
The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure,

The Overlord of Necromancer: Children of Kynar Fantasy, Adventure, trending novels, best graphic novels, best light novel, manga, anime,

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34 Chs

31 Failed Experiments

Panic-stricken, anxious and desperate, the youths ran towards directions in the forest. None of them had the intention of lingering around, since they did not know how fast the wisp would spread. Feigning to be anxious like the others, James broke into a dash too, but he controlled the pace at which he ran. His eyes scanned those around him, as him he was searching for someone or something.

'Hmm…She is not here. I can't have that psycho following me,' James mused when he realized he the crazy redhead did not follow his path. Since he was neither fast nor slow, the others easily overtook in their frantic dash for survival. However, James did not care. The moment the last of the youths dashed into the thick forest, he stopped in his tracks while scanning his surroundings.

"System, can you detect if any of is lingering around the area?"

<Ding! >


Scanning Completed!

The distance between the user and targets is gradually increasing!

<Ding! >

James nodded his head gently after reading the system's notification.

"Come out," James said via his mind. At that moment, a familiar aberration from the pit of hell hovered above his head. He had summoned a damned soul from his inventory. The earth a few meters away from him also trembled, and two frightening corpses emerged from the loose earth.

"You two, walk towards the Nether field," James said while pointing at the two corpses. Raising his head, he stared at the subservient damned soul, "Do the same. But only hover above the earth. Go," James added.

With a gentle nod of acknowledgement, the three aberrations walked and flew towards the nether field. Meanwhile, James stared at them with an expectant look on his stern face. Maybe because of James's control, the two corpses from the Army of the Fallen were faster than the damned soul. The moment they reach the Nether, James's heart thumped in anticipation. Because, if his Items could survive, then he would look for a way to use it for his advantage.

"You wait. Let them walk further before you proceed," James instructed the damned soul via his mind.

One step, two steps, three steps… Two steps and yet nothing happened. James had a brilliant smile on his face as he watched the scene. In fact, he had to restrain his rising urge to laugh. Through the system, he also commanded the damned soul to do the same as the corpses. And just like them, nothing happened.

'It seems this Nether is not as terrifying as I thought it would be. It's a good thing I've this guys to do the dirty work.'

"Come back. Let the…" before James could finish his order, a soul shaking system notification echoed in his mind. At that moment, James felt light-headed while a stabbing pain coursed through his body. Which caused fresh blood to leak from the sides of his mouth while his body shivered as he dropped to his knees.

<Ding! >


A Foreign Energy is trying to invade the user's consciousness through the Items - Damned Soul and Army of the Fallen!

Name: Nether!

Effects: The user's level is too low to access this information.

Odds of the user surviving if the invasion is successful: 0.00%

System Recommendation: the user should sever the link between the Items - Damned Soul and Army of the Fallen.

Estimated time until it completes the invasion: 10 seconds.

Will the user like to sever the connection?

<Ding! >

"Cut it, damn it!" James retorted while clenching his chest which felt as if it would explode at any moment.

<Ding! >

I have severed the connection between the user and the Items - Damned Soul and Army of the Fallen.

<Ding! >

The moment the system's notification appeared in his mind, James felt mental connection to the damned soul and corpses disappear. The pain he felt also disappeared the moment he lost his connection to the Items. With bloodshot eyes filled with fury, James stared at the damned soul and corpses who remained motionless, but did not look as if they suffered from any form of pain.

With his experiment failing and spectacularly at that, James had no reason to linger at the periphery of the forest. However, just as he was about to turn his attention away from his former Items, a sudden change occurred.

With his blue eyes bulging in disbelief, James watched as a blackish wisp invade the bodies of the corpses and coat the corporeal form of the damned soul. At that moment, the trio howled like rapid dogs while they trembled as if it would destroy them.

<Ding! >


Nether Possession has being detected!

Estimated time until completion: 30 minutes.

The targets will attack the user upon completion!

Odds of the user eliminating the targets: 40%

<Ding! >

Stupefied, James stared at the system's message in disbelief. He only had a 40% chance of defeating a damned soul and two corpses, he found it ludicrous. However, he did not dillydally after the system's notification. Taking one last look at the aberrations, James darted towards the forest with the fastest speed he could muster.

Meanwhile, a few meters away from James's location, an Ogre cautiously walked through partially illuminated forest. Using a glistening sickle which had a bronze handle, he mowed the fairly tall grass in his path. With his bloodshot eyes, he observed his surroundings with great detail. With his experience so far and from what Henriksen explained, he could not afford to be negligent in such a place.

"Me tired of this! I, Lirg, tired of Kynar people. Lirg want to go home," the Ogre bitterly complained as he swung his bulging hands. "Lirg, hungry too," the Ogre muttered as he cut the grasses blocking his path. Although it had not been four hours since they ate with the Caretakers and Headmaster Piri, the Ogre could not control his lust for food. A common trait shared by most Ogres. With a rumbling stomach and a mouth spewing curses at the Caretakers of Kynar, Lirg continued his journey through the Odon Forest.

