practise with you. Two different kinds of practice, if you know what I mean."

"Okay." Harry assented dazedly, the sweet taste of her mouth still lingering on the tip of his tongue.

His eyes followed her sashaying hips in the pink cotton shorts until she gave him a parting wave and a smirk as their gazes met before she closed the door behind her.

"Uhm, time to go. I'll teleport us to the forest behind the manor where we will test your Skill's limits." Harry smiled bashfully at seeing the irritated look on Daphne's face.

"Yes. That would be appreciated. But if you want to go after Iris, then you should. I won't mind." Daphne answered sourly, glaring at him and crossing her hands under her not-big-enough chest.

He chuckled wryly and threw his arm around her shoulders, pulling her in a side hug. Daphne stiffened for a second before relaxing quickly. While she didn't generally initiate acts of affection, she wasn't averse to it.

"Iris is just being a bit territorial, Daphne. Don't be too angry." Harry said fondly at the antics of his adorable sister.

"And why does she feel threatened by me?" Daphne questioned innocently, a bit relieved that Iris was feeling intimidated too. It calmed some of her worries.

"We both know why." He smiled knowingly, squeezing her shoulders. Not allowing her an opportunity to answer, he teleported them into the forest clearing.

It was instantaneous. Before she could even blink, she was somewhere else. In a glade, surrounded by trees. She was astounded that there was not even a hint of uneasiness in her body or her sense of balance. It was wonderful, way better than Apparition.

She was silent as he stepped away from her and kept on backing until there was some distance between them. The entire way he was facing her with a smile. He took out his wand and pointed it at her.

She wanted to ask him what he meant when he said 'We both know why'. Was he confessing to her? Was he aware that she liked him? Of course, he was, she thought, feeling a little stupid. She recalled kissing him after the Red Grim incident where he had killed off her attackers. That kiss, while not hot and hungry like Iris', had been a tender loving gesture, that had been a blatant admission on her part that she saw him as more than just a friend. She blushed at the memory of her lips against his, her mouth tingling.

"Brace yourself, Daphne." Harry said loudly, preparing to bombard her with spells.

Shaking her head of those thoughts, she knew what to do. She activated [Reset] Skill with a mental command.

She stood with her arms at her side, staring ahead unafraid.

He jabbed his wand and shot a silent banishing charm. She instinctively flinched, but she didn't have to. Her ability was working. The spell vanished as soon as it came into the area effect of her Skill. He used dozens of other spells. But the result was the same all the time.

Harry nodded thoughtfully before he yelled, "Avada Kedavra!"

She gasped in horror and swiftly ducked, but again the green ray of light disappeared 10 metres before her. It was such an astonishing sight. The death ray, the killing spell, fading into nothing.

She didn't know whether to be angered by Harry's rashness or overjoyed that she had truly become magically invincible. While she knew that in theory she was supposed to have total magical immunity, it was yet something else to see in reality.

Still, she stomped towards him and grabbed him by his collar. It was vexing that he didn't seem to be frightened in the least. Must be nice being a powerful arsehole.

"Are you daft?" She yelled, not that she needed to since her face was so close to his.

"Calm down, Daphne. If you blow your top at the first sign of a Killing Curse then you are trying to come into the wrong business. I'll make you strong as I have promised. I'll give you extraordinary power and make you one of the mightiest witches of this era. But you'll have to earn it with every single kill. You will have to face humanity's worst to reach your dream. You will become incredibly jaded and desensitised to blood and death. Do you still want to walk this path? Because the only way your levels will increase is by participating in quests. And more often than not, these involve killing others. Are you sure you are up for that?" He asked calmly.

Without hesitation, she replied. "Yes, I am. Don't try to scare me off. I have always wanted power. And I am ready to do almost anything for it."

He smiled, placing his arms on her shoulders and gently pushing her away. "Good. Now, back to your position, I still want to test something."

Daphne nodded and hurried away to her place. She again turned on her 'Reset' Skill and prepared to see what he would throw at her this time. She had almost forgotten that her friend was a drama queen. How could he not understand that firing a Killing Curse at someone without a warning was rude?