A few minutes later, as he leveled a grass which resembled elephant grass, a lovely sight cut his eyes. A few meters away from where he stood, he saw a field of wild berries growing amidst the tall grass, and a lilac flowerbed which grew on the sides of one of the massive trees in the forest. Making the area of the forest look exquisite and pure. From where Lirg stood, he could see faint water droplets on the petals of the flowers and the blades of the grass. With the silver moonlight falling on the berries, it gave them an ethereal glow that would arouse the interest of those who stared at it. At that moment, Lirg's stomach groaned in anticipation. Salivating, Lirg subconsciously licked his lips while cautiously approaching the fruits.

"Dream Berries… Hahaha. I, Lirg, will enjoy self."

Even though he was hungry, he would not let his guard down. With less than two meters separating Lirg and the Dream Berries which looked like blueberries, he heard the rustling of the bush towards his left. Stopping his tracks, with his bulging muscles stiffening, Lirg stared at the rustling bush with his bloodshot eyes. Without saying a word, he patiently waited for what or who would emerge from the bush. Whether or not it was a beast, he did not care. Anything that stood in his path will fall at his sickle, he believed.

As the rustling intensified, so did Lirg's grip on his sickle. Any minute now, the other party would reveal itself. With bated breath, Lirg watched as a seven feet tall Moonlight Wolf emerge from the bushes. With its multicolored eyes, it stared at Lirg while growling. A thick white saliva dripped from the corners of its opened mouth, making it resemble a rabid dog.

Staring at each other like fated enemies bound to have their last duel, the duo cautiously stared at each other. With tension raised, the Moonlight wolf suddenly made a loud howl. Before Lirg could react, it dashed towards him like a mad dog. There was no sign of fear on Lirg's face, instead, he had a faint smile as he saw the approaching wolf. Only the thought of eating the wolf occupied his mind at this point. He knew the beast's howl was a signal to his pack, and he did not care.

With a frightening speed, the Moonlight Wolf ran in a zigzag pattern towards Lirg. With a mere distance of ten meters between them, it lunged towards Lirg who still had not reacted. However, the moment the beast got within his reach, Lirg's bulking fist landed on the head of the wolf. Sending it crashing to the ground while it vomited blood and squealed in pain.

Approaching the beast with a bright grin on his face, Lirg ruthlessly stomped on its hind leg which caused the wolf to scream in pain. Lirg could not stop himself as he laughed in amusement. With a powerful swing, the sickle in his right hand decapitated the beast before it attracted other creatures.

"Hahaha… Easy. Wolfie too weak. Lirg, strong. Me like meat more than berry."

After his declaration, Lirg shook the sickle slightly spilling the blood of the beast on the grass. Rubbing his rumbling stomach, Lirg drooled as he reached for the head of the Moonlight Wolf. However, before his hand could grab the severed head, he felt something wet and mucousy fall on his shoulder. Surprised, he quickly retreated while raising his head. However, alone the thick leaves of the massive trees greeted his eyes. Puzzled, he touched the liquid on his shoulder. And it felt like drool mixed with mucus with a pungent rotten fish smell.

"What this?" Lirg said as he tried to wipe the remaining mucus from his shoulder. "Lirg have bad feeling. I leave corpse and take berries."

With his thought in mind, Lirg did not bother with the corpse of the Moonlight Wolf. An ominous sensation was already brewing in his mind. After he took the berries, he pledged he would run with the fastest speed he could must. However, just as he turned his body, he found out he could not move a muscle and was gradually feeling sleepy. A dangerous sense of foreboding crept into his mind, but he had no way to over the sudden paralysis.

With each passing second, his upper eyelids felt heavier, and his mind became more chaotic. At that moment, he could hear the intense rustling of the leaves above his head. Panic-stricken and with his heart thumping like war drums, Lirg remained standing in the same position. With thousands of thought flashing through his mind, he noticed something cast a large shadow on the ground while a rain of the foul smelling drool fell on his body.

Petrified, he felt something warm wrap his body. Causing a cold sensation to course through his body as he felt his body go numb. With his legs no longer able to support him, Lirg fell backwards while eyes clouded in disbelief closed. The last thing he saw was the opened mouth of a massive creature with two large protruding fangs, with its long tongue coiled around his body. Even if he was not Paralysed, Lirg knew he stood no chance against such a monstrosity.

Just like that, the tongue pulled Lirg into the mouth of the creature and it disappeared into the leaves. It did not bother with the corpse of the Moonlight Wolf a few inches away.

Meanwhile, James ran through a cleared trail in the forest. As he ran, members of the Army of the Fallen surrounded him while two Damned souls hovered in midair. He wanted to flee faraway as possible before the damned soul and corpses completed the Nether possession. Unknown to him, his trajectory will lead him to the spot where the Ogre met its end.