Harry swept his wand up before stabbing it forward. A section of the grassy ground rose up and formed into a ball and then rocketed toward her.

The blonde was ready to jump away at the last moment because even she was unsure if her power would work this time. But, again, the power worked better than she had thought.

The ball abruptly fell down once it reached the area under the Skill. Even if the magic was negated, it should have carried forward due to its momentum. But that's not what happened. It seemed her Skill forgot that there was a thing called physics.

"One more time." Harry yelled as a magical sword materialised in his hand. She readied herself with bated breath, hoping she wouldn't become a makeshift sheathe for the sword.

Harry pointed his wand at the sword and flicked it in her direction. The silver blade shone in the sunlight as it approached her at a deadly speed. But just like the last time, it dropped suddenly on the ground once it entered the area effect of her Skill.

Daphne heaved a relieved sigh. And a blinding smile parted her face as she realised how utterly overpowered this Skill was. She truly was immune to all magical attacks. And wasn't that truly magnificent?

Harry just chuckled when she captured him in a tight hug and pressed her face on his chest.

"Thank you for all these." She mumbled gratefully as his hands folded around her back.

Harry gave her an affectionate squeeze, kissing her hair. "Don't mention it."

"I have one last secret that I wanted to tell you." Daphne said slowly as they stepped back.

He questioned. "And what's that?"

"There was another reason that pushed me to go search for Mother Elune on that island."

Harry just nodded, silently telling her to proceed.

"I have an ability that is known only to my family. I can 'Charmspeak'. Theoretically, I can order others to do whatever I want. But, practically, it has a lot more restrictions.

"Whenever I use it, my throat hurts. And it can be severely injured if I order someone to do something massive that they don't want to. For example, I can't just order someone to kill themselves. At least not yet.

"I think my Charmspeak will become stronger as does my body. This ability makes me think that I really am a descendant of an elf. It validated the stories that I have heard about my family. That was why I went to that island, hoping to unlock more of my racial abilities."

Harry scratched his neck thoughtfully. Honestly, it was a very scary power. She could just order others to kneel in mid-fight and decapitate them. And if her hunch, that this ability of hers would become stronger as she grew, was true, then she really had the potential to become something legendary.

"My 'Observe' tells me that you are a normal mage. So while maybe you being a descendant of an elf is true, I don't think you are some hidden elf in disguise who needs her goddess to unveil her." Harry said, trying not to sound amused.

Daphne shrugged, aware of his disbelief. "I don't care anymore. I have already found another way to make myself strong."

"Good. I would be highly disappointed if you turned into some religious fanatic. Now, try to 'Charmspeak' me. I want to see if it can affect me."

Daphne rolled her eyes. Did she believe in the existence of Goddess Elune? Yes. Was she going to force Harry to accept that? No.

"Sit." She started with the easiest command, already knowing that it wouldn't work. Harry was just too strong to be enchanted by her Charmspeak.

So, consider her mind blown when it actually worked. Harry slumped down on his knees and looked up at her blankly.

She swelled with pride, ecstatic that a force like Harry was so easily defeated by her power. It was an absolutely intoxicating feeling, the power over someone like him, only marred by the burn in her throat.

But her joyous exhilaration was overtaken by annoyance at his next words. "Tell me what to do, mistress. Should I undress now and send you to the realm of pleasure?"

She yelped as his arms snaked around her waist and his chin dug into her stomach as he tried to hold off his grin. "Tell me what to do, mistress. Should I undress you now and send you to the realm of pleasure?"

She blushed and tried to push his head away, grounding her teeth. "Stop it, Harry! Just stand up."

"As you command, mistress." He couldn't suppress his grin this time as he got on his feet, towering over her, his arms still around her waist.

"Will you stop it!" She yelled, trying to shove him, her face red from embarrassment.

He just pulled her closer, tucking her head under his chin. "As you command, mistress."

"Argh! I hate you."

"Nope, you love me." He began laughing like a loon he was, tickled by his own joke. Not wanting to face him, she just further pressed her face into his chest, blushing and smiling. Though her smile vanished and was replaced by a scowl soon.

"Shall we go back, mistress?"


"Harry." Proserpina said gently as he walked out of the fireplace.

"Aunty." He greeted back with a smile, getting surprised when she took him in her arms and embraced him tightly before pulling away.

There was a content smile on her face and lightness in her posture. Harry wouldn't have known the difference if he hadn't started spending time with her. But after the death of her husband, she just seemed so free and smiley. Obviously, she still acted the part of a widow in front of others, but she didn't need to do that in front of him. With him, she could be her true self.

"Call me Proserpina when we are alone, Harry. You have grown up enough to use my name now." She smiled slightly, ruffling his hair and running her hand through it.

"Okay, Proserpina." He said, testing the name on his tongue. It was a long name, he thought, but he didn't mind if she wanted to be called that.

"Come. We will continue in my training room." With that, she turned on her heels and left the living room. Harry followed closely behind her, sneaking peeks at her tight derriere. As usual. Honestly, it would be strange if he didn't. It had kind of become their thing where he ogled her shamelessly and she pretended ignorance.

To be honest, he didn't think Proserpina cared if people stared at her. She might even revel in it with how she dressed in gaudy eye-catching attires. She was one of the most beautiful women he had seen, just right behind his mother. So he wasn't surprised that she was comfortable showing off her body.

Today was no different. She had put on a long silky black dress that hugged her figure tightly. It had a moderate neckline and was sleeveless, the thin straps of the dress leaving most of her shoulders uncovered. Although he didn't think the back part of her dress needed to be so… snug around her backside. He could almost make out her arse cheeks moving beneath the fabric. It was kind of hypnotic, not letting him look anywhere else. Only the sway of her untied waist-length blonde hair caused him to look up from her bubble butt.

Truly, out of all the women in his life, Proserpina Greengrass was the one who paid the most attention to how she looked. She always tried to be elegant and succeeded in that endeavour. And he wasn't complaining. While he found naked women to be the most beautiful, classily dressed ones were a close second.

She led him into the bedroom, and yes, just like always, his mind was filled with dirty thoughts of fucking his blonde bombshell of an aunt. Then she opened the secret door and admitted him into the secret training room, halting that line of thought.

"Today, we will test the strength of your fire against mine." She started without much fanfare. "And don't hold back, Harry. I am capable enough to vanish the flames if I think it is too much for me."

Before she could walk away and take her position, he stopped her by taking her arm. "Actually, I have a gift for you."

He pulled out a silver necklace from his pocket and presented it to her. She smiled softly, knowing what it was.

"Isn't it the same one that saved Daphne's life on that cursed island?" She said, her mood souring at recalling her daughter's unfruitful quest. But she was glad that she would have extra security with this ornament.

"Yep. Seeing how it is so effective, I decided to make some more. This one's for you. I have another for Astoria too. Then after we are done here, I'll go to Tracey's house to give her one. Then there's Aunt Alice and Neville to visit. I have even made two for Uncle Sirius and Remus."

Proserpina's small smile turned big and proud as she caressed his face. "I see. That's adorably thoughtful of you, Harry. Although won't this reveal your secret to others?"

Harry decided to ignore the 'adorable' part and replied nonchalantly. "I have many secrets, Proserpina. Parting with one won't inconvenience me."

He didn't miss the glint in her eyes when she heard 'many secrets'. Heh, how easy.

She chuckled warmly. "Can you tell me again what this necklace exactly does?"

"It has three enchantments. The first one is Magical Immunity. You are totally safe from any type of harmful magic while wearing it. But the Killing Curse should still be avoided. Other than that spell, it will protect you against everything magical.

"On the off chance that the Killing Curse does strike you, the necklace will teleport you to Potter Manor before disintegrating. That is its second enchantment. The Teleporter spell. No wards or defensive magic can hinder it. And you can also manually teleport to Potter Manor by saying the password 'Safe Haven' while holding it between your fingers.

"The last enchantment is Mana Absorption. It draws ambient magic from your surroundings to power up your spells and give it an extra kick."

Harry finished his explanation and found her staring at him in awe and disbelief.

"That is brilliant. I don't think I possess any object with that level of enchantment."

"Thanks. Here, take it."

She looked at his proffered hand and got lost in her thoughts for a second, receiving an odd look from him. But she suddenly offered him a sly grin, as if hit by some great idea, before turning around in her spot. "Put it on me yourself, Harry. Consider it a reward for being so sweet and caring."

Harry didn't understand why she thought it could be considered a reward until his gaze fell down on her plump bottom which was sticking out a bit. His eyes widened comically. Was that intentional? Was she inviting him to cop a feel? Surely not!

Shaking his head and smiling amusedly to himself about his funny thoughts, he leaned forward to put the necklace on her neck. What he hadn't expected was for her to step back simultaneously and press herself against him.

He stilled for a second as his face was in her sweet-smelling blonde hair and her back was flush against his chest. But what was most shocking to him was her arse pressed against his crotch. He groaned, forgetting everything about the necklace as her cheeks rubbed against his semi-hard cock. Which grew to its full size soon.

He put his hands on her waist, his fingers curling into the silkiness of her dress as he pulled her close, so close until her arse was squashed against his crotch. Her firm-soft butt was mashed against him and he felt all of it. The heat and the sensation of her flesh made all his blood run south. It was just so good.

Proserpina moaned quietly, grounding herself against him, getting acquainted with the bulge in his trousers. She threw a smirk over her shoulder at his scrunched-up face.

Harry's hand slipped down her waist and he traced his palm over the side of her thighs, able to feel the softness of her skin through the thin dress, it was as if he was directly touching her skin.

Proserpina hadn't wanted this to move so fast. She hadn't planned to let him fondle her so much. She had thought she would just let him have a brief feel of her bottom. It had gotten way out of hand. The way her knees were bent and her arse was snuggled into his pelvis was too much. And his hands were so demanding as he squeezed her buttocks and thighs. But she had never considered how pent-up she was. She never realised how intoxicating his touch would be. It definitely had gotten out of hand. And she couldn't stop it.

She gasped as he sat down on his knees on the floor, pulling her down along with him and seating her in his lap. His fingers found the strap of her dress and he tugged it down until her bra-clad breasts popped out, exposing her milky cleavage.

"Harry!" She breathed audibly and squirmed against him as he pawed her tits, cupping them tightly within his grasp and mauling them mercilessly, not knowing if she was trying to stop him or asking him to be rougher.

He pushed her forward, causing her to land on her hands and knees. She knew what was coming but couldn't raise her voice to stop him. She was too far gone to care anymore. She might be wanting it more than him. So, she didn't protest when he slid down her underwear to her knees. Even when he ripped off her expensive dress in hurry to free her body from the layers of fabrics, she kept mum and shook with barely contained excitement.

At last, even her bra was torn off, leaving her naked on her knees and elbows, her breasts hanging down and her arse pointed up, ripe to be taken. She didn't say anything even then, just breathing in and out. She was quiet when her son in all but blood took an ominous position behind her.

"Say no if you want me to stop. This is the last chance." He mumbled hoarsely, leaning over her with his lips on her ear, and his erection snuggled between her cheeks, basking in the heat of her skin.

She didn't say anything, opting to wiggle her butt against his groin urgently. He laughed shortly, wrapping his arms around her waist and lining up against her dripping labia. It had been years since she had sex with her husband. More than a decade. She was eager to taste the thrill once more.

She hoped he wouldn't be too gentle. Because Proserpina wasn't the type to enjoy slow love-making.

She hissed as he began pushing into her core, parting her folds. Her hot scorching pussy clamped around him instantly, trying to swallow him whole and quench its long thirst.

She keened as he pulled back, her insides trying their best to keep him a prisoner. But his hard shaft escaped her before coming back down with force. She moaned his name loudly, clenching around him, trying to feel every inch of his manhood. She heard him gasp and quiver as he once again pulled back, only to thrust back in again. She lurched forward, only his coiled arms around her body keeping her from falling face down. After the third time, Harry found a rhythm and got moving, pushing and pulling out of her, churning her insides.

"Faster! Harry, Faster!" She screamed, thrusting her hips back against him, loving how he pierced her body so skillfully. Harry stood on his knees, dragging his hands on her curves before finding handholds on her shoulders.

Then he began fucking her for real.

It was so fast and rough. Just the way she liked. Her arse cheeks rippled with his every thrust, as his balls smacked against her. The sound of their clapping flesh was only drowned by her noisy moans.

Proserpina Greengrass was a screamer. And Harry loved every moment of it.

A couple of thrusts later, he spent himself, showering her inner walls with his seeds. The blonde who had already gone through an orgasm was forced over the edge once again as his release triggered her own. She convulsed, writhing with a groan before she relaxed, allowing his soft cock to slip out. And as soon as it did, white cream bubbled out of her crevice and trickled down.

Proserpina rolled over and lay on her back.

The floor was cold, but her body was too warm to be bothered by it.

She offered him a mischievous smile, spreading her legs once again. "Do you have another one in you? My body feels it needs to be compensated for the long dry spell."

Harry licked his lips, his cock springing up at the view before him. He threw her legs over his shoulders and entered into her once again. She giggled, which turned into a moan as he hit all the right spots. He grabbed her tits and bent forward until her own toes were beside her ears. "I have many rounds left in me, aunty. The question is if you'll pass out before exhausting me."

She grinned, accepting his challenge. "You are on."

Harry captured her mouth in his and moved once again at that fast rough pace that she loved.

Proserpina passed out half an hour later, accepting defeat with a grumble. Not that it stopped Harry from enjoying her body. It had finally happened. His aunt had finally given herself to him. And he wouldn't let it go to waste, he would wrench out every last drop from this opportunity, even if that meant fucking her unconscious body.

Surprisingly, Harry and Proserpina still trained once she woke up after a few minutes and finally put on the necklace.

Apparently, having sex didn't give him an excuse to skip the class.

When she was sure that Harry had learned enough for today, she had given him a proud nod. "I think you have gotten the fire element. Now all you need to do is practice. Tomorrow will be the last fire session and then we will move onwards to the Water element, then Earth, and then Air. Good job."

"So, can we have a quickie before I go meet Astoria? Please."

She rolled her eyes but couldn't hide her own smile. "Fine. But we will use the bedroom this time."

He shot her an eager smile before picking her up bridal style and dumping her into the bed.

He again ripped off her repaired dress, earning a light slap on his shoulder, and climbed over her before guiding his cock into her.

Five minutes later, after finishing the business, he prepared to leave the room. Proserpina lay in her bed naked and content. The day really had been one of the best, for both of them. Just before he could step out, she called him. "Harry?"

"Yes, Proserpina?"

"This is our secret. Don't tell anyone that we are having sex. Especially Daphne and Astoria. Got it?"

"Noted. Does that mean we'll have sex tomorrow too?" He asked hopefully.

She couldn't help the giggle that slipped out. "Yes, Harry. I will let you fuck me again. Now go away and let me rest."

With a last sweet smile directed at her, he closed the door behind him.

Proseprina sighed and cuddled into the bed, anticipating tomorrow when she will get the chance to have sex again. She would have already sought other men for relief if the marriage contract hadn't required her absolute faithfulness. But since Tim was dead, so was their marriage contract. And wasn't it convenient that she had a virile young boy near her to scratch that itch?

She didn't even have to start an affair with some stranger. Harry was already there, someone she loved like a son and was willing to explore his curiosities with her own body. If those curiosities happened to provide her with pleasure, then who could blame her?

She closed her eyes, deciding to take a brief nap. While she indeed loved rough sex, it did leave her body thoroughly tired.